
The Diary of Ana Meken

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Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello, this is a backstory I've been creating for my character "Ana Meken" as I do all quests in the game. It's part of a project I'm calling the " Grand Questing Marathon ". I've already gotten all of the skill requirements for the quests on two different accounts (combined), so I won't need to do any training inbetween. I felt I would take Jagex's intentions to heart, for making your own backstory for a character that you play, and so I did just that.

In this thread I'll be slowly revealing an 18,000 word backstory I've written for Ana Meken, in the form of a diary. The Diary of Ana Meken. It's more of a story in its own right, that just takes place in the past, as it has a real beginning, middle and end to the conclusion. There's 40 diary entries, well, 39 plus the one that will be revealed at the start of the marathon, which is actually a present-tense entry rather than in the past.

Every 5 quests I complete, I'll reveal the next diary entry in a chronological order from the beginning. Near the end I may post them more frequently, so that I can get the last one out before I finish the marathon...So check back often! Tell me what you think as more diary entries are posted. Speculate about what you think will happen next, and how you think something happened. I'd love to hear all of it, of course.

If you want to keep up-to-date on my progress in the Marathon, I have a thread for that which you can see here.

While the marathon is still a few days away from starting, I've posted the character biography and a rough summary of her history, without spoiling any of the specific details. On the day that I begin the competition I'll post a summary of the events that took place that brought her to Burthope, inevitably starting her journey. I was intending to make it a video, but due to time constraints had to keep it in text format.

22-Oct-2013 03:14:16 - Last edited on 22-Oct-2013 05:22:44 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Page 13


* Character Biography ¤

Ana has had a lot happen in her life over the years, even before becoming an adventurer. Some exciting, and some, not-so-pleasant times. One thing that has been consistent throughout the years is her undying curiosity to unravel the mysteries of the world...But before that, the mysteries of herself.

In her early childhood she lived in Ardougne near the marketplace. Her father and mother both worked lower-class jobs. Along with her brother and sister they lived a relatively good life for awhile, albeit not the most wealthy. At an early age, Ana had a desire to learn a lot about history, often disregarding her other classes its favour. While she had a lot of respect for her teacher, she also had many suspicions about him. She always felt there was something strange about him.

Unfortunately her education was cut short when an unexpected turn of events regarding her father's work had him move the entire family to the desert.

22-Oct-2013 03:14:39 - Last edited on 09-Jun-2014 02:40:07 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It took awhile for the family to adapt to the change in lifestyle, but they got by. While it meant her father would be away to different cities in the desert most of the time to make money to support the family, most who stayed took up other hobbies to survive the desert life. Ana would often sell things from the family's stall, her brother would often hunt, and her sister would earn her money in...less honorable ways.

Many adventures took place during this time, all of which attribute to Ana's skill in combat, her willingness to help others, and her mischievousness personality. And of course, her passion for knowledge.

But not all stories have happy endings...During her treks through the desert she attracted the attention of more than just those with a similar lust for adventure. Her curiosity to learn the mysteries of everything may have been the cause for the darkest moment in her life, and the destruction of those she loved...and the fact that she survived is an anomaly.

Having read much about history, she knows well the will of the gods and the way they twist fate to help their pawns serve them, but Ana doesn't want to be any part of that.

Unfortunately for her, when destiny arrives, it doesn't always knock on the door.

22-Oct-2013 03:14:43 - Last edited on 09-Jun-2014 02:37:43 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
¤ Story Introduction ¤

I'd like to start off by saying that this introduction was meant to be a video, rather than written, but due to time constraints I had to unfortunately settle for a written summary of the events. Perhaps in the future I'll make the video for this, it would show a lot more detail, but nevertheless I hope you enjoy it.

UPDATE: I decided to upload a bit of the would-be video, and it's on "The Scrying Pool"'s Youtube page, called "GQM: #0: Introduction: Postie Pete's Trip Around the World" if you want to watch it. It doesn't tell the whole introduction story however, that will be on this page here.

With that out of the way, here's the introduction.


