
~` Frost `~

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Good. Now, here is where I'll be posting my infamous entry in which I kill the beloved Santa Claus.
So, if you love Santa Claus, don't read this - I guess.
DISCLAIMER: If you love Santa Claus, the following story can put you in therapy for 2-7 years. Caution must be used while reading, and parental discretion is advised.
However, a great moral can be learned from this. And you can find that out from my Introduction to the story.
Just to be clear: The Introduction is not part of the story. I still suggest you read it though.
-=- Table of Contents -=-
Post 1: Starting Post and TOC
Post 2: Rules
Post 3: Introduction (Not part of the story)
Post 4: Introduction (Not part of the story)
Post 5: Actualy Story
Post 6: Actual Story
Post 7: Actual Story
Post 8: Actual Story
Post 9: Actual Story
Post 10: Reserved
Post 11: Reader Quotes
Post 12-20: Reserved

16-Nov-2007 03:05:28 - Last edited on 27-Dec-2007 20:23:33 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-=- Introduction -=-
Christmas, a time of joy, love, peace and all other things that people associate with the word. This is how we wish for Christmas to be portrayed. However, we are not fit to have such a glorious holiday filled with love and the like. For we, the human race, are sinful.
Saint Nick, more commonly known as Santa Claus, is the complete opposite of sin. Santa is good-natured and his deeds are always selfless. Yet, the world today does not see Santa as being a kind, old man who gives for nothing in return.
No, the world sees Christmas as a time for gifts – a time that allows the working folk to escape their jobs for a week. We see it as a time that drunkenness is acceptable by society and a time that we cannot be affected by our own actions.
In the world today, we are told countless stories by society about Santa and all of his wondrous deeds. However, for some odd reason, we are unable to become like him. We are selfish and greedy; caring for no one but ourselves.
Society, however, teaches us that this is acceptable. It teaches us that even though we act as though we are savages morally; we can be forgiven by those of higher stature. But, society is wrong in every way. Deep within each human being lies a certain… instinct. This instinct is powerful enough to overwhelm our minds and cause us to do terrible things.

16-Nov-2007 03:05:42 - Last edited on 23-Nov-2007 00:06:39 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Here, my friends, we will hear of a short tale, which transcribes from this very lesson. However, we also can add the fact that race does not affect this. Human kind is too specific to truly describe the enormous category of creatures that are affected by these statements. All creatures, large and small, have become greedy, jealous, and spiteful. Everything that lives in the world has become corrupted by the gifts that come with Christmas, no, not just Christmas – every special day that once meant something has been changed to fit into the perspective of today’s society. We, the universe as a whole, have been truly corrupted.
The wind was swift, the snow crisp; the world could be viewable as perfection during this time. However, it could only be viewed as so on the outside. For the inside, which includes the inside of everything since the beginning of time, is evil, corrupted, sinful. But, there is one man who is separated from the description as a whole.
The man is known as Santa Claus. He is a good man – a saint in the eyes of many – and he can be considered the manifestation of a perfect soul. He gives for nothing in return and his actions are always selfless. He is the one perfect thing that exists in the world.
However, the world is still evil; not everyone can be as joyful as the old Saint Nick. Due to this, there are mixed feelings about him. Although he is proclaimed to be good by many, he is thought to be scum by others who are jealous of what he has achieved. Race does not separate the mind – it merely separates the body and all things with it. All things have the instinct to be evil, as it is a natural feeling for all who truly live. Now, let the tale begin…

16-Nov-2007 03:05:42 - Last edited on 16-Nov-2007 03:24:22 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-=- Actual Story -=-
A small boy leaned towards a window, covered in the frozen breath of those few that stared through it. The boy gazed through the icy glass and watched the snow flutter to the ground in the midst of a howling wind. The snow, being blown around by the harsh wind, was still gorgeous and appealing to the eyes of many.
“Jackson,” a voice called from behind.
The small boy, Jackson, turned his head towards the doorway. His blue eyes sparkled brightly as he turned and his hair flicked to one side gracefully. His face was bright and happy as he asked, “Yes mother?”
A woman stood in the doorway, watching her son as he looked towards her. She had dark brown hair and brown eyes, contrasting with her son’s abnormally bright features. She wore a red sweater, embroidered with the words ‘Ho-Ho-Ho’, and she had on a pair of jeans to complete her outfit. She looked at him and asked, “Do you know what tomorrow is?”
The young boy seemed to leap across the room in joy as he shouted, “It’s Christmas! It’s Christmas!"
"Yes,” the mother replied softly. “Do you know what that means?”
“Presents!” the child shouted with a large grin.
The mother sighed and asked, “Yes, but what else?”
The child stared at his mother before asking, “What?"
I’m sorry for interrupting, dear reader. But, this incident clearly shows my point about how we have been told by society that Christmas is nothing but receiving - not giving. Jackson clearly represents the youth of the world and how we think about this joyous celebration. Anyway, I shall continue the tale; however, let us take change our view of the situation to the North Pole, where Santa and his Elves are currently working on making the final touches on the trip around the world.
“An hour left!” a voice shouted from a balcony high above a crowd.

