I'm glad you like the individual poems of the renga, Yrolg, though personally I wish - with retrospect - that I had not decided to ask people to use the 5-7-5-7-7 rule. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy reading the renga as a whole.
Twid, I would like to inform you of one of my many ideas for this year's poetic summer: a journal of poetry. It would include poems and articles by a team of regular staff - likely just you and I at first - and submissions from readers. It could serve as the centre of our poetic activity. I'd love to hear what you think of this idea.
I like that idea very much! I'll probably be on a lot more now, just because I'm getting back into poetry again, and because I'm getting more time again. The only thing I would be worried about is that we have slightly different styles - but you can always make that work!
Twid, I'm delighted to hear that you approve of my idea.
I think that our stylistic differences could in fact enhance the potential appeal of the magazine, because it would mean that it would encompass a range of different styles. I, too, do not write only haiku, though I am generally someone who has a penchant for word economy. Nevertheless, I feel that our poetic differences may make for more interesting reading. Perhaps we could try and get other poets like Yrolg and Amoraten involved too?
Just an idea.
Catch up with you (on this thread, I guess, as I am rarely online these days) soon.