
The Cult of Zamorak

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“So… you like lighting fires, but the king wont let you?” Learth asked, “That doesn’t seem fair.”
His eyes were now radiantly glistening. He seemed to be envisioning something. Then he looked saddened. “It isn’t fair, but there’s nothing I can do. The king does not know the pain he has caused me by impeding my artistic tallent. What could be better than spending every moment of one’s life starting BIG LONG LINES OF FIRE!”
Learth nodded in sympathy. “… if the king doesn’t understand you, then why do you work for him?”
Blaze looked taken aback by the question. “I… I don’t know… I mean… He’s the king. I thought this job was going to be great, lighting fires for a living. Little did I know I could only light them when danger is coming… and danger isn’t coming fast enough!”
Just then, Learth got an idea.
“I… I’m going to be right back, okay Blaze? And when I get back, I’m going to show you something… something with fire.”

10-Feb-2011 00:16:38 - Last edited on 19-Feb-2011 22:13:50 by Learth



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Learth bursted through the door of the Zamorak Church, panting heavily, “I need a mage!”
Lightning stepped forward, “Well I need a mission.”
“Can you teleport us to the salve temple?”
“Can I teleport us to the salve temple? HA!” he laughed, and the other Zamorakians laughed a little, too. “Of course I can. They don’t call me magic because of the pointy hat.”
As quick as a flash, they were there. Blaise Sharpeye was alarmed to see Learth standing next to someone who was clearly a Zamorakian mage.
“Don’t worry, Blaise. It’s not what you think. He’s not going to hurt you.”
“oh… I’m not?* Lightning said, seeming genuinely disappointed.
“No. You’re not. You’re going to light him some fire.”
“FIRE!” The two men said at the same time.
“You have not seen fire…” Said lightning as he raised his Zamorak Staff. “Until you have seen this.”
A vortex of dancing flame erupted from the earth. It spiraled through the air, and spread wildly across the land. Blaze seemed to dance with it.
“It’s… it’s beautiful!” He cried, beginning to weep.
“These are the Flames of Zamorak. Come with us. Forget about King Rolad… Lightning can teach you how to light a fire that will never die,” Said Learth.
“How could I say no!* he said, “It is like the fires I have seen only in my dreams!”
He went with them back to the church, and left the beacon abandoned. With no one to light the first beacon, the rest of them would be useless.

17-Feb-2011 02:25:48 - Last edited on 19-Feb-2011 22:31:49 by Learth



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“Alright, I call this meeting to order,” Maximus said to the boys when he and Cory were comfortably seated. “First order of business… has anyone seen Bweer?”
“No. Nobody has,” Said Jim.
“We think a bear ate him,” said Rodger.
“No we don’t, shut up!* said Zachary.
“… Okay. Moving on,” Maximus continued, trying not to think about what might have happened to Bweer, “What about Gabey the Baby?* This was the name the boys gave their youngest member, Gabe, who was also absent that night.
“Ariel is sick. He has to take care of her,” Said Marcus.
Cory watched the proceedings with amusement. For a group of orphan boys, they were very well organized.
“Ok. Now that that’s over, does anybody have any adventures to tell? Acts of heroism?” Maximus asked. Usually Bweer was the first to volunteer at this part of the meeting.
“I do,” said Zachary. “This one time… there was a girl. Named… Amber. She was by the gate… The gate south of the city. One of the dark mages attacked her. I punched him in the face, he he, and Amber liked me after that.”
The boys started to laugh at him. “You like Amber!” Maximus snorted.
“No* you like Amber!” Zachary said back to him.
“Zachary, you never punched a dark mage in the face,” said Jim.
“Did too,* said Zachary.

17-Feb-2011 02:26:38 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2011 02:00:18 by Learth



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“Punching someone in the face,” Cory began, “for a girl… that’s not heroic. If you want a real story of heroes, I have one… Have you ever heard of the Seven Priestly Warriors?”
“No,* said Joe, “Tell us.”
Cory stood up. “I could tell you about it, but then it would just be another boring story. I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t we visit their grave?” He glanced around the room as worried looks appeared on their faces. “… Unless you’re scared of adventures and stuff. Sorry. I forgot I was with a bunch of little kids.”
“I’ll go to the graveyard,” Maximus said defiantly. “I’m not a little kid.” The other boys agreed, stating emphatically that they were both brave and mature. So, like some mystical pied piper, Cory led the boys in single file to Paterdomus for the last adventure that they would ever share.

