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Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Ah, don't worry. I've got that problem covered, trust me. ^_^

And I never run out of names to give. Iericho was given as a city name because of the meaning of the name "Iericho". Trust me, it's for the reason of the city's emblem. ^_^ But overall, I'm glad to find out that all of you seem to like it. So, I look forward to starting it. But I don't look forward to ending Crimson. :|

The end
is only
the beginning...

22-Sep-2009 20:51:18 - Last edited on 22-Sep-2009 20:51:57 by Serene End

Ark Von Doom

Ark Von Doom

Posts: 6,501 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Excellente then ^_^ And as for Crimson, just don't end it! Let's see some extra special bonus chapters! There could be...

One where Janak's ghost returns on Halloween to steal all of the candy! Oh wait he's a good guy... Well then to save the candy from Alrous!

A Cooking Show with Nyx and Lev against Sarah and Marcello in a Stir-Fry Cooking Battle to the Death!

An Adventure with Logan and Darien in which they fight through the Island of Molten Cheese to retreive the legendary Llama Talisman!

A Day in the Life of Vezyfher. You can just skip the seven or so hours he spends looking at himself in the mirror O_o

I'm sure there are others! The story never ends :@

22-Sep-2009 21:21:59 - Last edited on 22-Sep-2009 21:22:16 by Ark Von Doom

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Ahh, but there will be bonus chapters. I have some ideas in mind. ^_^

And yes, I'll have to be sure to include a Halloween special. I'll figure something out that'll surely tell some truth or another. :)

The end
is only
the beginning...

22-Sep-2009 21:28:48

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I had a magic typing mood. :D And so, the End chapter be here! But don't expect any fights pl0x!

…,.»·•º°°º•·«.,…,.•*´¨¨`*•.,of Crimson,.•*´¨¨`*•.,…,.»·•º°°º•·«.,…
…,.»·•º°°º•·«.,…,.•*´¨¨`*•.,Part 1,.•*´¨¨`*•.,…,.»·•º°°º•·«.,…

Upon the cold, wintry December 29th morning. Everybody that lived in the Varrock capital were mourning the loss of so many lives, taken so mercilessly by the Raven Reapers. At a cemetery right outside the Varrock castle walls, people were dressed in black looking upon the many graves in mourn.

A Saradomin priest chanted out words of bemoan from his Holy Book. Visdin was right by Sarah, who looked like she was ready to breakout in tears at any given moment. As the funeral continued, cries of children and people smothered the air, lost without their loved ones.

Marcello, Darien, Aries, and Logan stood beside Visdin and Sarah, who looked like they were the most at hurt. "And as we lament over the loss we have suffered upon this day, we mustn't forgo our strength in our belief. For if we allow resentment to control us, how will we control ourselves from destroying everything but our enemy?" the priest chanted.

Salomon walked right next to the priest. The priest looked at Salomon with a raised eyebrow, in question of what the emperor is going to do. Salomon looks at the crowd of mourning people.

"Citizens of the Holy Kingdom, listen to the words I wish to speak." the emperor demanded. "Today is a day of remembrance, and loss. But you must remember that we are still here, but why you may ask. It is because of people like these soldiers that we are remembering today. Their sacrifice and will has kept us from mourning many more. Remember, it is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank our stars that such men lived."
The end
is only
the beginning...

22-Sep-2009 23:54:10

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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After another hour, the priest left back into the castle, leaving everybody to see the graves of their loved ones. The snow continued to fall from the sky, like a peaceful, wintry wonderland. Sarah stared at Janak's grave for a moment, then fell to her knees as tears fell down her eyes like a fountain.

She cried over Janak's grave. "..I'm so sorry..!" she said with a raised voice.

Visdin was away from Sarah, as he was told by Sarah that she wanted to be alone. Marcello and Logan were right by him, the three watched Sarah as they were concerned. Visdin turned his head away from Sarah, unable to watch any longer. A tear fell down his eye as he sighed. "Why is this so difficult..?" he muttered, trying to keep quiet as his tone of voice suggested.

"It'll be okay, Visdin. We'll pull through." Marcello tried to comfort him.

Logan looks at Marcello. "I am not so sure it is that easy, Master Marcello." replied Logan.

Visdin looked at Marcello. "I'm sorry Marcello. But I'm...we're not like you. We can't just simply say that everything's going to be okay.."

Marcello gives Visdin a serious look in the eye. "You really think Janak would want you to act this way?"

Visdin's eye went down when he looks to the ground. "..."

"Remind me of one of Janak's traits." Marcello crossed his arms. "He said he was willing to give his life for Sarah, right? And he did. He saved her before she was killed, and he probably would've gotten killed anyways."

