
The Cult of Zamorak

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He raised his sword in the firelight, and lunged towards the man, who dodged effortlessly into the darkness.
His voice came ominously out of the shadows “The rumors you hear in the streets are not true. Killing children is no sport for us. Leave now, and I will let you live.”
“Never,” Said Bweer, charging blindly into the darkness…
But a hand stopped him. This man wore a white gauntlet. It was not the hand of a Zamorakian.
A paladin had infiltrated them amidst the din. “Halt.” He commanded. He addressed the Zamorakian lord, “Explain your presence here.”
“We explain ourselves to no one,” Smiled Vorlon. “Who are you?”
“I am a paladin of the mighty Saradomin. If you do not explain yourselves, then we will arrest you.” Two more such paladins stepped forward into the clearing. “A troop of white knights are on their way as our reinforcements. You have nowhere to run. Explain yourselves.”
Vorlon turned his head to the shadows. A beautiful dark-haired Zamorakian woman was looking thoughtfully into the distance, as if gazing at another world.
“Lady Manasi, does he speak the truth?” Vorlon asked.
She looked up, “He does.”
“Lightning, lead us out.” Vorlon commanded. A hooded mage
stepped forward. With a flourish of his staff, a flash of red exploded through the atmosphere. It blinded Bweer and the paladins for a moment, and when they regained their sight, the Zamorak Cult had disappeared.

10-Feb-2011 00:14:59 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2011 00:08:52 by Learth



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“Search everything,” ordered the first paladin. The other two went through the crates and equipment, but found no sign of the Zamorakians or their method of escape. “Sir Jerro,” He continued, “go, send word to the knights that our enemy has fled.”
“Aye, Sir Carl,” The second knight bowed and exited the enclosure.
The remaining two knights turned their attention to the boy.
“Are you alright, son?” Sir Carl asked after a few moments.
“No, sir, I’m not alright. My sister is dead, and I can do nothing,” Said Bweer, looking downcast.
“Do not be so despondent, lad. We will find them,” Said Sir Harry, the other paladin. “Your shouting has helped us find this headquarters. It has been by Saradomin’s will that you came here, though I must say it was not wise.”
“I can see that now,* Bweer admitted. “I just couldn’t do nothing, I couldn’t. Maximus and the boys did*’t want to help me anymore, and the guards are needed to defend the city, so I had to go myself.”
“I admire your bravery and determination,” Sir Carl Said, “Where is your family, that we may return you to them?”
“My father was killed many years ago, my mother died more recently of natural causes. Now that my sister is gone, all I have are the boys in Varrock.”
“Who are these boys you speak of?”
“Orphans, mostly, and kids of drunks and thieves. Maximus and I made a club, you see, and we keep the boys out of trouble… well, mostly. Sometimes we end up leading them into trouble. They are like brothers to me.”
Sir Carl scratched his beard. “How many of these boys are there?”
“Almost a dozen,” replied Bweer. “There’s Maximus, and Avery, Zachary, Jim, and Joe… myself, of course, and the little ones, Robert, Marcus, Justin, and Gabe… and Gabe has a little sister, about four years old, who comes with him to the meetings. She’s not quite one of the boys, though. I think that’s eleven.”
“How would you like it if I paid for you and your boys to study under the knights of Falador?”

10-Feb-2011 00:15:06 - Last edited on 17-Feb-2011 18:50:35 by Learth



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The demented songs were beginning to fade. Learth’s serpentine bones burned as they contorted once more into a human shape. Her bones enfleshed before her eyes, still glowing green with the memory of what she had seen. She did not know how long she had been in the cave, but she was very hungry. Up ahead was an opening… an exit, perhaps. She crawled toward it at first, for her body was numb, but as she regained sensation, she stood up to walk. Against the light of the opening was the silhouette of a hooded figure, not unlike the man who had brought her there. As she approached, she noticed that the figure smelled of burnt flesh, and was cloaked in green.
“Ssssssssir,” Learth half hissed, half spoke to the man, who did not seem the least bit disconcerted by her unnatural voice. “Sir, have you any food?”
He clutched an ornate staff, and seemed to lift his head.
“Today,” He said, “is your first and last day.”

Learth suddenly felt frozen. Some kind of magic, unlike anything she had ever seen, began to pin her to the ground. She struggled to get up, to no avail.
“What I have created,” he said, “I will now destroy. You were never meant to come into this world. If you would have stayed a worm like your human mother, I would have spared you. Now that you have the power of my kind, you must die.”
His hood fell back to reveal a skeletal face.
“Who are you?” She asked
“I am Lord Lucien. I am one of an ancient race called the Mahjarrat. That part of you that is from me is where you draw your power to transform. When I sensed you here, I realized that you are not completely human, as I believed you to be.”
“So… you are my father!”