Amascut, during the would-be last moments of Ana's life, reveled to her about the plot she ensued upon the destruction of her family and friend, Zakera. She ensured that it all took place only because of Ana's involvement with them; a lure to their grave. Ana felt she could do nothing but fall to her knees and cry...Everyone she knew had been lost. She was ready to meet Icthlarin, her only regret after passing on after learning of the destruction she inadvertently allowed to take place being not knowing why it took place. Why was Amascut so intent on devouring her soul? Of all people.

The question still remains to this day, but Icthlarin did not come for her yet.

She woke up to the sound of her mother calling to her, interrupting yet another of the constant nightmares that have haunted her since the tragic event that left only Ana and her mother alive to tell the tale, years ago.

22-Oct-2013 03:14:48 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2013 20:24:07 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aware of this, her mother said a few words in thanks to the gods that Ana had opened her eyes once more. A common practice, one Ana isn't too fond of, but holds back the urge to get in a philosophical debate about. Her mother has been this way ever since that day...Superstitious in all forms, believing cats to protect them from the Devourer most profoundly amongst them, thinking that any action that takes place in the world was predetermined by a deity and not one's own will to do so.

Today, one of the cats were sick, and Victoria didn't know to treat the illness. Ana begrudgingly got out of bed, assuming it was a mere minor splinter she was overreacting about, to see the cat in question coughing about the floor. Realizing the issue, Ana carefully picked the cat up and pat it on the back in such a way to relieve it of the cause. A hairball lie now on the floor, and the cat ceased the coughing.

“You see?* Ana said. “All better.”

Victoria's expression visually changed from worried, to happy, and then to horrified. Ana looked back at the cat, to see it having fallen on its side. No pulse.

Many tears were shed, but no blame was placed on Ana for the death of Millie the cat. Yet still, it awoke something within Ana. The nightmare calling back to her, blaming her for the death of her family's lives, in-directly.

Ana has long known that she wanted to leave the house, not for her own desires of adventure, but for her mother's own safety. She feels the longer she stays, those she's close to are at risk at suffering a fate similar to the rest of her family, and Zakera. She knows too well her mother wouldn't understand, however. It would be a most inappropriate time to ask, as well.

“How would you feel about me going on an adventure?”

22-Oct-2013 03:14:54 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2013 20:24:24 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Meanwhile in Ardougne...A strange, grey-haired man wearing dusty clothes and a brown hat is talking to Postie Pete, the famed travelling postal skull, in the RuneScape Postal Department office in Kandarin. Calmly, but determined, the strange man continues to talk. “And so you're sure you can reach her in a reasonable amount of time? Not to rush, but this needs to be quick.”

Pete laughs, well, as much as a talking skull can laugh anyway. “Why of course! I used to make trips all around the world delivering letters, you know, from Vampyres to Mahjarrat to even the Chaos Elemental! I'll be back before you can say “Poliniv...” … “Pollynivy” … Er, the town with all the people named Ali.”

“Pollniveach.” The man corrects.

“Hey, you have to wait until I start!”

“Well then, I have faith nothing will go wrong. I will be heading to Burthorpe. It will be nice to see my daughter again, after so long.”

“Family reunions are always so touching. Well, I better be off. I have a letter to deliver with Ana Meken's name on it!”

And so the skull scurries onward, ever fearless of the travels that lie before him...

((This is the part of the video that I finished creating, you can watch it on The Scrying Pool's youtube channel, called “GQM: #0: Introduction: Postie Pete's Trip Around the World” if you want to see how his trip to deliver the letter ends up going))

“I'd think you were crazy to even consider such a thing. Come now, let us dismiss such ridiculous thoughts and-”

Ana interrupts.

“But it's not ridiculous! I want to leave, I want to explore, I want to go on adventures. It's so boring here, being inside all day, hiding from the world. What kind of life is this?”

“You should be grateful you're alive at all after what we've been through!”

“If you can really consider this living!”

22-Oct-2013 03:14:59 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2013 20:24:58 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The argument heats up, as neither back down from their stance on the subject. Victoria continues to point out the dangers of adventuring, about how life is different now than when she was a child. Ana keeps saying what it could mean for them, leaving out the part she thinks her mother wouldn't believe, about it keeping her safe if she left. If she wanted to convince her it would have to be with reason, not because of a dream.