Visdin's expression quickly change in a shift. His sadness turned into anger. "How the hell would you know that?!"

"Because Janak wouldn't be able to live after that. He stated himself that he believed that his life was devoted to protecting Sarah, right? And if he failed, he would most likely take his own life."

The look in Visdin's eyes told something about his current emotion, he was serious. "Sarah tried taking her own life, as well."
The end
is only
the beginning...

22-Sep-2009 23:59:07

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Marcello raised his eyebrow. "?"

"I woke up in the middle of the night, and I saw her with a knife in her hand. I heard her whispering her final requests and goodbyes."

Back last night, the snow outside continued to fall upon the empty, burned down buildings. In the Wolfsbane house, Visdin was asleep, and Sarah was sitting on top of her bed. Her eyes filled with water, and her cheeks red from crying so much.

This unimaginable feeling of sorrow consumed her. Memories of Janak filled her head, she then looked towards Janak's bed. She then noticed a piece of paper sticking out of the drawer right by his bed. She grabs it and unfolds it. It reads:

"Dear Sarah,

I know you're feeling incredibly sad right now. But you have nothing to be sad about. I'll be right beside you everyday, even in the afterlife. You're too beautiful to be crying over me, and I know you're strong enough to pull through. Please don't be sad anymore. I didn't want it to end with you crying, but just know I died for a reason.

I'll miss you and always love you,

Tears poured out from her eyes like a waterfall. She fell to her bed's pillow, and began to scream out for Janak. "Did you want to die!?" she screamed. She clenched the note in her hand. Visdin was awake but he acted like he was asleep. He had this incredibly sad look on his face when he heard his sister's cries.

After a few minutes of that, she glanced at Janak's table and saw one of his throwing knives laying there. She grabs it and looks at it for a moment. She glanced at the back of Visdin, who she believed was asleep.

"Forgive me Janak..but I'm not strong enough.." she mumbled softly. "..Goodbye Visdin, I'll miss you.." She holds the dagger up, like she was about to kill herself.
The end
is only
the beginning...

23-Sep-2009 00:02:49

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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"No!!" Visdin shouted as he shot up from his bed. Visdin hasted over to Sarah, and smacked the dagger out of her hands. He puts his hands on Sarah's shoulders and began to shake her. "What the hell are you trying to do?! You think it's better for everybody if you'd just die?!" he yelled.

"..But what am I going to do!?.." she cried.

"You're not going to take your own life! THAT'S what you're going to do!!"

"..But it's so hard to live..! Without Janak, I-"

"Do you think Janak would want to see you this way!?"

Sarah downed her head. "..."

A tear fell from Visdin's eye. "You can't just die! You've got to keep living!"


"Because he didn't give his own life just for you to take your own!!"

Sarah glanced back up at Visdin. "..I'm so sorry Visdin.."

Visdin embraced Sarah, she cried on his shoulder. Her cries echoed throughout the night sky, reaching up to the heavens. Without the two knowing, Sarah's amulet began to glow. Back in the present, Visdin told Logan and Marcello regarding that incident.

Back over with Sarah, she placed a dozen roses on Janak's grave. She began to mumble words to Janak about the same incident that Visdin just told the other two. "I miss you, Janak..!" she shouted. She broke out in tears after that, to the point that she couldn't stop.

She then began to hear crunches of snow, approaching her. She looks back and sees nothing, but sees footprints. Suddenly, a warm embrace wrapped around her. This embrace made Sarah feel a sense of security and hope.

She was able to grab onto this unknown force, like as if she was hugging a living person. Salomon was still at the cemetery, he looks up at the chapel right by the gate they were nearest to. The church bells were ringing, and the snow quietly fell. He was a human figure that was wearing a hood, staring down at everyone.
The end
is only
the beginning...

23-Sep-2009 00:07:39

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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The figure was Ba'al. He stared at Sarah, then began to whisper "Forgive me". The Crimson Reaper glanced at Salomon, who was smirked rather evilly. Aries and Darien walk over to Salomon.

"Is there something bothering you, sire?" asked the elf. He looked up at where Salomon was looking and saw nothing.

Salomon looked at Darien. "Nothing is bothering me." he replied.

Aries looked over at the cemetery. Darien also looks but then he sighs. "It's really sad, isn't it?"

"Yes. But we must value their sacrifice." Aries mumbled.

"Indeed. For people like that are the very glue that holds this kingdom from falling apart." On top of a watch tower Raven, Nyx, Lev, and Vezyfher watched their enemy mourn. Nyx couldn't stop laughing, she enjoyed the sight so much.

Lev looks at Raven, who looked like he was waiting for something. "How much longer must we wait until we can awaken father? It's been two days since we got his scythe." Lev asked.