10-Feb-2011 00:15:12 - Last edited on 18-Feb-2011 15:59:10 by Learth



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As she said this, her eyes flashed so brightly that the darkness was filled for a moment with vivid green. Lucien’s eyes went dark, and he lost his grip on the staff for a moment. Learth found that whatever stunned him had released her from his spell, and she clambered out into the daylight for her life.
Rather than pursue her, when Lucien saw that she was gone, he formed an eerie, knowing smile. He had seen something in the flash. Perhaps this daughter of his had some use after all.
The emissary stood waiting at the gate of a sinister castle that spiraled up, seeming to fade into a grey sky. Far from being nervous or suffering from the gloom, Ambassador Burns was excited by the challenge of negotiating with vampires. His red robes had been replaced with black for the occasion, so that his clients would not be enticed into bloodlust. His dark hair was neatly combed back, and he carried himself with a royal bearing… in short, he blended in.
One of the horned vyrewatch landed beside him, transforming into a humanlike shape that looked not unlike Burns himself. “Have you heard?” the vyre asked, “We’re having a visitor at the palace today.” He cackled, “One of the meatsacks from beyond the salve.”
A wide smile formed across Ambassador Burns’s face. “You don’t say. What do you think he will be like?”
The vyrewatch scrunched up his nose playfully, “When you’ve met one human, you’ve met them all. I have never seen one who was anything but sniveling, cowering, and weak. Whatever business he has with our Lord, I cannot guess. It’s strange that Drakan would hold audience with a human.”

10-Feb-2011 00:15:19 - Last edited on 19-Feb-2011 00:43:36 by Learth



Posts: 376 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The vyrewatch paused and looked down on the human ghetto, “I was on my way to grab a snack. I’d invite you to join me, but it smells like you’ve just eaten.”
“Don’t let me keep you,” Burns said as the vyrewatch turned to leave.
Just then, a juvenate vampire appeared at the gate. “Ambassador Burns, Lord Drakan will see you now.*
The vyrewatch turned back, so shocked at what he heard that he almost lost his balance.
The vampyre lead the ambassador into the palace through a giant stone arch. Menacing spines seemed to be the décor of the season. They jutted out from the furniture, the walls, the ceiling, and even at times the floor. The interior was unlike any human castle that Ambassador Burns had ever seen, because there were several floors, but no stairways. Lord Drakan thought it wiser to meet his guest in a lounge on the first floor rather than have one of his servants lift the human into his throne room.
The lord of the vampyres was a thin, bony man. He reclined on one elbow in an uncomfortable looking armchair. His expression of disgust may have indicated his displeasure that the chair was inferior to the quality he usually enjoyed, or it may have been simply his personality. It seemed he did not conduct business on the ground floor very often.
“Tell me,” said Lord Drakan, “Why I cannot see your thoughts. You are human who is ordinary enough, aside from this fact. It intrigues me,” Though he looked far more irritated than intrigued.

10-Feb-2011 00:15:25 - Last edited on 19-Feb-2011 03:54:03 by Learth



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“Perhaps it is because I have not thought them yet?” Burns slipped into a sideways smile, which seemed to make Drakan twitch with anger. He quickly regained his composure, however, and continued. “No… I believe that Zamorak must be protecting his emissary. His… human emissary. What folly! Gielinor has truly gone to the dogs. So, dog of Zamorak, tell me… what are your terms for the agreement?”
“Your hand in this, Lord Drakan, is simple. We have an agent that will do the rest… he has a way to deal with your little problem. Once our agent has completed his mission, merely have your troops ready to march on Varrock. The city will be yours, and it will serve as a headquarters for your forces and our forces to do battle with the rest of Misthalin… for the triumph of our god Zamorak.” Burns thought for a moment that he saw Drakan’s brow tense as he heard the word, “god.”
"Such a plan was attempted before, if I recall, but the timing was poor. Some of your monks polluted the river, but we were not informed of the act until the river had been restored."
"That will not happen this time." the ambassador assured him. "We are better prepared, and have arranged a signal." He handed the vampire a small pendant. "This will begin to glow when we are ready for you to attack."
“I accept the terms of your agreement. How I long to spread my wings and crush my enemies again! We will cooperate with you, and,” he hesitated for a moment, “Zamorak will be quite pleased.*

10-Feb-2011 00:15:30 - Last edited on 19-Feb-2011 04:07:33 by Learth



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Sir Norman was very surprised to see Learth again, especially since he had just been informed of her death. She was looking rather well, he thought. He presumed it was because she had released herself from all of the problems she had spoken with him about.
He could remember their first meeting very well. Learth’s original intention when consulting him, the representative of the Zamorak Cult, was to employ an assassin. A rich, calculating merchant who found Learth attractive was trying to manipulate her into marriage with him. He had her fired from her job, and soon she was unable to pay for food for herself and her brother. This merchant then spread news throughout the city that he was engaged to her, and gave her presents and a key to his house. She was disgusted, but said nothing, for that was the only way that she could provide for her little brother. She said that whoever killed this man would have half his fortune as payment.
Norman spoke to her kindly, telling her that the vendetta against this man was very personal. If one of his men were to kill this merchant, Learth would miss the fulfillment of ending his life herself. He then spoke to her about Zamorak and liberation. She listened attentively.
She wanted the freedom that he promised. She wanted the power of Zamorak, to do as she pleased, and cause harm to those who harmed her. The reason that she did not wish to go with him on the night of their meeting was indeed fear, though not fear for her own safety. She feared that her brother, who she loved, and who was always just and forthright, would misunderstand what she planned to do.

