The cold ground consisted of nothing more than a few patches of dead grass and cracked earth. Nothing special could be discerned from the dirt beneath me than from the rest of the world, except slowly, my blood was dripping and pooling onto it. I couldn’t keep my eyes focused enough to see my enemy, but I could understand that the ground below me had been thirsty for liquid. I had quenched it myself, unfortunately, and the man towering over me wasn’t going to take my word for it.
“Well, old friend. Today’s the day vengeance is to be fulfilled.”
I could feel myself being lifted away from my crimson-stained spot and the earth tumbled over the sky before unimaginable pain rippled throughout every bone.
“Mahrcos, please. Our…our families have settled their quarrel decades ago. We were friends. D-don’t do th-“
There was nothing left. No energy could be mustered to finish the sentence. I just watched the silhouette slink about and feel my arms and legs bending to his will. Thoughts spinning through my head, but no one could be concentrated upon. The years, the adventures, the deception. It all refused to make sense.
“Steph, love. I’m sorry. You knew this was coming. I…I knew this was coming. It’s not every day civilization uncovers discoveries as large as the one we had unraveled.”
An abrupt, sharp pain cleared my vision and allowed me to see the man who vowed to finish what had almost been forgotten. I looked down at my torso to see a syringe plunged deep into my chest.
“I’m sorry I can’t kill you. The discovery made it impossible. I wish it could be this easy for us both.”
Mahrcos had a sincere look in his blue eyes and his grim smile reminded me of memories from eons ago. A soft click and a snap directed me towards my feet which I saw, to my dismay, were grasped by iron shackles that, in turn, were bound to the hard earth. Somehow, he had managed to stand me upright.
03-Nov-2010 19:57:14
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01-Jan-2011 04:20:28
One Hot Stud