“But I don't want to be the damsel in distress, I want to BE the hero! I want to be like Arrav, Robert the Strong, and Kara-Meir. I want to fight for what I believe in, defend those who need it, and unravel the mysteries lost to the ages. Ana the Adventurer; doesn't that just slide off the tongue? It even feels right!”

“So you will leave me, alone, here in the desert, after the rest of our family has been killed, to go out and seek your own desires.”

Ana couldn't continue arguing after that. Her mother was right. She promised years ago, after the incident, that she would never leave her. They were the only known survivors of the tragic fate that befell them, and if she left, then grief would overcome her and take Victoria too.

But it would be to protect her...It seemed like there was nothing to do, either way, no good would come from any choice of action.

She decided to end the argument, and offered to dig the burial for the cat outside of the house portal. As she did, however, she heard a strange noise coming from the sky. She looked up, and saw a white dot growing bigger as it got closer, and the sound louder.

“What a strange bird”, Ana thought, and turned away to walk back inside. The cat's burial had been finished. Icthlarin, god of the underworld, would take things from there.

22-Oct-2013 03:15:03 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2013 20:25:11 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There was a loud plummet, as the skull with a blue hat fell steep into the sand. Ana turned around, and, curiously moved forward to see what it really was.

“Is that...A shooting star?”

“Oh, do you really think so? I knew I was famous, but I wasn't sure I'd go that far!”

Postie Pete pulled his head, or body, out of the sand and looked at Ana. She steps back, scared at the sight.

“Bah, come on. Don't tell me you're afraid of a little old talking skull now, are you? There are far many scarier things on Gielinor. Like Thingummywuts. If you ever see one of those...That'll be a real story!”

“Who are you?”

“Ah, how rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself! The name's Pete. Postie Pete, m'lady. And you are?”


“Ah, that's a nice name. Ana. It sounds familiar.”

“Well, it's not too rare of a name.”

“No, it's not that...Something else...Ah yes. Ana Meken, is it? You're the one I came all this way to deliver a letter to! You wouldn't believe what I had to go through to get here...Why didn't you choose to live in a more accessible place? Like Misthalin or Kandarin.”

“If it were my choice I wouldn't be here.”

“Hmm...Then you might like to know what's in this letter. It's from your father, apparently. He wants to meet you in Burthope. It's been a long time since you last met, I take it, aye?”

“Yes, it has been...Considering he died years ago.”

“He sure looked alive and well to me when I saw him! Well, more alive than me, anyway.”

“Are you sure it's for me?”

“Well, unless there are any other Ana Meken's around here...”

“Hmm, let me see it.”

Ana opens the letter and reads it aloud. Whoever this person claiming to be her father was sure did know a lot about her. Her interests in adventure, and what's happened throughout her life. They want to meet in Burthorpe as soon as available to discuss more of the history she's never known, “except this time your own, not the history of others”. She wonders what that could mean.

22-Oct-2013 03:15:08 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2013 20:25:56 by Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Ana Meken

Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Inside the letter are some coins to help pay for any travelling expenses that would be required to travel to Burthorpe. She notices something odd about them though...They're very old, according to the dates on them...But they look as if they're brand new.

“Well, I wouldn't keep him waiting if I were you. He sure payed a lot for the express fees to get the letter here as soon as he could! It must be really important....Ah, I remember the days of my youth. I used to be an adventurer, you know. Travelling the world and speaking to all, until I got cursed, and I guess, “killed”. Even that didn't stop me!”

Ana brought the letter back inside and showed her mother. She seemed different after seeing it, as if there was an old secret she never told her about. She was reluctant to answer any questions, but she gave her willingness for Ana to leave and see this mysterious person.

Strange...She's always so overcautious about everything. Why would she be any different now?

Whatever the case, Ana wouldn't stay long enough for her to change her mind. She's finally getting to do what she's always wanted to - to go out and see the world, and now she has a reason, other than her own suspicions.

It would be tough leaving her mother, even still, though, but she insisted that she would be alright while she's away, and only asked that she would stop to visit her sometimes.

Ana agreed, and, before setting off, promised that she would get her another cat sometime, too.

She took up some of the old equipment she kept over the years from her brother's hunting supplies, and set out on her way. She'd finally get to see what those flying carpets are really like, too.

The Adventure Begins

22-Oct-2013 03:15:13 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2013 20:27:14 by Ana Meken

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