
Hunters vs. Prey: Pts. 1 & 2

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“Well close your eyes and don’t open them,” Fang said. He reached over, grabbed Fred gently by the nape of his neck and leaped onto the fallen log.
“Hurry!” hissed Sleek. “They’re almost here!”
Fang slowly, painstakingly walked across the log. He leaped to the other side and ducked down. He could hear the humans running away. It appeared that they were in a large dirt filled plot of land. Great heaps of rock with black streaks running through them were dotted around the landscape.
“Whew,” he said. “That was close.
“Ah!” shrieked Sleek. “Something hit me!”
“What are y-ouch! Something hit me too!”
Fred, who had now recovered, looked up. “Guys*I think you should turn around…”
Fang and Sleek gasped. All around them were bats! Tons of bats! Hordes of bats!
Sleek coiled up and sprung forward with a roar, catching the nearest bat around the neck. She sank her long, curved teeth into its scrawny neck. Its death rattle echoed throughout the area. All the bats backed up and made a clear pathway to the other side of the dirty, rock strewn clearing.
“Let’s go before they attack us,* Sleek said.”
The companions dashed across the terrain, towards a large metal wall, and possible safety.

Gofin the Dwarf stared out at the coal mines. “Oi, Jared, what are those white things out there in the mines?”
Jared peered out, “I dunno* mate, looks kind o’ like a white cat.”
“Oh well I don’t think they’re gonna’ bother us. Probably just someone’s overgrown cat.” Gofin turned around and started to walk away.
“Gofin! Gofin! Come about mate! I think ye should see this!”
Gofin turned around, “Oi what is it Jared, is this anotha’ one of ya not-so-funny jokes?”
He peered out of the metal fence again. Fang was charging the gate, Fred in his mouth.
“Oh well, he’ll never make it.” Gofin turned around again, not realizing that Sabre-Toothed Kyatts have amazing jumping abilities.
Fang leaped, cleared the gate, and landed on Gofin’s back. Sleek quickly followed…

03-Sep-2010 02:47:40



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“Way to go guys. We would be dead right now if it wasn’t for your amazing jumping skills.” Fred walked next to his companions. Now that their enemies were in the past, they felt that they could walk at a more leisurely pace.
Suddenly Sleek’s keen ears detected something. “Guys, there’s something in the trees!” She hissed.
Suddenly a robin landed in front of them. “Don’t worry,” it said. “I’m a friend.”
Fred looked dubiously at it. The robin was very small. “No offence but I don’t think we need to worry. You’re very little.
The robin gave a dry cough before speaking in his pronounced accent, *I suppose you could say that old chap. Anyway, back to why I came ‘ere. I’ve heard of your quest from other birds. The story has been quite the deal in the treetops and birdbaths. So I got a couple of my friends together.”
At this point many birds dropped down in front of them. “And we decided to fly ahead to tell the others to be ready!”
Fred nodded in admiration at the little robin. “I think that’s a great idea, friend. Do you have any idea where we should go next? Currently we’ve been just trying to escape the dreadful hunters.”
The robin looked thoughtful for a moment. “I think your best shot would be the Forest. It’s closest judging by your current position. My comrades and I will fly there with all the speed we deem necessary.”
With that the robin took off, heading west. His companions leaped into flight right behind him.
“That will be a great help,” Fred murmured as he watched them soar away.
“Excuse me, Red, but I do believe that those are hawks ahead.”
The robin looked ahead. “Oh dear I think you’re right.” He turned to face his troops in mid-flight. “Alright men, our safety may be compromised, but rest assured. If it comes to an all out battle we will go down fighting!”
His birds chirped in agreement. Red looked again at the hawks on the horizon. “Oh I do hope that it doesn’t come to that.” He whispered quietly.