10-Feb-2011 00:15:37 - Last edited on 19-Feb-2011 16:31:46 by Learth



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Her presence in the city had indeed aroused his curiosity. If she was not dead, then what had really happened to her?
He walked up beside her as she continued down the Varrock street with a bundle of wadded-up clothes.
“A bit late in the day for laundry, don’t you think,” He said as he turned to her.
“… Do I know you?” She asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
Sir Norman laughed, and his mustache, though now neatly combed down, wriggled in the sunlight.
“It’s you! … you’re a knight!” She recognized his gesture.
“Sir Norman, at your service, M’lady.”
“In that case, Sir Norman, I have something to show you. Come with me.”
She led him into an abandoned alleyway. She climbed halfway up a fire escape to look for wanderers, but it was deserted. She began to carefully unwrap the laundry. Beneath several layers of dresses and tunics, she peeled back a sleeve to reveal a vacant eye, then another. It was the severed head of the merchant. “I’d like to offer this to Zamorak, and I ask admission to your cult.”
“Admission granted.”

10-Feb-2011 00:15:45 - Last edited on 19-Feb-2011 16:33:09 by Learth



Posts: 376 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Meanwhile, only a few streets to the east, Maximus and his boys were holding a special edition meeting. That morning, Maximus had met a new guy in town named Cory. Cory was older than the boys, he looked about seventeen, and Maximus could immediately tell that this Cory was cool… somebody who was somebody. He wanted to introduce him to his friends. Cory said yeah, whatever, he would meet Maximus’s friends. It was getting dark, though, and Bweer wasn’t back. As much as Maximus loved calling the shots by himself, he was beginning to worry.
The boys were assembled in the blue moon basement, waiting for Maximus and this Cory they heard so much about to show up.
“I’ve seen him,” Said Avery, lying through his teeth, “He’s a real teenager, like the kind in the Phoenix Gang. He has all kinds of tattoos and stuff.”
“I’ll bet he has a girlfriend!” Zachary said.
“Or a wife!” chimed little Justin.
“… You stupids, he doesn’t have a wife or a girlfriend.” Said Jim, “If he had one of those, she wouldn’t let him do all the cool stuff that he does, like go out on after sunset and get all the girls.”
Zachary hit Jim in the shoulder.
Joe shoved Zachary away, “Well if he gets all the girls, than he has a girlfriend. He’s just so cool that he gets to tell her what to do instead of the other way around… like make him a sandwich while he gets to kiss her best friend.”
“Nobody’s that cool,” Robert said critically.
Maximus climbed down the ladder, beaming with pride. Cory, holding a keg in one arm, swung around the top rung of the ladder and jumped to the floor, landing on his feet with a dramatic thump.
“Okay, I’ll take it back,” Robert admitted, “Maybe he is that cool.”

10-Feb-2011 00:15:51 - Last edited on 15-Aug-2011 21:36:38 by Learth



Posts: 376 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Learth was squirming with delight. It was her first mission, and she could not have picked a better time to join the Zamorak Cult. There was to be an invasion—a real, honest-to-Zamorak invasion—and she was to neutralize Varrock’s beacon warning system using any means nescessary.
She was so excited about receiving this mission, however, that she failed to actually formulate a plan to accomplish this goal. She began at the start, the east beacon; the first fire to be lit in the event of an attack. She walked up to it and began to examine it carefully, though she did not realize someone was standing behind her until he came so close to the back of her neck that when he spoke, it made her jump.
“Beautiful, isn’t it? State of the art,” said the man, taking no noticed at how startled Learth was at his appearance.
“Where did you come from!?!” she asked, still a little startled.
“Oh, I’m Blaze Sharpeye. Are you the one King Rolad sent to test the beacons?”
“Um…. Yes! That’s me. Learth, the beacon-tester, at your service.”
Sharpeye smiled, and his eyes glistened. “I was hoping you were. The king won’t let me test the fires myself anymore. He says I’m using up too much of the kingdom’s wood… Bah! What is wood for besides lighting fires?”
“Um… fletching?” Learth asked.
Blaze rolled his eyes, *Exactly. Nothing nearly as important.”

10-Feb-2011 00:15:57 - Last edited on 19-Feb-2011 21:55:56 by Learth

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