
Hunters vs. Prey: Pts. 1 & 2

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Due to popular demand...( :P )
It's back! The story that started my writing career has been brought back after I was overwhelmed with people asking me about it. Before I begin, I'd like to clarify one thing: If you've ever read any of my stories, I'm sure you know that I've improved (at least mildly) so please don't allow this story to become your idea of my writing style. You will also (hopefully) notice that when Part 2 swings around, the writing does improve a bit. This is all due to the constant encouragement of Ruben Luc and Zatevon, as well as the undivided attention that Englishkid62 devoted to me when I was a budding author. To these three I owe much.
This story revolves around a Kebbit named Fred. Yes, Fred. He decides to start an animal revolution against hunters. Enjoy.
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"Adopt a Writer Program"
Elitemage pioneered an adoption program where experienced writers can ‘adopt’ a new writer and help them improve. The program is now run by Englishkid62.
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03-Sep-2010 00:06:40 - Last edited on 16-Sep-2010 15:31:51 by Caydock



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"Arghhhh!" Fred the Polar Kebbit looked on in horror as his friend Robert was lifted into the air.

"NO!" Fred yelled. He could clearly see the noose around Robert's neck and the menacing look on the hunters face. As Fred watched, the "hunter" took out an evil looking knife. Fred turned away tears running down his face. He couldn’t bear to watch. He could hear the audible scraping noises of Robert being skinned. Robert had thought he would be safe inside of the snowdrift. Every day Fred had to watch his friends be murdered. One by one they disappeared. Fred looked to the skies.

"Why!" he yelled "why did this have to happen to him!" Why, why, why, did this "hunter," this murderer have to do this! Just to make some money so he could afford a nice item for his arrogant puffed up head, or a fancy little cape that would only serve to make him want more. Fred stealthily snuck to his burrow knowing that the hunter wasn't after him right now anyway. He was to busy roasting Robert and waiting for an unsuspecting Cerulean Twitch to land on his pathetic bird snare. Fred slowly climbed down the slope to his home. As he arrived he looked at his best friend in the world, his brother Bobby. Bobby looked at Fred's tear-streaked face.

"Who's dead?" Bobby asked.

"Robert," Fred said looking at the floor. Bobby looked up in horror,


"It's true," Fred said. "If only we didn't have to deal with these horrible hunters! Then we could live in peace as we did before the introduction of the dreaded hunter skill!"

"Calm down, calm down," Bobby replied. There’s nothing you can do about it. We're just going to have to try to move on. We'll survive just as we always have."

Fred looked up at Bobby, rage kindling a blazing fire in his eyes. "I am not going to move on-I am going to raise a kebbit army to put a stop to this nightmare, this horror! I will travel wherever the need may arise. I have heard of kebbits besides those who live in the Polar areas. I WILL FIND THEM!”

03-Sep-2010 02:40:14



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Early in the morning Fred set out. He saw the hunter still watching the skies for birds that don't realize that they are about to meet a horrible, saddening, gruesome death. It was an easy matter to blend into the snow, but as soon as he crossed over to the main part of the "hunter area" he began to have his doubts.

The first thing he realized was that there were at least three large sabre-toothed kyatts. Another hunter was standing next to the kyatts with a stick in his hand. Fred wondered what this stick might be for. Fred tried to stealthily sneak by the kyatts, but one saw him.

As Fred broke into a sprint the kyatt bore down on him. Fred thought that he was about to meet a horrible end, but at the last second he was able to leap over a suspended rock. The kyatt ran under the rock. Fred chanced one look back. What he saw made him stop in horror. The kyatt had been killed! Not just killed but utterly crushed! Fred realized then that kebbits and birds were not the only persecuted animals. Fred then decided that even if this risked his life, even if it meant almost certain death that he would save the kyatts as well.

Fred peeked around a snow-laden rock. The kyatt destroyer was leaning over the fallen boulder, proudly skinning the poor creature and putting the skin into his backpack. Fred bravely crept along the ground right past the hunter and on torwards a large rock he saw in the middle of the area. He climbed up it and crouched low keeping a wary eye on both the hunter and the kyatts. He saw that the hunter was leaving the are talking to himself and saying,

"Another kill for me." Fred was disgusted, how could these humans kill just so they could say that they had killed more?