03-Sep-2010 02:48:43



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The first hawk arrived. “Well, well, well, it appears we have an appetizer for our meal, eh Skarth?”
Skarth nodded, “I think you are correct, Cruel-Beak, but maybe we should ask them their business first. Oh wait, we already know it don’t we? Ruben did well to send us to hunt down the animals. Good thing we intercepted the messengers.”
Skarth turned toward Red, menacing him with his curved beak and lethal talons. “So tell me, robin, do you really think that you can defeat the hunters? You will die trying…unless we kill you now!*
Skarth snapped his beak mere millimeters from Red’s face. Red did*’t flinch. “You’ll have to do a lot more than that to intimidate us, coward!”
Skarth’* expression turned ugly. “No one has called Skarth, leader of the whole Sky-Hawk clan, a coward! You will pay for your insolent words!”
The group of robins huddled closer. “Give us your best ‘awk!”
“Oh we will…” Skarth gave a raucous screech. His followers blasted up to a higher altitude, preparing to dive bomb.
Suddenly a cry rang out from below the robins. They looked down below them. Several large Copper Longtails were flying on a completely vertical course, ready to intercept the hawks.
With a cry the largest Longtail locked his talons with Skarth. Hacking and pecking at each other, they plummeted to the earth. At the last possible moment, Skarth released the Longtail. With a screech, they started flapping towards the battle that was taking place overhead.
As Red watched, Skarth was sliced in half a dozen places. Weakly he fought back, barely having the strength to fend off his attackers.
One hawk fell dead, his face forever frozen in a look of shocked horror. The large Longtail looked down to Red. “Go!” he yelled. “While we give you time to make your escape!”
Without a backwards glance Red and his troops took off towards the Woodland. Leaving behind a scene of utter chaos, as the Copper Longtails gave the hawks a beating they wouldn’t forget for a long time.

03-Sep-2010 02:49:30



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“They have arrived, sir.”
“Very good, very good, send them to the clearing when they arrive.”
“It will be done, sir.”
Captain Colin of the R.A.H watched his Second-In-Command, Corporal Nick, fly away. Colin was a large Copper Longtail. Actually he was the largest of his kind, which had ensured a quick rise to the top.
Colin saw Fred, Fang, and Sleek enter the Woodland. As Nick directed them to the clearing, Colin rose from his perch and flapped down in front of Fred.
“So you’re the kebbit who believes he can end all this. Hmm, if those two kyatts are the kind of creature we will be fighting with then I believe we will be able to pull it off.
Fred looked around the clearing. A variety of animals were beginning to appear. There were Common kebbits, Razor-backed kebbits, Wild and Prickly kebbits, Spotted, Dark, and Dashing kebbits, there were even Chinchompas and rabbits!
Amazed, Fred stared. “I really think we can pull this off.” He muttered to himself.
A lone rabbit hopped forward. “Sir,” she said timidly. “We are ready to fight for you!”
Fred smiled at her, “Thank you,” he whispered. “Thank you.”
Colin waked forward. “Welcome to the meeting of the R.A.H. Resistance Against Hunters. R.A.H you see. Our plans are nothing like yours. We are but a small group. So, Fred, tell us what you want us to do.
Fred looked around once more. With determination in his eyes, he took one step toward Colin.
“So are their more birds like you?”
“Indeed, I am the leader of a whole regiment of birds.”
“Well then, would you be willing to fly to other places and see if anyone is willing to join us?”

Colin turned to Nick, “Nick come here. And bring the parchment.”
Nick flew over with a piece of paper gripped firmly in his beak. “Here it is, sir.*
*Thank you, Nick.” Colin relieved Nick of his burden and threw it onto the ground in front of Fred. “This was dropped by one of the hunters who was here. We believe that it is a map of hunting areas.”

03-Sep-2010 02:49:55



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Fred looked at it. “I believe you are right.
Colin cleared his throat, “I will send Nick down to this area.” He gestured to a green lush area on the map. “I think that he will be able to get there with ease. Maybe you should start to go back to where you belong. If all these animals decide to help us then I believe that war is near.”
Fred looked up at him. “I will take all the animals that wish to come back to fight. It would be wise to let them know that their lives are at risk here.”
Colin looked at Fred, resolve in his eyes. “They all knew that when they were old enough to know what a hunter is.
Fred nodded his head. “I’ll go talk to them right now and we’ll get started. I doubt anyone will challenge us on the way back. But I know without a doubt that we will be challenged when we have an army.”
Colin nodded, “Indeed it will be a hard fight. I’ll tell Nick now.*
Fred watched him fly away. As he turned back to the clearing to spread the news of what was about to happen he couldn’t help thinking about all the lives that would be lost…
Far away, over miles of terrain, animals shifted restlessly in their burrows, nests, and all kinds of homes. They couldn’t help wishing for deliverance. In the distance some could hear a mother crying for her mate that will never return. Or her baby that will never again snuggle up close and fall asleep, snoring tiny baby snores. Desperation rose in the hearts of those who had loved ones who had been so mercilessly slaughtered. The pain they felt was the same of Fred and his companions. The pain that gave birth to action…

