
Hunters vs. Prey: Pts. 1 & 2

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Nar stumbled out of his abode. He looked back at it and sighed. It was just a small cave; stalactites and stalagmites were everywhere. Fungus grew from every crack and corner, and his cave dripped constantly. But still, he was more than happy to lie down to sleep there at the end of a long hard day.

Nar flapped his wings a couple of times to make sure they were ready to go. He loved the exhilarating feeling of stretching his wings. It always sent a tingle that stretched from the tip of his bat-like wings, down his tail and even to the top of his black neck. He flapped his wings a few more times and leaped off the ledge.

As he looked down, he noticed something unusual. Five humans were clustered around the jungle. What were they doing there? He landed and hid himself in a large clump of greenery. He viewed the beautiful area. Flowers, grass, and trees were everywhere. The humans spoiled the beauty of the place. Nar blew a smoky sigh. Humans ruined everything.

He swiveled his large, pointed ears towards the nearest human who was dressed in a green and russet brown color tunic. He wore large, oversized boots and wielded a two handed sword with ease. His hair was cropped close to his head, and was a platinum blonde.

Nar was able to catch a few words if he strained his ears. “I say we… all out…they’re a bother…kill…let’s go.”

Nar watched as the humans ran right towards his hiding place! One of the men came to an abrupt stop. “Hey guys, what’s that black rise behind the bushes?”

Nar abandoned his hiding place and charged forward. He turned and blew his fiery breath that was his name-sake. The one who held the dragon two-handed dodged with great agility, rolling and jumping over the streams of death.

“Ha! You pathetic dragon! Is that the best you have?” With the final word, “Die!” the adventurer leaped forward, shearing off a slice of skin. This further enraged Nar and he turned up the jets.

04-Sep-2010 19:37:12



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The others had backed off, leaving the lone fighter to battle to the death.

Once again, the warrior dodged, this time sliding under the spectacular blaze. The warrior’s companions called out encouragement to him on the sidelines. “You can do it Vazgim!”

Vazgim rolled once again, coming up with a flourish of his blade. Nar realized then that Vazgim’s blade was not the same as other swords. This sword had a jagged blade of a black color, with stars and flames engraved on it. The guard was styled to resemble a claw which clutched at the blade.

Vazgim threw himself forward bringing his blade into a horizontal defense position. Nar swung his tail with all his might and met the flat of his opponents’ weapon.

Nar swung his body into a full 360 degree turn, swiping out with his front claw as he did so, but Vazgim gracefully back-flipped over and landed at the ready.

“Is that…all you…got dragon?” he questioned appearing to be panting heavily now.

Nar feinted with a head-but, and quickly pulled back. Vazgim swung with all his might towards Nar and went into an uncontrollable swing, meeting no resistance for his sword.

Nar used this to his advantage and blasted a river of magma at the unprotected dueler. Vazgim turned, and seeing that he had no defense against the oncoming torrent, smoothly reached into a pouch that swung by his side. Withdrawing a Water Rune, he smashed it against his blade. Instantly, the blade lit up blue! Holding the blade outright, Vazgim absorbed all the power into his weapon, and sent it back at Nar.

Nar’s eyes grew huge as he watched his inventible fate come closer. At the last second he dived out of the way and succeeded in getting the middle of his body away from harm. The fire hit Nar’s leg and burned the soft underside of his thigh. Even though his scales had suffered no permanent damage, Nar turned, snarling with pain and rage.

04-Sep-2010 19:38:03



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Vazgim leaped into a perfect summersault and landed below Nar. Thrusting upward with his blade, he scored a hit on Nar’s vulnerable underbelly.

Nar howled to the sky and fell with a crash. Vazgim narrowly avoided being crushed while Nar writhed and panted in his unbearable agony. Vazgim rose and sheathed his blade, saying, “This is what happens to all monsters who dare to face Vazgim, follower of the H.A.M organization!” He trotted over to his friends, “Hey guys lets go through with the plan another time. I need a beer from The Blue Moon Inn.”

“Good idea, Vazgim, lets go.” With that, the humans broke teleport tablets and were gone, leaving a dragon moaning and wheezing on the ground. Injured but not defeated, bruised but not beaten, hurt but not dead!

“I think you may just survive, foolish one…”

Nar drifted out of a distant haze, dreaming of flying through the clouds, carefree and relaxed. With a jolt, he woke up. As his eyes started to focus again, he was aware of an extreme pain in his stomach, and a large head looking down on him.”

