and departed from the yew tree above her.
And detached from its home above her; a large yew tree. At least, I think that it would sound better that way. Feel free to leave it as it is if you are so inclined.
his hair matching them in colour, falling down to his eyebrows
Which fell down to his eyebrows.
Veronica preffered dresses
and decorated with a white flower imprinted in the centre of her chest area.
Way too wordy, and a little awkward to be describing o.O
Jaden had a black T-shirt, matching denim trousers and a red cap adorning his head as his apparel. Tristan was in a yellow, button up top and grey shorts, his brother in a pair of blue overalls and a striped red and white undershirt. Natalie was in a long sleeved, lime green, woolen jumper, an orange, knee length skirt warming her legs. She also bore blue rimmed spectacles that she lifted up whenever she was drawing. For some reason, she seemed to formulate superior artworks with her vision impaired as opposed to her glasses on.
Robert draped himself in an overly large grey jacket, opened revealing his white button up top below, complete with a red tie, along with grey knee length shorts to suit his intelligent person.
Hold on – we don’t have denim, do we?
Jackets? I thought this was medieval. O.O
taking his eyes off Natalie's artworks to address the clique "I'll see you guys tomorrow."
Needs a period after ‘clique’
Confused, Veronica asked him "Of what?"
“Of what?” Veronica asked him, confused.
solemn in expression "What are you thinking?"
Period after ‘expression’
comprised of only twenty five
07-Mar-2009 02:11:29