
The Diary of Ana Meken

Quick find code: 49-50-232-65187737

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===25th of Wintumber===

Boy, am I glad to be heading back to Pollniveach today...

This morning was worse than last night. I woke up to find myself tied up, alongside the rest of my family and the menaphites. Osman had cracked open the chest and took the weapons out and armed the other Al Kharid spies with them.

He was just waiting for it all along. He could have done this at any point yesterday but decided to play along with it, it seems. Enjoy the night, then betray us while we were asleep.

He lectured us about how feeble minded and naive we and the menaphites were, that the Al-Kharid spies didn't even need to take it by force, instead we set ourselves into our own trap.

They were going to kill the menaphites, for they would be better left dead than alive in this case, but me and the rest of my family were going to be put into the Al Kharid jail under treason, for helping out the menaphites.

That would have happened, too...If he didn't anticipate one thing: The spirit of Wintumber. That's the only thing that can really explain what happened next...

When Osman ordered the other spies to kill the menaphites...they hesitated...and instead of doing what they were told...they worked together and disarmed Osman and tied him up. The hospitality my mom had shown them was too much for their conscious to turn against it, it seems.

They untied us, except for the menaphites, and decided on what to do with them. After yesterday's events, none of the menaphites wanted to be a part of the war anymore, they accepted being taken in as prisoners of war, if the spies would agree to treat them in humane situations until the war is over and they could be released.

22-Oct-2013 04:20:54 - Last edited on 14-Dec-2013 19:42:39 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As for us, it was advised that we leave Al-Kharid for awhile until things cool down, which we would be doing anyway. Osman likely wouldn't take kindly to being outsmarted by regular citizens and his own men, but at the same time, he wouldn't want to admit the events that happened today were actually true, since it would make him look bad. Any vendetta he would have against us would be one that he would have to act out himself personally.

Well, this has been one crazy holiday, but it's finally over, and we're still all in one piece. One family.

Dad's business dealings with that Morris person didn't work out so well, I hear. After denying selling our business for a lifetimes supply of waterskins, he was suggesting we move to Morytania and sell our silver there to inhabitants. He offered to pay for the travel expenses again, just like the Carnilleans did...but from what I've heard about that place...I don't think the general population there would be very interested in our wares...And they likely would be even less hospitable than what my family thought the Kharidians were at first.

Thankfully my dad was able to say no, this time.

22-Oct-2013 04:20:59 - Last edited on 14-Dec-2013 19:42:53 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
==Year 165, 5th Age==

===30th of Bennath===

It's been awhile since I wrote in this. For the most part, nothing interesting has really happened since the crazy trip to Al-Kharid, I've just been busy keeping up the family stall in Pollniveach to try and sell what we can of Dad's silver while he's on long trips to different cities. I might get a buyer here and there, but it's a boring job...It makes school seem like fun, if I were still able to go to it.

Recently though, Aleck has been teaching me how to hunt out in the desert around town. When we don't get enough money for food we eat whatever he had hunted by then. I asked if I could learn how to hunt too and, after much negotiating with mom and Olivia, they agreed to watch over the stall for awhile. They think hunting should be left to the men of the family to do, if anyone. Well...I think it would be a useful art to learn in case I ever need it in the future.

Usually head southwest of the city, following the river so we don't get lost, until we find some prey to hunt down. Usually jackals or vultures, or whatever else we find on the road. We tend to stay away as far as possible from the crocodiles...

Aleck taught me how to use a bow and arrow for airborne targets, or when they're far away and unsuspecting of your presence. Though, he also taught me how to use a scimitar, in case the foe gets within distance.

I think I'm getting the hang of it so far; he says I'm a lot better than he was when dad was teaching him at first. I still get some bruises and scratches, but nothing I can't heal from.

I don't think I've ever seen Aleck take a hit, though...He's always so graceful in his movements, and seems to anticipate anything they can throw at him. I've even seen him take down a pack of jackals all by himself without a scratch!

