There was once a time when all people stood straight,
Accepting the future; accepting their fate.
And whenever misfortune in their lives arose,
No tears would fall, for all hearts would then close.
Never had a notion so bold and so bland
As empathy ever found root in that land,
A notion, as this, they could aught but conceive,
But this would all change on one Wintumber Eve.
Alone in his chamber, his day so long through,
A fire he’d started—he heaved logs thereto,
When all of a sudden, he heard a great clout,
He shuttered from place, just to figure it out.
Out through the doorway, and into the hall,
He prudently checked it, and he checked it all.
But as he at last found his house was secure,
He heard such a sound as would cause this demure.
Further excursing into the deep night,
The man found a body—Alas! To his fright.
A woman it was, who the man seemed to know;
But because of his torpor, there was naught he could show.
It was hellishly hot, oh so terribly warm,
For this man so standing, tears fleeing by storm.
And the tears which so fled him as raindrops to sky,
Would not be suppressed, despite how he try.
And with thoughts in his mind of taking his life,
He once more looked down to his love and his wife,
And at seeing her covered with tears he’d just shed,
He hastily looked up, proclaiming her dead.
He returned to his chamber; plans of leaving this plane,
He’d be with his wife, with his love yet again!
When a knife stood to plunge out his heart so disownt,
A hand fell upon it, his wife begging, “Don’t!”
14-Jun-2009 02:41:06
- Last edited on
23-Dec-2009 18:48:31