They followed him down a winding path. Bats circled over their heads, swooping here and there. The landscape began to change. It was night, but the night seemed darker… stronger here. Maybe it was simply the anticipation of hearing a story in a graveyard. With Cory leading the party, and Maximus bringing up the rear, no one dared to chicken out. When they came to the church on the river, they entered a small graveyard. There was a ladder that lead down into the unknown, and if it was not for the calm resolve of their leaders, the boys would surely have turned back.
Almost every one of them was down the ladder now. It did not seem so dark down there… there was light up ahead.
Maximus was about to climb down, when he heard a voice coming from near the church. “Stop there!”
There was a priest, robed in brown. Maximus stepped off of the ladder and turned towards him. “What? What is the matter?” Maximus asked.
“You can’t go down there, it’s private property!”
“But I’m not going to do any harm,” the boy said, “I just want to see the gravestones.*
*What are you doing wandering about at this time of night? Shouldn’t you be at home with your parents?”

17-Feb-2011 02:27:36 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2011 04:36:19 by Learth



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As the monk questioned Maximus, the other boys did not even notice that he was gone. They walked through a gate (Cory had picked the lock on it) and into a circular room. There were six tombs, all lit up like torches. The figures upon them were spectral and hooded.
“The Seven Priestly Warriors,” Cory began, “Once fought in a great war to defend this land from evil forces in the East.” As he spoke, the boys apprehensively examined the tombs. They were excited, and still a little scared, but they listened eagerly. “They called upon Saradomin to bless this river, so that their enimies would die if they touched its waters. Because of these warriors, no evil creature can cross this barrier. Though, it is said that if one of them spills the blood of the innocent, he can taint its waters long enough to cross* that means there may be werewolves, even vampires, living in these lands among us.”
The boys whispered to one another. Werewolves and vampires, in Varrock!
“You may notice that there are only six tombs here, instead of seven,” he continued, “And this well,” he said, gesturing for them to come closer to it, “Is… the last thing that you will ever see.*
Cory drew dragon claws from his trench coat so quickly that the boys had no time to react. He sliced their heads to ribbons as they leaned over to peer down the well. Their bodies fell into the river, each with a satisfying plunk. The ones who were not looking directly into the well, who realized what was happening, were skewered through the chest. His eyes were wild with murder. “In the name of Zamorak, I curse this river. May Saradomin’s blessings recede into the ground, for he has failed to protect the innocent!* As the blood of seven children, one for each of the Seven Priestly Warriors, was absorbed into the river, it began to flow altogether red.

17-Feb-2011 02:27:44 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2011 04:37:50 by Learth



Posts: 376 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The stream thickened, and coagulated. In several minutes, all that was left of the Salve was a reddish mud. Somewhere in the distant darkness, a pendant was glowing red. The war was about to begin.
The monk had walked Maximus all the way to the city. Neither of them was aware of anything that had happened back at the salve that night. The monk was determined to leave Maximus at the church, because he said he had no home, although Maximus was equally as determined to return to the Blue Moon Inn. Upon arriving at the church, however, Maximus recognized Bweer inside, kneeling in prayer.
“Hey,” Maximus said, tapping him on the shoulder, “Where have you been?”
“I got back tonight.” Said Bweer, “You wouldn’t believe what happened to me. It was … it was crazy.”
“Did you find her?” Maximus asked.
“No, but I found out who killed her. It was that Zamorak Cult. I tracked them to their hideout.”
“No way!” Maximus was amazed. Normally, he would be skeptical of a tale like this, but Bweer did*’t lie.
“Yeah, but I haven’t told you the good news. Sir Carl is going to pay for all of us to move to the castle in Falador and become knights!”
“Really? That’s so awesome! I can’t wait to tell the others!”
“Where is everyone?” Bweer asked, “When I came to the Blue Moon, no one was there but a few early drinkers.”
“Oh, yeah, we went on an adventure tonight with our new friend Cory. I was so mad. This stupid monk caught me right before I was gonna see the gravestones of the Three Priestly Warriors.”
“Do you mean the Seven Priestly Warriors?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyway, they should be back anytime. Just wait until you meet Cory… I think you’ll like him.” Maximus sighed a happy, exhausted sigh, “I can’t believe it. We’re really gonna be knights. Everything is going to change!”

19-Feb-2011 03:59:44 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2011 04:53:22 by Learth



Posts: 376 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The plan had actually come together. Zamorakian forces from all over the land had pledged their service tonight for this legendary battle. The cult assembled in the secret underground chamber of the Zamorak Church. Tonight, instead of their usual ceremonial robes, they were arrayed in radiant dragon armor, and elaborate magical garments.
Vorlon paced back and forth in front of the troop and spoke to them, “When the first wave of vampyres reaches the east wall, we will prepare to march from the church in an attack on the palace. We will only begin the attack once the king has sent reinforcements from the castle to fend off the vampyre assault. We will attack the remaining guards at the palace, and the king’s personal guards, and the king himself. We give King Roald no time to bargain for his life, and we take no prisoners. Next, the Kinishra will attack the west wall of the city, the dark wizards south of the city will summon demons to attack from that direction, and the final wave of werewolves and vampires will emerge from the Dagon’hai tunnel. We will surround the city, giving our enemies no escape….”
He paused, looking over them, “And so, my brothers and sisters, on this night we will take the land of Varrock for ourselves and for our master. May we revel in bloodshed, and triumph in glory. May Zamorak Conquer!” He shouted.
“May Zamorak Conquer!” echoed the throng.