22-Oct-2013 04:21:04 - Last edited on 14-Dec-2013 19:43:55 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===1st of Raktuber===

Hmm...As me and Aleck were out hunting today as usual, we saw an odd, pointy rocky outcrop in the distance, passed that giant pyramid we always like to look at, it looked like the entrance to a cave of some sort.

Aleck thinks we should stay away from it. It would be very far away from home and even further away from any civilization, and could be dangerous, but I said if he doesn't come with I'd be going on my own. He knows me better than to think I was bluffing when I said it. That convinced him.

It just looks very peculiar, nothing around there seems to match how it looks. Something must have made it, and had a good reason for doing so. Who knows what could be there?

We'll be leaving early tomorrow morning to get a good start on the journey there, so we can make it back before dark the same day. As much as I enjoy Kharidian nights, they can be as dangerous as they are beautiful out in the open desert.

22-Oct-2013 04:21:09 - Last edited on 17-Dec-2013 06:08:23 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===3rd of Raktuber===


Giant Kalphites!

Who would have thought they were in that cave? The place was infested with them! I'd heard of a cave full of them southeast of Al-Kharid...But not here...

They were different from what I'd heard too...They...We didn't have a chance to escape. They were on us immediately. Aleck, who was ahead of me leading the path didn't see them until it was too late. They grabbed him and all I heard was a scream from him and screeches loud enough that I had to cover my ears in fear.

I ran back, away from the cave...But I stopped. They had my brother, I couldn't just run and leave him to die!

I wielded my bow and readied an arrow while moving quickly before they got out of sight in the maze of halls the cave seemed to be. Before they got to a turning point, I launched it and watched as it swiftly stuck in the back of the kalphite that was carrying my brother. It was wounded, but didn't fall down, and nearby kalphites turned to see me on the other end.

The wounded one continued out of sight, as the others ran past, quicker than I could run.

I didn't know what to do then...I was too scared, but it came to me like instinct. As it dived toward me with its legs outstretched, I rolled forward with the scimitar in hand and sliced straight down its stomach.

Two more were behind it however, so I didn't have much time to think. I dived out of the way into a small alcove behind some rocks, and managed to find a hole to squeeze in further; it looked as if it had been mined through. I poked my head through to check the surroundings and saw my brother on the wounded kalphite as they were going down a tunnel deeper into the caves.

22-Oct-2013 04:21:14 - Last edited on 18-Dec-2013 09:27:07 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I ran out after them, but right as I moved the space I had been in was covered in acidic goo...I looked over to see a small but fast kalphite guarding the entrance to the tunnel. Once again natural instinct took over and I sprinted toward the kalphite in an unpredictable manner to dodge incoming projectiles and feinted an attack from the left while I hooked around from the right. Leaving it unguarded for a slice, cutting off some of its legs.

Now immobile, I finished it off quickly before delving into the tunnel to rescue my brother.

When I entered, it was so dark that I could barely see at first, until my eyes adjusted. I could make out the kalphite carrying Aleck standing in the middle, as if preparing him for a sacrifice of sorts.

I walked slowly toward it, as if to not alarm it and sneakily finish it off, but I lost my footing and fell down when the sands themselves started shifting vigorously.

In the middle of the room, a humongous red kalphite came out of the ground and moved toward the smaller one. It was by far the biggest and scariest monster I had seen in my life.

When I managed to stand up, the fear inside me made me feel like a statue. The kalphite set my brother down who then turn to start running away, but the big kalphite shot an acidic green goo at him which stopped him in his tracks, almost like a real statue.

When I saw that, it broke me from my trance and shouted “NO!* as loud as I could. The Kalphite changed his focus on to me, preparing to launch forward. I jumped just before it came toward me at lightning speed - faster than I had anticipated. It nearly clipped my feet, but I managed to grab on to its head and hang on while it tried to regain composure. It started stomping around the room, confused as it couldn't see me. It was difficult hanging on, but I could see from above that my brother had recovered from the green acid. I shouted at him to leave me behind, but he wouldn't move.

22-Oct-2013 04:21:19 - Last edited on 18-Dec-2013 09:27:38 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Smaller kalphites emerged from the ground and surrounded Aleck, and the big kalphite resorted to sending out plasma orbs around the area. They still didn't reach where I was hanging on, but I was worried with fret that Aleck would get hit by one of them. He was as agile as he was strong however, and managed to have the kalphites get killed by the orbs themselves luring them to their death.