03-Sep-2010 02:50:43



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Nick the Copper Longtail soared over the ground. High in the air, he was followed by his regiment. Looking back he yelled out, “Bear a little bit left chaps, we should be there by tomorrow.”
Looking down he saw Fred and his followers starting off on the long journey home. He signaled with his wing for his followers to speed it up. They needed to join the war soon...
Fred looked out at Seers Village. He looked up at his friend, Fang the polar kyatt. He whispered to him, “Look at that cage in the middle of the town. Is that an animal in it?”
Fang nodded, “I think so. Should we spring it?”
Sleek, another polar kyatt walked up. “Of course we’re gonna’ spring it. It’s a persecuted animal. Let’s go!”
Fred placed his paw on Sleek’s shoulder. “One second, Sleek, I want to see what happens first.”
Fang stiffened. “That’s the hunter!” he said, gesturing towards a human walking stride for stride with another.”
Fred crouched down. “Let’s see what he does.”
Caydock walked up to the cage. He stared at the man who was standing next to it. “What do you plan to do with this creature?” He asked- pointing towards the Horned Ghrak imprisoned in the pen.
“I’m taking it to the Ardougne Zoo. What does it matter?”
“I’m just happy that there’s another animal in prison.”
Just then a movement in the bushes caught Caydock’s eye. He waved his hand at Ruben who was standing right next to him.
“Ruben do you have your bow with you?”
“Yes,” he replied.
“Well just shoot in that general direction.”
Ruben notched his arrow and pulled back the bow to its limit. With a hiss, the arrow took off, springing from the bow, sending its message of destruction.
A cry rang out from the bushes and a Wild Kebbit fell from the bushes, its eyes glazing over in death.
Fang leaped through the air and landed next to the zoo-keeper and slashed him with one mighty paw. The man fell to the floor, dead before he his eyes closed!

03-Sep-2010 16:37:44 - Last edited on 04-Sep-2010 19:34:28 by Caydock



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Ruben drew back his bow and fired round after round into the animals. Caydock and Ruben were slowly backed into a corner, surrounded by the swarms of animals.
“We can still take them!” Caydock shouted, “They’re just animals!”
Suddenly, from the sky, two monstrous Black Dragons fell.
Ruben stumbled back, his face showing disbelief. “It’s-it’s the King Black Dragon!”
The dragons were large and intimidating. From they’re monstrous ridges that ran along their back, to their teeth and claws; they would truly spark a hint of fear in even the most experienced adventurer. One even had three heads!
Caydock leaped up and grabbed hold of a wall. He clambered up it and reached his hand down. Ruben grabbed his hand and swung up into a tree, using his momentum to fire a shot that thudded into Fred’s paw.
As Fred collapsed on the floor, Caydock threw himself into the air and grabbed hold of Ruben’s bow which was being held out to him. Quickly and silently they both made their escape.
Fred looked up at the monstrous three-headed dragon that was looming over him. It leaned over and pulled the arrow from his foot.
“Who are you?” Fred questioned, mesmerized by its large glowing eyes.
“I am OhtaDagnir, mightiest of the dragons. To the two-foots I am known as King Black Dragon.”
Sleek walked up. “You sure look like a king alright.”
The other Black Dragon flew over and landed by Ohta. “I am Nar-Ambar. It is nice to meet you.” He turned to Fred. “Fred, we would be honored to battle by your side. It is why we came here; seems like we arrived in the nick of time!”
Nar met Fred’s eyes. “I believe I should tell you my story. I will start at the beginning…”