19-Feb-2011 03:59:51 - Last edited on 21-Feb-2011 13:14:37 by Learth



Posts: 376 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Up on the watchtower to the East, two guards took the watch side by side. They perceived no danger in the calm night. They were laughing and telling riddles and jokes. *What’s bigger than a hill giant and smells twice as bad?” Said one to the other.
“I don’t know?” said Bob, the other guard.
“Your mom! Hahahaha!” Tom, the first guard, laughed.
“Oh, come on, no *your mom’ jokes. That’s not even funny, it’s just disrespectful.”
“Okay, okay, you’re right… how about this, then. What’s black and white and red all over?”
“Now that’s just too easy,” said the second guard, “Everyone knows that’s a letter.”
“Yeah, well if you can do better, by all means have a go.”
“Alright… what shines by moonlight, is solid as stone, but goes right through you?”
“I don’t know,” said the guard, scratching his chin.
Bob thrust his sword through the other guard’s chest, “You know now!” he laughed. He waited a few seconds for the light to drain from his eyes, "... that's a joke you can't tell your friends."
On the horizon, a cloud of dark wings loomed ever closer. They were visible even before Bob killed the watchman, but he was too distracted to see anything. In what seemed like mere moments, the vampyre assault had reached the East wall. They knew their orders—“Do not advance on the city. Keep the guards occupied to the east. Kill as many as you can, but do not advance.”

19-Feb-2011 03:59:57 - Last edited on 21-Feb-2011 13:36:49 by Learth



Posts: 376 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When the Varrock Guard finally noticed their approaching enemy, they had difficulty assembling their forces for the defense. Vyrewatch flew here and there, cackling and devouring citizen and guardsman alike. The lesser vampyres marched against the wall. The guard had managed to form a line of archers and fire into the fray, but the steel arrows bounced off the vyrewatch without harming them. The city had special silver arrows blessed and prepared in case of such an attack, but they had somehow vanished from the storehouse.
A pair of vyrewatch with glowing spears, one at the north side of the east wall, one at the south, charged against the archers from the side. Those who were not impaled directly were knocked from the wall to the hungry mob of werewolves and vampires below. Lord Drakan hovered amidst his forces, visibly more radiant than he was on the night of his meeting with Ambassador Burns. Although he did not participate in the attack himself, he seemed to be drinking the energy of the battle from the atmosphere.

The boys in the church heard shouting outside, and the clanking steel of weapons. “Get out! Get out of here quickly!” a guard shouted to the boys and the priests, “We’re under attack! Get to safety!”
Maximus and Bweer looked at each other, and then ran off into the night.
“Where should we go?” asked the priests, *What’s happening?”
“The vampyres are attacking! Get into to the castle!”
But they were too late. Something like a cannon, but with magical blue fire, blew the roof to rubble right from the building.
“Run!” the guard shouted, as the priests tried to navigate their way out through the piles of debris. Vyrewatch circled like vultures above, sighting their targets and swooping in for the kill.

19-Feb-2011 04:00:04 - Last edited on 21-Feb-2011 15:38:38 by Learth



Posts: 376 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The boys ran all the way back to the Blue Moon basement. They saw the winged creatures overhead, but avoided capture. Adrenaline flowed through their blood like a raging river.
“I never thought we’d have to use the emergency kit!* said Maximus in disbelief.
“Well this is why we have it. It’s good to always be prepared,” Bweer reminded him.
They opened a secret compartment in the wall of the basement, hidden by removable bricks. Behind it was a chest full of chainmail, food, potions, and weapons.
“We’re gonna be heroes!” Maximus grinned.
*I don’t think it will be that easy,” said Bweer. “The guard looked really worried. There’s a good chance that we could die here.” His tone was somber.
Then Maximus had an awful realization. The fighting was coming from the East. His friends, his followers, had probably been attacked and killed by the enemy without any equipment to fight back.
He looked at Bweer right in the eyes and said, *I dont know if I can do this… Our club, all of them, was out there tonight.”
“We need to defend our homeland.” Bweer said solemnly. “If for nothing else, do it in their memory.”
Maximus nodded, and the boys rushed out of the Blue Moon… but before they had gone far, they saw a troop of red warriors to their south, stealthily advancing towards the palace.
“We have to warn the king!”

19-Feb-2011 04:00:10 - Last edited on 21-Feb-2011 16:12:42 by Learth

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