When Fred was sure that there were no more hunters around, he boldly stood up. All the kyatts turned to look at him. One or two started to growl and creep forward.

03-Sep-2010 02:40:39



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Fred yelled out. "Listen to me! How long will you put up with this death and destruction? You must join me and we will stop it! Right now another one of your kind are dead and what are you going to do about it? You do nothing! If we join together we can eliminate this horrendous thing that goes on around us everyday. On our own we are weak but when we band together we are strong!”

Fred stopped panting for breath after his outburst. He looked over the group of kyatts. Some seemed to be thinking about his ideas, others were licking their lips and staring hungrily at him. Unnerved, Fred backed up a little, thinking to himself that this was not his greatest idea.

Then a female kyatt yelled out, “He’s right! Just this morning I lost my mate and two of my cubs! Remember what life used to be like, back when there were no hunters constantly tricking us to take a fateful sniff beneath a rock?”

Other kyatts soon began to murmur to each other, remembering the days when they lived in peace and prosperity. Soon Fred could hear some kyatts starting a chant. Soon it spread to the rest.

“Fight, fight, fight, fight!”

“Yes!” yelled Fred, “We will fight them! We will end this!” Fred’s words were drowned out by the roar of approval from the kyatts.

A young male kyatt and the female who had first spoken up ran up to Fred’s rock.

“We are with you!” they said, “We’ll go with you to recruit others who are in need of liberty just as much as we are!”

“Great!” Fred exclaimed, “Because I need all the help I can get.” Fred looked once more over the crowd. “I need some of you to stay here,” he yelled, trying to make himself heard over the noise of the ecstatic group.

The male kyatt jumped up besides Fred. He turned to look at him. “I’m Fang by the way,” he said, giving Fred a toothy grin.

03-Sep-2010 02:40:59



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Fang turned to look at the kyatts. He let loose a roar that carried across the assembly like the wind when it whips through tall grass. “Quiet!” he bellowed, “This kebbit has something else to tell us.” He turned to Fred, “what did you say your name was?”


“Oh, very good, Fred” Fang mused over the name. “I like it.”

Fred once again tried to speak, this time the freedom deprived kyatts quieted down quickly. “Some of you need to stay here to reach the other polar creatures. We need strength in numbers. I trust that you will have a great army of polar creatures by the time we return!”

As the kyatts started to give voice to their appreciation, a lone kyatt mother ran up. “Oh no!* She sobbed, “My cub has been taken by a hunter!” Instantly the kyatts were in an uproar. A strong, battle scarred kyatt leaped onto another rock. Instantly all was quiet.

“What do we do, Scarpaw?” Fang questioned.

“Son, son, son, you have spoken out of line again,” Scarpaw rumbled, “Did I, the leader of the Sabre-Toothed Kyatt Clan, say anything about helping this kebbit?”

“Well, dad, that’s kind of off the point of this cub being…..


Fang took half a step back, fear stamped evidently on his face as Scarpaw gave full vent to his rage.

“Do you wish to challenge me?” Scarpaw hissed. He watched Fang back off, head down. “No, I thought not.*

Scarpaw rose to his full height which was considerable. “I say that this kebbit be given a chance to prove himself, to prove that he plans on doing everything he so boldly claims. I say that this kebbit choose two of us, and go retrieve that cub, before it is skinned!”

Fang looked up shocked, “But, dad, no one’s ever survived a battle with a hunter!”

Scarpaw looked down on his offspring, a gleam in his eye, “Then why do you believe that we could actually put an end to hunters forever?”

Fred stepped forward, *I*ll do it.”

03-Sep-2010 02:41:25



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The kyatts looked at him incredulously, wondering why a kebbit would choose to help them. The kyatts had hunted kebbits for as long as anyone could remember and now Fred was freely choosing to help them? It was downright unbelievable.

Fred looked at Fang, “I choose you and,” he scanned the group and gestured towards the female kyatt that had said she would help him, “and you.”

The two chosen ones stepped forward, determination written all across their features. “Where do we start?” the female asked.

“First tell me your name,” Fred said staring curiously at her.

“Sleek,” she said staring intently at Fred, “My name is Sleek.”