16-Nov-2007 03:05:42 - Last edited on 16-Feb-2008 06:11:14 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They were in a room, a large room. In the middle lay a giant machine that was operated by millions of Elves. A conveyor belt, that had to have been at least a mile long, circled the machine constantly as the large multitude of Elves used it to create billions of toys.
Now, in regards to the enormous machine in the center of the room, it was painted a golden color and it was decorated with the traditional Christmas decorations. Reefs, bells, and outrageous ornaments hung from the multitude of trees that covered the walls and corners of the room.
The Elves, dressed from head-to-toe in elaborate green clothes, fiercely worked to finish before the deadline; as any who failed were to be exiled, never to return. They worked constantly, no breaks, no holidays, and no workman’s comp. They were practically slaves; however, most of them did not mind the heinous work for no reward.
Their leader was not Santa, for Santa was but the leader of the operations and the deliverer. Instead, a ‘young’ Elf named Samuel lead the mass group of Elves.
Samuel stood at the front of the room, holding a checklist that he glances at every few moments before yelling at one of the other Elves. As he shouted at one, he heard a large man enter into the room. Samuel turned to greet him.
It was Santa and he was already prepared to go on his trip around the world. As Samuel watched the jolly old man descend from the balcony, he thought, ‘Why does this fool deserve credit for what *my* kind has done?”
Samuel watched Santa bounce down the stairs, smelling distinctively of burnt cookies and expired milk. Santa smiled at Samuel as he approached, but Samuel could not look him in the eye.

16-Nov-2007 03:05:43 - Last edited on 23-Nov-2007 00:14:37 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Hello Samuel, are we all ready to go?” Santa asked with a chuckle.
Samuel frowned and replied, “Yes, but we have some warnings out about extreme wind and such.”
“Is it dangerous?” Santa inquired.
As Samuel glanced down at his clipboard he thought, ‘This is my chance. I can annihilate Santa here and now. Nothing can stop me…’
Santa coughed and repeated himself, “Is it dangerous, Samuel?”
Samuel snapped back into reality and replied, “No… It is not.”
“Ah!” Santa said with a grin. “Then we can continue!”
Samuel looked down at his clipboard and read it silently to himself, ‘Harsh winds. Blinding snow. Incredibly cold temperatures… Perfect.’
Samuel looked back up and smiled at Santa saying, “Don’t worry about it.”
“Are you angry with me?” Santa asked.
“Of course not!” Samuel retorted.
“Then why do you hesitate so often?” Santa inquired solemnly.
“I do no such thing,” Samuel insisted.
Santa sighed and said, “Very well then.”
Samuel smirked and asked, “Do you mind if we schedule the mountain route?”
“Why?” Santa asked curiously.
Samuel replied, “For speed, of course.”
“But that means I will have no chance to turn back if the weather turns for the worse!” Santa shouted.
Samuel frowned and thought to himself, ‘That would work. I need this old fool to die. He takes the credit and leaves us with nothing!’
“Samuel, are you even listening?”
“Of course!” Samuel replied quickly. “We must think of the children, though. This route would help us reach more people.”
“Very well,” Santa muttered before walking off towards the room that held his fantastic sleigh.

16-Nov-2007 03:05:43 - Last edited on 16-Nov-2007 03:26:55 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Again, I apologize for the interruption. As you can see, race does not affect the abnormal emotion to commit evil. We naturally feel the urge to do so. Samuel represents those who resent others because they have greatness in the eyes of others. Little does he know, however, is that true pride does not come from others; it comes from inside of us….
As Santa entered the Sleigh Room, followed by Samuel, he smiled. In front of him sat an enormous sleigh that would soon be used to make billions of children happy all around the world. He strode over to the back of the sleigh and looked up at the huge bag of toys that loomed high above their heads.
“Samuel,” Santa murmured.
Samuel looked up and asked, “Yes?”
“Do you realize what will happen tonight?”
“No sir, what?”
“Tonight we will make thousands of children shout with joy as they awake in the morning and witness the multitude of gifts under their trees.*
"Yes, but -”
“No, tonight we do the unimaginable. We all do – whether people know it or not. All of us here play an important role.”
“Santa -”
“Shush Samuel,” Santa cautioned. “It is time.”
As Santa had other Elves help him load the sleigh, Samuel could only imagine what he had done.
Yes, I interrupt once more. Here is something that we all can do. We can feel remorse for what we have done and we can ask for forgiveness. However, we should not always expect forgiveness and sometimes even with forgiveness, we are hated; and although we are forgiven physically we will have the guilt rest inside of us. Can we gather the strength to forgive ourselves in the midst of such guilt?

16-Nov-2007 03:05:43 - Last edited on 17-Nov-2007 00:53:39 by CaptChekaka



Posts: 35,595 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A cool wind swept through the mountainside as Santa guided his sleigh through the harsh terrain. However, a strong gust forced its way through, disrupting the careful guidance of Santa.
The reindeer pulled hard at the reins, attempting to force their bodies through the devastating wind. Another moment and they were tired, too tired to fight back the freezing air.
"Keep going!" Santa shouted fiercely.
The reindeer picked up their heads and continued to move through the mountainous landscape. They flew quickly, easily maneuvering through the deadly rocks. However, a quick sheet of snow blocked their vision - and the worst thing imaginable occurred.
The lead reindeer, Rudolph, collided with a huge rock - blood spurting in all directions as the poor reindeer's face was flattened. The reindeer flailed wildly as it began to bleed to death. Its face was mangled, and its vision completely destroyed - there was nothing Santa could do.
"Rudolph! No!" Santa screamed through the harsh winds.
Rudolph's body continued to move for a few moments before the life completely left the young reindeer. The others could feel the lifeless body of their fallen leader begin to pull them down towards an icy death. Instinctively, they tried to scatter - but they could only postpone their impending doom for a few seconds.
A terrified Santa held the reins tightly shouting, "Don't give up!"
However, it was to no avail. The frightened animals lost all control as they began to plummet down towards a rocky death. One by one, they collided with the rocky mountainside - blood raining down upon Santa Claus.
As Santa watched his sleigh, along with all of his reindeer and presents, fly towards the ground, he sobbed softly. As the sleigh was about to collide with the ground he whimpered, "Ho-Ho-Ho..."
~ The End ~

16-Nov-2007 03:05:44 - Last edited on 21-Nov-2007 22:46:28 by CaptChekaka

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