After two hours of work, Miss Schism informs me that she is going for her weekly shopping trip in Falador.
"I'll be back in an hour and then you may leave Noah. You've done a fine job today and will be paid well!" She said, a cheerful smile on her face.
"Thank you Miss. See you in an hour." I replied with smile equivalent to hers.
She trotted away, her labrador following her every step. I waved her goodbye and then returned to my task, reaping Miss Schism's wheat she kept in a small field adjacent to her house.
A small grin worked its way across my face as I took up my scythe. I hadn't used it in a while. Most of the work so far had involved digging up roots, scattering seeds and watering plants. But harvesting crops was by far the most exciting part of the job.
As I walked onto the field, scythe resting on my shoulder, a flock of crows that had been recently nibbling on a cob of fallen corn Miss Schism had planted not long ago, scurried away in fear. I held the scythe at my right and swung and a row of wheat.
A loud whistling noise echoed throughout the air as my blade sundered the helpless wheat. Slash! Another row fell and lay on the ground beside the other. I started incorporating spins and jumps into my slashes, no one else being around to mock me if I failed. Row after row of crops fell to my swinging blade.
I laughed as I worked. I usually did when I wield my scythe. The jumps, the spins, the sound the blade makes as it slices through the air! I was enjoying myself greatly, that I didn't even noticed that I'd finished until I tripped over the fence.
I laughed loudly to myself. I had such a great job! I then found my laughter to be accompanied by another, though the laugh was more of a cute giggle. I looked around for the source of the laughter and my eyes met Lily's bright emerald orbs, sparkling in the sunlight.
"You know, you're really silly!" She giggled.
"How long have you been standing there?" I asked, mildly annoyed.
02-Apr-2008 08:00:31
- Last edited on
21-Jun-2008 11:13:56
Infinity A8