He then ran to the exit, as I was hoping he would earlier, but stopped and turned around.

He shouted at the big kalphite who was still stomping around confused, and was now alerted to his presence. I had no idea what he was planning...

The kalphite, enraged now, attempted to fly toward him, with me still barely hanging on. Right before it got to him, he dived back, further into the tunnel and the kalphite smashed into the wall! I flung off of it, within the tunnel, and landed next to my brother...

Or at least, that last part is what he told me what happened...

I went unconscious after falling off the kalphite apparently, and he had to carry me back out of the cave, and all the way back home, miles away. I only just woke up today in bed, slowly regaining memory of what happened...

I'm not sure if I'm remembering it all clearly either...The skill I possessed in that cave, or so I remember anyway, seemed almost unnatural. I had only just started learning the basics of combat only a few weeks ago...but when I saw my brother in danger – real danger, it was as if I was a completely different person. A skilled warrior with years of experience.

No one believes me when I told them what happened, they just think the desert heat got to us so bad that we were having mirages, and that I just passed out from the heat. Maybe they're right...

But the scars on both of us are definitely real, and no jackal or vulture could have created them...

22-Oct-2013 04:23:48 - Last edited on 18-Dec-2013 09:28:02 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===7th of Raktuber===

I've decided to leave the hunting to Aleck recently. 'Else, my curiosity may find us a grave beneath the sands we walk on eventually...

That run-in with the Kalphite King (as we've started calling it), has given me a new perspective of things in life, and some new insight.

Even when you're given obstacles that are way above the skill you possess, there are always ways to still get by if you put your mind to it. That...and when you're in a life or death situation, you hit a lot harder and faster...

Zakera has heard about the kalphites we ran into, explaining that they were an exiled tribe from the northern kalphite lair, and that it's the only cave that breeds a King. The Kalphite Queen is still the ruler however, as most insect pantheons dictate. She says many an archaeologist have met their fate by the exiled kalphites of that cave. By the time they noticed what they had stumbled in to, it was too late.

I asked how she knew so much about the archaeologists, and history in general, since that was always one of my favorite topics. Apparently, her parents are of a sect of Archaeologists dedicated to researching the Kharidian desert, set up in a rough outpost near Nardah. They work for the Varrock Museum, sending them any information or mysterious artifacts they deem of significance.

I told her about my interest in learning history and asked if I could help them out in examining the Kharidian desert for clues of the past. She said she's sure her parents would welcome any additional help. She goes to live with them every few weeks at their outpost in Nardah, switching back and forth living with her parents there and her aunty Jesmona in Pollniveach.

22-Oct-2013 04:23:53 - Last edited on 23-Dec-2013 09:21:37 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I wonder why I didn't know about this earlier? I've known Zakera for years, but never asked about her family.

Well anyway, all that's left is to ask my mom if I can travel with Zakera to Nardah and live with her parents for awhile...I'm waiting for the right time to ask. She never liked my history interest before, I doubt her opinion of it has improved since...

22-Oct-2013 04:23:58 - Last edited on 23-Dec-2013 09:21:56 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===8th of Raktuber===

Well...Surprisingly, my mom agreed to let me go study at the Nardah museum for awhile. However, only on the condition that Olivia joins me too. She doesn't want me to go alone, or well, without someone else in the family.

I guess she's right to be worried, with all the things happening the past few months, but I'm not so sure this is a good idea. Olivia wasn't very really interested in history the last time I remember...Nor is she very friendly to the people of the desert... I tried to tell mom this, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. Either Olivia comes with, or I don't go at all.

Ah well...Hopefully Zakera will allow for us both to come along.

Why is Olivia so suddenly interested in the idea of studying history at a museum, anyway? Hmm...Maybe all of my lore speeches about the interesting history the desert holds has finally paid off?

22-Oct-2013 04:24:04 - Last edited on 23-Dec-2013 09:22:19 by Ana Meken

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