“Where…where am I?”

The head pulled back, revealing the face of a much larger dragon. It had sharp pointed teeth, two large, keen horns, and blood red eyes. Nar choked in surprise and gasped for air, heaving a large amount of blood onto the floor.

Nar took a look around; he was surrounded by beautiful, lush foliage and flowers. A small stream ran threw the center of the area and he could here birds chirping and insects buzzing their happy, untroubled tunes.

“You are in paradise!” the head said. Two other heads came near his face and smiled, revealing wicked fangs, designed for tearing and ripping.

Nar stared aghast, partly by the fact that the dragon in front of him had three heads, and also because of the words that he had heard.

“You mean I’m…I’m dead?”

04-Sep-2010 19:38:32



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“No, you foolish creature, it is my paradise; a place to escape to when the troubles of the world beset you. I am OhtaDagnir and I am pleased to meet you.” Ohta chuckled, “You should be pleased to meet me, seeing I saved your life.”

“Yes thank you very much, you’ll have to explain everything later… I have to find my friend and make sure she’s okay!”

Nar leaped into the air and flapped out and over the trees, igFreding the pain in his stomach. Looking down he saw tons of sand! It looked like a beach of some kind. When he looked out ahead he could see miles of blue and green tranquil water and far off, the many colors of the jungle. Suddenly, Nar was gripped by an unbearable pain in his abdomen. Gasping for breath, he flapped his wings harder, and plummeted, landing with a loud crash and a grunt.

Ohta glided over the frondescence and landed next to Nar, shaking his head in disgust. “You could have let me explain first!” he said.

“Fine…” Nar gasped, “Tell me everything.”

“With pleasure…”

Ohta cleared each of his three throats in turn. Then he began, talking with another mouth occasionally.

“I am OhtaDagnir, my name meaning Warriors Bane. I am the strongest of the mighty, the toughest of the unshakeable and the best of the elite. None have faced me and lived to tell the tale! But I was not always like this…

As a young dragon life was perfect. I lived in a cave with my family. When I woke up I always looked around at my siblings, curled up under a ledge that was dotted with fungus and beautiful cave formations. I had three siblings, two females and one male; my brother. I was special because I was the only tri-headed.

Then one day it all changed. My father left the cave; he would not tell us why. He never returned. My mother just slowly faded away, leaving us orphans. I was hurt the most. I was extremely close to my parents. As we grew, we learned to fend for ourselves.

04-Sep-2010 19:39:14



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A while back we were all hunting together when three warriors leaped out from the bushes. One shot my sisters before any of us could move. I chased him into the jungle forgetfully leaving my brother too take the other two.

The archer was incredible skilled with range, magic, and the art of the blade. I was not able to stop him and he easily escaped. When I returned to my brother…” A tear trickled out of Ohta’s blood red eye. “He was dead…”

Nar stared up at Ohta, his face a picture of sympathy. He laid one claw on Ohta’s curved wingtip. “There is no need to continue. I see how much pain it brings you.”

Ohta shook his three heads. “Thank you for your compassion, my friend, but I will continue.

I was filled with unspeakable rage against these murderers. I felt the largest amount of hate towards he who was gifted in all points of war. I hunted him in the dead of the night for many years after. I finally found him in a large, gloomy, dark area. Just north of the place two-foots call, Edgeville.

We battled and…he triumphed. I was severely injured and fled. I finally found a cave in the same area. It was littered with bones and blood, but it was the perfect place to heal myself. I hid behind rocky formations whenever an adventurer came in. I bided my time, preparing for the time that I could strike once again.

One day a female two-foot entered my dreary dwelling place. I hid behind a group of rocks that seemed to resemble a sword embedded into an anvil. The human walked around kicking at stalagmites and picking up bones and burying them. She started to walk away when I slipped on a bone that was underfoot. I crashed out onto the slick ground, slipping and sliding, trying to regain my balance. The human gasped and ran.

I knew I couldn’t afford to let her tell the others of my abode so I scorched her. She was nothing more than a pile of putrid, smoking ashes littered with metal and some somewhat intact organs.

04-Sep-2010 19:39:38



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I thought that that was an end to the problem, but I was wrong. A fellow human had stood outside the cave while she entered. He saw how I killed her and left as fast as he could. He must have told others because not long after that three more brave warriors came.