Raven looks at Lev. "You need not worry child. When the Blue moon rises, that is when he may awaken." replied Raven.

Nyx stops laughing and looks at how sad Sarah is. "This is too amusing! Look at her cry! Boo-hoo, boo-hoo! Hahaha!" she continued to laugh and mock.

Vezyfher looks away from the cemetery, unable to watch anymore. Raven notices this, and so he looks back at the noble assassin. "Does something bother you, Vezyfher?"

He shook his head. "No. Nothing is wrong." Vezyfher replied. He looks back at the three. "I've got to go take care of some business. So, ciao."


Vezyfher jumps off the watch tower. The three continued to watch their enemies until the sun fell down. Sarah was still at the graveyard even during the night. Visdin walks over to her and puts his left hand on her right shoulder. "C'mon. You're going to catch a cold if you stay out here longer." he stated.

"I've been thinking for a while.." she mumbled.

"Hmm..About what?"
The end
is only
the beginning...

23-Sep-2009 00:11:04

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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"It was Ba'al who killed Janak. Now I have a true reason to want to kill him."


"I can't hide my resentment anymore. He has to die for the things he has done."

"Do you think of your indignation as some form of guidance?"

"Visdin. I know you want to kill Ba'al, you want vengeance as well."

"Vengeance? Well, yes, I wish for him to be taken care of. Not by my own judgment, but by Salomon's."

"I don't care anymore. I'm going to find Ba'al, and I'm going to kill him!"

"You're harboring this angry, this rancor. But you can't go doing things like that, Sarah. You'll end up as the enemy if you begin to feel that way."

Sarah stood up from the snow, she walked away from Visdin. "I'm going to avenge Janak's death. I'll make sure that Ba'al suffers the worst death possible." Visdin turned around and looked at Sarah with a serious look upon his face. "Don't walk down this path, Sarah. Hatred will just blind you."

She didn't reply, instead just continued to walk forward. Visdin sighed, the heat of his breath appeared like a fog out in the cold. He looks up at the moon, it was the color blue. Salomon also takes a glance at the moon from the safety of his castle room's window.

At the Raven Reaper's castle in Abitante. Abaddon's body was laying on the ground, lifeless. The moon was visible from a window on the ceiling. The moonlight shined upon Abaddon. He was in the middle of a circle.

This big circle looked like it was painted on the floor in blood. On the top of this circle, painted on the floor, were lines that were in the shape of sewing needles. This symbol appeared to the symbol in the legends of Abaddon that represented him.

Several Raven Reapers, including Raven, entered the room. Lev was among one of these Raven Reapers, as he was dressed in their robes. Raven had the Scythe of Verità in his hand, and Abaddon's body began to react to it. His body began to twitch and shake to life.
The end
is only
the beginning...

23-Sep-2009 00:15:11

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Raven knelled down right by Abaddon's body and placed the scythe right by him. Raven backed away afterwards. Suddenly, a blast of dark energy rushed through the room when Abaddon's hands clenched into fists. His pitch-black eyes opened up when his hand took grasp upon the Scythe of Verità.

A surge of life breathed into Abaddon's body. He levitated off his feet and back on his feet. All the Raven Reapers looked at Abaddon, and Lev stared at Abaddon with a smile. "Father! He's alive!" Lev said in his head. Abaddon looked at the Raven Reapers, and saw a Raven Reaper approach him.

"Father-" Without hesitation or warning, Abaddon grabs the head of that Raven Reaper assassin. He lifted that Raven Reaper into the air as he screamed in fear. Abaddon's grip upon the man's forehead grew. These strange veins appear from Abaddon's eyes.

These veins traveled from Abaddon's eyes to his hand. There, the black veins became visible upon the victim's body. They traveled all over the man's body. After a moment, the man stops screaming and the veins travel away from the man back into Abaddon's eyes.

Abaddon drops the man right where he stood before. The Raven Reaper's eyes rolled in the back of his head as his body twitched. Some of the other assassins looked on in disbelief. But Lev and Raven didn't react at all.

"They say an Angel of Death's deadliest weapon is his touch." Abaddon said.

Without queston or reaction, all the Raven Reapers bowed to their knees before Abaddon. "Father Abaddon. I am highly esteemed to be in your presence." Raven stated.

Abaddon walked over to Raven. "Your name is Raven, correct?"

"Indeed, sire."

"And it is the Age of the Assassins, the Sixth Age."

"Very good, my lord."

" interesting. It appears I have been gone for far too long." Abaddon grabs Raven by the throat. "And maybe you might be interested in serving me."

"A-as you wish, m-my lord."
The end
is only
the beginning...

23-Sep-2009 00:18:35

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