But what could there possibly be to do, alone in Varrock on a Saturday morning? Feeling my walk around town would be sufficient to quench my boredom, I continued en route to my home.
I might just pop in for a drink in the Blue Moon Inn later...
I pass Horvik's Armour shop and turn right, towards the alleyways that lead to my house. I silently trek through the empty streets, passing Aubrey's Rune Store and down the back streets.
Suddenly I feel something is wrong. Something small but important. It was weird, as though i'd seen something out of place from the corner of my eye.
I turned and surveyed the streets behind me, looking for the source of the distraction only to find nothing.
So what was this weird feeling in my gut?
Deciding to backtrack, I head back for the centre of Varrock in the same way i came, only this time searching for anything out of place.
As I approach the end of the street before Aubrey's Rune Store I suddenly feel a huge amount of despair well up in my being.
I gasp for breath as the despair creeps through my body, causing an immense sadness to take hold. I feel tears break through my eyes and drip down my face as I crumble to the floor, sobbing and breathing heavily.
"What's causing this horrible feeling?!" I scream in my head as I start to shudder violently. Before long, I'm lying alone on the ground of the vacant Varrock streets, a sharp, stabbing pain in my head. A high pitched sound fills my ears, instantly causing my hands to cover them.
The sound doesn't stop and I wrench my hands from my head in agony.
They're covered in blood.
I scream aloud, my head roaring with pain, tears gushing from my eyes and my body shaking erratically.
After a few more minutes of torment it stops. My head and hands are soaked in my own blood, supposedly from nowhere on my being and my face is wet with tears.
I lie, weeping softly and drifting into unconsciousness, unable to explain what is going on with Varrock and myself this day.
02-Apr-2008 08:18:05
- Last edited on
11-Apr-2008 13:20:26
Infinity A8