Fred turned to Fang, “Alright Fang you question the mother, hurry!”

Fang ran towards the mother kyatt. “Where did you last see the hunter? Did he kill the cub yet?”

The mother looked at Fang’s eyes.

“The Fredth side of the polar areas. He was being naughty as always and had wandered away from me. His name is Claw. The hunter hadn’t killed him when I left but…..” She burst into tears as Fang charged back to his comrades.

“You heard her, guys let’s go!”

The last thing that Fred, Fang, and Sleek heard was the anguished cry of the mother.

“Please bring my cub back to me!”


The first thing that Fred saw was the hunter. Large and intimidating he stood in the center of the area, holding the little cub and inspecting it.

“Hmmmmm, not much skin on you but I guess it’ll have to do,” the hunter murmured to himself as he slowly pulled out his knife.

Fred quickly muttered “Fang right flank, Sleek left, I’ll distract him and try to trip him. Go!”

Fred dashed off into the snow, recklessly charging, heedless of the hunter’s amused look.

“Well what do you know, it appears that a kebbit’s been wandering a bit too far. Ouch!”

The hunter grabbed his ankle where Fred had nipped him and drew back his knife. Fred turned and leaped into the air. He landed on the hunter’s arm, freeing the cub.

03-Sep-2010 02:42:17 - Last edited on 03-Sep-2010 02:43:12 by Caydock



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The hunter stood up, fury lighting in his eyes. “You’ll pay now kebbit,”

Just as Fred thought it might all be over, Fang and Sleek came rushing out of cover. The hunter had time for one horrified shriek before Fang and Sleek were upon him.

Fred turned away from the hunter and checked the little cub. Terrified and cowed it lay shivering on the snow. “I, I, I, I, want my momma!” the little cub howled.

Sleek came over. “On your feet little one,” she said kindly, “Your momma’s waiting for you at home.

The cub slowly rose to his feet, with the help of sleek gently nudging him. He blinked his eyes and started forward.

Fred looked at Fang and Sleek. “Good work,” he said quietly, “And thank you.”


“They have returned and they have the cub!* The shout rang out and soon spread to all the kyatts in the camp.

Fred walked forward with the cub, who no longer needed Sleek to help him, towards the mother.

“Oh my baby! My baby!” Baby Claw was showered with licks and enveloped with the noise of happy purring. Claw snuggled up close and promptly fell asleep, looking for all the world like a tiny white pillow.

Scarpaw hopped up on the large rock. “It appears I was wrong about you, Fred. You truly are an honorable creature. You have my word that if it comes to battle, we will gladly battle by your side.

“Thank you, sir,” Fred said, “but I couldn’t have done it without the help of your son, Fang, and of course Sleek.

Fang and Sleek walked up and stood next to Fred. “With your leave Chieftain Scarpaw, I Fang and Sleek will come with me and help me bring peace and restoration to oppressed creatures everywhere!”

At this point, all the Sabre-Toothed Kyatts roared in admiration of Fred the kebbit and his companions, Fang and Sleek the Sabre-Toothed Kyatts.

03-Sep-2010 02:43:01



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“I was attacked, I swear it!”

Caydock stood in the middle of his house, his arms upraised, his face turning a crimson scarlet. Surrounded by his friends he was vehemently claiming an attack by a kebbit and two kyatts.

“How could you not believe me? Isn’t the fact that I lost all my items enough for you? Where did my Dragon Longsword go? Where is my obsidian cape? I tell you the animals robbed it from me.”

“Ha ha your real funny, Caydock,” came the voice of Ruben, Caydock’s best friend. “To think that animals such as those would stage an attack against you is insane. We all know how you like to joke, so come on and admit it already.

“Then how do you explain this?” Caydock asked, pulling his pants leg up a little. A scar was clearly evident there.

Ruben shrugged, “A tussle with a goblin that was just a little too hard for you?” Ruben looked around the guffawing group, from their faces turning red with laughter, to Caydock’s face, imprinted with anger and something else. What was it? Ruben stared harder. He had seen that look before, it was the look that beginners always had when they were first slain by a goblin. It was the need for revenge.