They tried to kill me but I destroyed them. I honed my skills on those who thought they could withstand my fury. One by one they were gone. Sometimes I mauled them, others I contented myself with just burning their pathetic armored bodies. I grew so powerful that those who knew of my dominance gave me a name…King Black Dragon! They acknowledged me as king yet continuously tried to kill me, to take my horns, my teeth, my claws. They would try, they would fail. They would fight, I would slay. I feasted on their roasted bodies.

Then one day I just snapped. I could not go on any longer like that. I left my cavern in the middle of the night. The stars seemed to shine a message. I felt that they spoke to me; ‘Leave this place. Leave it!’

So leave it I did. I flew aimlessly over the land, looking for a place to settle down. I finally discovered this island. But I am sure that it will not take the humans long to find me here. If anyone has eyes to see, they will notice that ships are being built even now. The humans are not content with land; Oh no…They need the sea as well!

I was looking for food when I found you. I saw the battle and I saw the warrior. He is my enemy! He is the destroyer and the murderer. I would have hunted him down, but I saw your pain. I will kill him someday but for now, it is my job to take care of you. My ice breath took care of your wound and my knowledge of herbs and roots kept infection at bay.”

Nar looked down at his stomach. A jagged, twisting, angry red scar ran along from his front leg to his back. Nar stretched our and winced at the fiery hot pain that lanced along his abdomen.

04-Sep-2010 19:42:14



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Ohta nodded his head sagely. “You will feel pain for awhile, but you should count yourself fortunate. If that blade had entered a little deeper it would have severed your intestine. Thankfully it was a simple matter for me to heal. Now*come with me. We need to work on your skills. One day we will go together and destroy this warrior once and for all…

For three weeks, Ohta and Nar trained together. They practiced flying, ducking and weaving, and fire breathing.

In the dead of the night, as Nar was practicing his range by spitting balls of glowing, blue hot flame across the island, Ohta walked up to him.

“It is time. We must now fly to the mainland and free the animals that abide there.”

Nar nodded, “We can take down the humans if we work together.”

“Indeed, you have grown to be much stronger than you used to be. Now, we will visit the Jungle first. We’ll see if your friend is alright, and take off to kill our enemy.”

Nar and Ohta lifted off the ground in perfect synchronization. As they passed over the light green trees, turned a beautiful jade by the moonlight, Nar looked down. He would miss the island. It was such a beautiful place.

Suddenly Ohta gasped, “The Jungle!”

Nar looked towards their destination, and his breath caught in his throat.

The Jungle was on fire!

Nar and Ohta swooped down into the mass of burning brush.

Nar landed with a thump and gazed around in shock. All the beautiful, multi-colored, thriving trees; the plethora of dark red flowers and emerald bushes, were illuminated by the flickering orange flames. Dancing shadows thrown by the blaze revealed the forms of humans dashing by.

The humans dashed along the ground, headed for the clearing in the middle of the jungle. The flames reflected the surrounding off of their polished, gleaming weapons, ready for action.

Ohta was busy helping a young feldip weasel escape a death that did*’t bear thinking about.

04-Sep-2010 19:42:41



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Nar realized that his companion was busy and took off after the humans himself…
Ohta pulled the weasel out of the flames with one head while his other two blasted his ice cold breath at the flames. As the flames extinguished with a hiss, Ohta watched Nar’s receding figure. “Go, brother…Destroy them…”

Nar charged at the departing shapes of the humans, illuminated by the literal bonfire of death. While he hunted them, he noticed Dragon lying under a large branch, as a large, dagger wielding warrior advanced on her.

Nar threw himself forward, blasting the human back at five paces, where he knocked his head against a tree. His eyes took on a distant look as blood dripped from the corner of his scorched mouth.

“Thanks, Nar,” Dragon said as Nar threw the branch off of her. “I thought I was dead there.”

“Look, do you see that large three headed dragon over there?”

Dragon’s mouth dropped open in shock, “Wow, is that your new friend? Maybe he should start protecting me instead!”

“Quiet before I toast you! Now get over to that dragon. He’ll tell you where to go!”

Dragon backed off, baffled by Nar’s angry tone. She ran towards Ohta while Nar turned once again to the hunters.

He lumbered forwards, regardless of flaming bush and tree around him; intent on one purpose, he crashed towards his goal.