04-Sep-2010 19:35:00



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“Go on son, you can do it!”
The baby dragon looked at his father. With a small noise, the baby sucked his breath in, and with the largest push he could muster, he blew out. A tiny puff of smoke followed. He stared at his father, disappointed with his progress.
His father smiled encouragingly and lovingly, “Don’t despair, little one. Try again.”
With an even larger heave he sucked in and pushed out. The puff of smoke came into the world, and drifted away.
“I think that’s enough for one day. Maybe you should go see your mother.”
The baby trotted away. Skipping along he tripped and fell headlong into a pile of bones. He growled playfully and started his own little game. He was Elvarg, mightiest of the Dragons! He burrowed in the bones of his past meals and finally laid his head down, exhausted from his exertion.
He awoke to the cries of battle and the sound of fire. He peeked out from under his mound and watched as his father and mother battled with three intimidating warriors.
The first warrior looked over to his comrades. “Lucas, go in for the mother, Ruben, maim the father while I go in for the kill!”
“You got it, Caydock!” came Ruben’s reply.
Lucas charged in, swinging his powerful sword, and chopped a slice from the mother. Ruben shot with deadly accuracy into the dragon’s mouth. With a moan, both dragons fell over as Caydock jumped forward and plunged his blade deep.
Caydock backed off, wiping his blade on the ground. “Come on guys, we’ll come back later after the scavengers have picked ‘em clean.”
As the noise of the adventurers faded, the baby charged from his unexpected place of safety. He arrived at the head of his father who was still breathing faintly.

“Son... you must go on…”
“Foder, no! Don’t weabe me! Pwease no!*
*Remember… do not forget… hunt them down…destroy them!”
“I swea it, foder, I swea it!”

04-Sep-2010 19:35:29



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The large dragon nodded slowly and closed his eyes. As the breath left his body, the baby looked up. He stared at the entrance to the cavern, oblivious of all but one thing…Revenge!
“There’s one…”
“Oh come on, Nar, do we have to do this every time you see a hunter?”
“Indeed we do.”
“And when are you going to tell me why you do this?”
“When the time is right, I suppose. Now you stay here. That hunter won** know what hit him.”
Nar-Ambar the Dragon leapt from his perch. With a cry he bore down on the hunter, who was headed to the Woodland.
The hunter turned, stared in dismay at the fully grown black dragon, and drew his bronze sword. “No! Please!”
Nar closed his ears to the cry. He inhaled deeply and exhaled with a mighty push. The hunter was reduced to a pile of ashes and bronze armor.
Nar shook his head and looked down at the pitiful remnant of a once "mighty" hunter.
"It is done. He will never kill again. Another kebbit lives on."
His friend Dragon, a young spined larupia, slowly clambered down to stand by her friend.
“Well it’s done; now what?”
“We wait for the next.”
“Always waiting, huh? Well I’d better get back home. Can you find the decency to take me back, oh mighty warrior?”
Nar shook his head. He was immensely fond of his young, outspoken friend, but he had to admit, sometimes she got on his nerves. He also found it amusing that she would be called Dragon. He would compare her to a sarcastic young kitten at times.
“Oh stop whining and get on.”
Dragon purred with pleasure and pulled herself on top. She carefully avoided his black, sharp looking ridge that ran from his head to the tip of his tail.
Nar turned to look at her. “Hold on tight!”
Dragon shut her eyes and sucked her breath in. The takeoff always left her gasping for oxygen.

04-Sep-2010 19:36:11



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With a loud flapping noise, they were off! Nar veered off towards the Jungle. It would take him no time at all to get there, but he had to stay underneath treetops to avoid being seen by warriors and other kinds of humans that would take it upon themselves to kill him and his youthful companion.
In an hour they arrived. He lowered his wing and Dragon slid off, landing with a triumphant “Miaow!” Her parents, Maeg and Harma, walked up to greet him.
“Thank you once again, Nar, for delivering our baby back safely.” Harma said, her sparkling, blue eyes radiating gratitude.”
Nar dipped his head in embarrassment. “It was an easy matter,” he murmured, ashamed of the way his wingtips were turning red, “just a quick ride there and back.”
Maeg looked up at him, “Ah but it is much more than that and you know it. You take her away every day so that she can escape the death that visits our home every day.”
Nar felt as though his ears were on fire. “I thank you for your kind words. I must be going now though.”
As he started to fly he heard Harma’s final words to him, “Thank you. Thank you.”
Nar flapped back to his cave. High up in the cliffs, his home lay nestled there. Sometimes fog covered it and in the spring he could hear the noises of small birds chirping nearby.
As he climbed into his cave and prepared for sleep, he started thinking about Maeg, Harma, and his young friend Dragon. He would do anything to protect them, but he was only one beast. He was strong, no doubt about that, but he could not hope to defeat an army of humans bent on his destruction. Maybe he would start a rebellion someday. After he slept of course…
Early in the morning, Nar awoke. His days always consisted of the same thing. He woke up, left his home and went hunting for evil creatures- such as goblins, spiders, and the occasional hunter. Then he would pick up Dragon and protect her for the rest of his day.

04-Sep-2010 19:36:52

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