Ruben came over and stood next to Caydock. “Look, you and I have always been buds, since I first saw you killing hobgoblins we’ve been best of friends. If you’re really serious about this then I’ll come with you. I’ve got some time to burn. We’ll go there, take a look around, and see what we see. Alright?”

Caydock shrugged, “Alright Ruben. Thanks.”

Ruben nodded, *Don’t mention it. We’ll leave in an hour.”


“What is that thing?” Sleek questioned, her eyes round with surprise.

“I have no idea, but I think it’s alive!”

Just then a human walked by, holding a large shiny sword in two hands. He was obviously a hunter, because he had a variety of tools on his belt and he was heading into the polar areas.

03-Sep-2010 02:45:32



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Just then he turned and struck the object of the animal’s wonder. “Ha! Die pathetic rock crab. You cannot stand against me.”

As the rock crab fell over, Fang was disturbed by the fact that humans kill everything. Even when it’s as slight a thing as stepping in their way, human’s kill for that.

Fang broke himself out of his trance. “Come on guys the coast is clear.”

The polar beasts slowly snuck out from the land they had called home forever. As they put their paws down on the mainland, they realized their lives had changed drastically and there was no going back.

“Ok guys,” Fred said. “Let’s get hunting.”

At the look of shock his friends gave him he quickly changed his last word. “I mean let’s go find those animals!*

*That’s better,” Sleek mumbled to herself as she sidestepped a patch of seaweed.

As the animals headed out, little did they know that Caydock and Ruben had just teleported to Camelot, and were heading their way…


“Thanks again for coming with me man, I really appreciate it.”

“It’s fine bro, like I said don’t mention it. I mean, it’s not like hitting lv. 99 Strength is something you can’t put off so you can chill with your pal.”

Caydock looked sharply at Ruben, “Was that a hint of sarcasm I detected there?”

Ruben pulled a face, “No not a bit.”

As the two friends left Seers Village and started up the path to Sinclair mansion, Fred and his companions were just a minute away…

“Run! Run!”

Fred, Sleek, and Fang ran for their lives with a pack of bloodthirsty, howling wolves breathing down their necks. Fang turned back, slashed out with one heavy paw and silenced one wolf forever.

Fred charged recklessly over the terrain aware of only one thing-survival!

As the wolves and Fred, Sleek, and Fang rounded a corner, it was hard to tell who was more surprised.

The wolves, the companions, or Caydock and Ruben!

“What the heck!” Caydock yelled as he whipped his sword from its sheath. “There must be 6 wolves at least!”

03-Sep-2010 02:46:36



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As the wolves forgot about Fred and his friends, and charged Caydock and Ruben, one kebbit and two kyatts broke for the nearest clearing.

“They’re headed for Seers Village!” Ruben shouted to Caydock as he dispatched the last wolf. “Hurry, tell all the friends you know to get there as fast as they can!”

As the animals rounded another corner, Fang yelled, “What’s a “seer*?*

*I think we should be more worried about a “village,” sounds more dangerous to me!” Sleek replied.

“Either way,” Fred said. “Be extra careful now that we know humans are around.

They came out in the middle of a little cluster of houses. Instantly Fred saw three things that were very relevant to the predicament that he and his friends were in.

One: There were seven big humans holding powerful looking axes all swinging at one tree.

Two: The human’s looked very surprised to see three polar animals come charging out of the bushes.

Three: It appeared that Fred, Fang, and Sleek were standing hedged in by humans on all sides. Except one!

Fred turned around and tried to head back. Instantly his way was barred by Caydock and Ruben returning from the forest!

“What are we going to do?” Sleek questioned, while slashing at any human who tried to get close.

“Just follow my lead,” Fang whispered.

Without any hesitation he blasted off through the crowd. Fred and Sleek quickly followed.

“Hurry guys if they surround us once more they won’t fall for that trick again.” Fred said as he caught up to Fang. Already they could hear the angry shouts of the woodcutters and Caydock and Ruben behind them...

“Here we could cross this log!” Fang said excitedly. Maybe the humans won’t realize where we went!”

“Worth a try,” Sleek grunted as she started to cross the slippery log. She safely reached the other side. “Come on!”

Fred backed up, “I can’t.” He said, completely ashamed. “I’m afraid of water.”

03-Sep-2010 02:47:11

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