One of the humans turned and saw him coming. She barely had time to create a flying orb of magic before her life ended.

As the next arsonist turned, Nar saw his face. It was Vazgim!

Vagzim turned with a snarl upon his sculpture like face. This time he was dressed in complete pink; from his hood to his cloak.

He positioned his sword and crouched down in a battle ready stance.

“So we meet again, dragon. This time I will finish you!”

He charged Nar, his blade weaving a deadly pattern of pale light. Nar flipped into a whirling spin, hoping to surprise Vazgim.

04-Sep-2010 19:43:21



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Vazgim reached into a pouch he wore at his back and took out a short bow. He notched an arrow and let it fly.

Nar dived out of the way while blasting a tongue of flame at his opponent. The molten stream missed and crashed into an already burning tree. The tree toppled, landing upon a nearby warrior, who carried a rune scimitar. With a shriek the human’s life ended, leaving a mangled corpse.

Vazgim threw his sword like a boomerang. Nar dodged but realized that there was no reason to. The sword thudded into a nearby tree. Nar turned to see Vazgim leap into the air. He grabbed onto the blades hilt and swung himself high into the air.

Nar stared, shocked, as Vazgim crashed a fire and air rune together; creating a hovering ball of flame. Vazgim sent it hurtling down at Nar and Nar leaped, desperately trying to get out of the way.

The ball of flame exploded into a raging inferno, a literal holocaust of blinding light and heat. Nar’s whole body was racked with pain as he heaved and coughed from the toxic smoke. When he squeezed open his watering eyes, he saw Vazgim’s sword hovering over his head. Nar met Vazgim’s gaze and prepared to die with honor.

“You will die, dragon. Our quest for your extinction will come to a close soon. Another dragon meets his end.”

Vazgim pulled his sword higher and brought it whistling down. Just as it was about to cleave Nar’s head from his shoulders, Vazgim stopped. Nar looked up and saw that Vazgim’s deadly weapon was frozen into his hand!

Ohta came soaring down, Dragon on his back. “On your feet, Nar, let’s finish this!”

“Cursed dragon!” Vazgim broke a fire rune over his frozen blade and threw it over his shoulder in a battle ready position. “You will be destroyed.”

Ohta sent his poisoned breath towards Vazgim. Vazgim simply made a water shield and deflected the rancid, deathly, cloud.

Nar charged forward, blasting tongues of flame and plumes of fiery smoke. Under the cover of the smoke shield, Dragon snuck up.

04-Sep-2010 19:43:37



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Leaping upward, she gripped Vazgim’s mighty blade in her teeth. Vazgim delivered a vicious kick into her midriff. With a small moan she fell over onto the ground.

Nar lashed out with his scaly tail. It connected with a blazing tree which fell under the impact. As the crackling tree fell, Ohta reached out with one head and gently grabbed Dragon’s furry head.

While Ohta protected Dragon’s winded body, Nar blasted ball after ball of flame at Vazgim. Vazgim rolled and leaped, showing his prowess at maneuvering over all terrain.

Suddenly, an arrow whistled out of the bushes. The evil tip reflected the dancing flame as it sped and entered Ohta’s wing. With a grunt of surprise and pain, Ohta sent a wall of fire into the bush. The archer fell over his body incinerating, while his leather body and bow were turned into ashes.

Vazgim used this momentary distraction to his advantage. He reached into his pack and withdrew a small staff which was covered with ancient runes and shapes. Throwing his body into an athletic flip, he waved the wand above his head. A block of ice started to form around Nar. He roared in surprise and blew fire all around; effectively melting the threat.

“Curses,” Vazgim muttered as he once again backed off, waiting for the dragon’* next move.

Nar and Ohta spread out into a semi-circle backing Vazgim against a tree. Then they spewed their magma into a large fire ball and sent it swirling- hurtling at their enemy.

Vazgim attempted to block it with his water shield, but only managed to protect one half of his robed body. With a bloodcurdling scream, Vazgim fell to his knees as his the hungry fire ate his pink H.A.M. cloak. His face paled and his clutched at his arm. Nar couldn’t watch. He turned away from Vazgim’s ashen face looking at Ohta who was checking on Dragon. She rose to her feet and pulled herself onto Ohta’s back.

“I’m okay.”

04-Sep-2010 19:43:56

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