
Roleplay a Raid - Day 5

Quick find code: 49-50-189-65656391

Mod Jon

Mod Jon

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Welcome to Day 5 of Roleplay a raid :)

Anyone can take part, not just those who have been following since day 1!

For more information, please head over to the Day 1 thread .

Note: You have until
Tuesday 28th of July
10:00 game time to take part in this boss fight :)

Day 4:
You hurry towards the exit as the tiles continue to fall around you. The door is within your grasp but suddenly you lose your footing and all becomes dark. For a split second, you see your adventuring life flash in front of your eyes.

You wake up dizzy and confused. Light filters through holes in the ceiling above. There is no sign of your weapon, you must have lost it during the fall, and although still intact your armour has taken one hell of a beating.

The good news though is that your party is down here with you, and alive. The cavern is filled with clamour as they painfully recover from the fall, cursing, blinding and laughing as they get back on their feet. As your eyes adjust to the dim light of the cavern, you think you see a shape move in the darkness. Reaching for the dagger in your boot, you signal to your party to quiet down.

There it goes again, a faint blur somewhere deep in the cavern. You regroup with your party, sparingly armed and barely ready.

From out of nowhere a monster, ten feet in height and as agile as a fox leaps out from the cover of darkness onto Eccentrixx, pushing him to the floor with a thunderous blow.

Describe the monster and describe the fight!
Mod Jon - Livestream & Video Producer - @JagexJon
| Tea | Scape | Sleep | Repeat |

24-Jul-2015 12:24:56 - Last edited on 28-Jul-2015 11:26:14 by Mod Jon



Posts: 6,876 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zu'Zu squealed as the feathered beast pecked away Eccentrix's face, leaving nothing but soiled retinas. My gaze fixed upon this over sized pigeon in disbelief. Was this one of Armadyl's creatures? No. This... was an Entrana fire-bird on ju-ju potions, seeking revenge from us for stealing her acclaimed feathers all that time ago!

"Ka-kaw!" screeched the giant bird, belching fire and burning us with ember.

Eccentrix had began to disintegrate by now. His charred flesh filled the air with an unsettling aroma. The Ga'al could not hold back any longer, and jumped upon this winged beast's burning back and thrust the Goblin dagger of The Dorgeshuun themselves deep into its skull.

The now infuriated bird struck the Ga'al with her giant wings and knocked the Ga'al into an early, fiery, grave.

"At least they died a Beautiful death by Spartan standards. We need to regroup by the entrance, Void Knight." I shout.

Swiftly dodging the now inferno surrounding us, as well as the direct attacks from the bird, we made our way back to the collapsed door. An odd glimmer danced beneath the ruble.
Breaking several rocks with the hilt of my dagger, I exposed a cyan pair of gloves branded with a mysterious language.

"What does this say?" I questioned the Void Knight. Her eyes swung to the back of her head, her hair lifted up as is possessed by the heavens, body limp and dangling in mid air.

"The sins of many have been reforged into this bird. The only substance in Gielinor itself which can defeat it are the Ice gloves worn by the Hero's of Runescape." she echoed. Now sliding back down to the rocky terrain, her energy sapped away by this possession by the Greater force.

I quickly placed the chilling gloves on my hands and located The Dorgeshuun dagger still planted in the bird's skull. "For Runescape!" I roared, running towards the beast.

My hands soon had become to frost bite, every muscle twitch burning. I strangled the dagger and thrust it into the bird's pygostyle. Victory!
Road to 5.4!

24-Jul-2015 13:44:11 - Last edited on 27-Jul-2015 12:26:04 by JDogg



Posts: 6,876 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Jon said :
Welcome to Day 5 of Roleplay a raid :)

Note: You have until Monday 27th of September 10:00 game time to take part in this boss fight :)

Wait what... I guess we have 2 months to think of a good raids boss fight!
Road to 5.4!

24-Jul-2015 22:11:43

Jul Member 2012


Posts: 171 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The monster is a large, black humanoid-like creature. It looks almost like a pitch black skeleton of alien origin, with no guts or innards to speak of, at least no physical ones. Instead it had a matrix of red energy that looked almost like a glowing human heart with nerves and veins extending outwards along it's limbs. It's head looks sleek and aerodynamic, almost like a cross between a horse's and bull's skull with no horns. It's arms are long and spindly, reaching almost to it's knees. They had spines, almost like porcupine quills or the hairs on Tuska, The World Eater's back. They sparked with the same red energy which made up it's "nervous system". The energy also spewed out from it's eye sockets, it's nose and it's jaw. Two skeletal wings extended from it's spine, connected by what looked like bits of tattered, webbed flesh. Like a bat's wings if they'd been ripped and torn apart. The creature's legs held it's stame spindly figure, and the feet looked like a Velociraptor's, long and bird like with large talons extending from the front three toes and the singular one in the back. The creature stood slumped, and it's right arm hang limp at it's side. The energy along this arm began fading at the shoulder, and by the time it hit the elbow it was already vanishing. The creature held Eccentrixx down with a large, clawed black hand from it's left arm, having unbelievable strength for something with literally no muscles. It tilted it's head upwards and began a loud, blood-curdling roar that would make any faint of heart pass out in pure terror. The roar was inhuman in nature, a sound alien to any ears native to Gielinor, but the one thing the band of raiders could tell was that this creature was crying out in pain and anguish.

With only a useless dagger for defense I signalled for the Void Knight to attempt to rescue our much valued healer. She nodded and gathered her weapons, charging at the creature. At the first sight of attack the creature screamed--

25-Jul-2015 02:33:58 - Last edited on 25-Jul-2015 06:22:03 by LazarusSmith

Jul Member 2012


Posts: 171 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-- again, digging it's claws around Eccentrixx and hurling him at the Void Knight. With a loud thud they landed against the rocky and rough cave wall. The goblins would stand no chance against this beast, merely make for some cannon fodder. I ordered them to stay back and guard our weaker, more squishy members such as Eccentrixx (when he got up) and Zu Zu. Meanwhile I beckoned the Void Knight and the Ga'al over to my location. Eccentrixx groaned and pulled himself off her. The Void Knight shook her head, getting up from that vicious attack and limping over to me, coughing and spluttering, however something had caught my attention. Why hadn't we been attacked yet. I looked towards the beast, still pulsing with energy. It was shying away to the corner, clutching it's arm and continuing it's cries of pain. The very sound sent chills up the entire squad's spines. I stood up and brushed myself off, looking at the beast.

"Look at it.. it's in pain, but still defending itself.. Should we kill it?" The Ga'al and the Void Knight looked at each other, then to me, trying to decide what to do. The Void Knight spoke up first.

"It's not attacking us.. it's not hostile.. But I say we kill it, to avoid any future problems." The Ga'al shook it's head roughly, speaking in a gravelly voice.

"I've learned of the atrocities commited by my people in the Fight Arena.. Killing a creature that does not wish to fight is a monstrous act." I sighed and looked at the two of them. Who to listen to? Unfortunately in our moment of hesitation it seemed Zu Zu had gotten tired of waiting. A seductress she may be, but vicious when she gets into battle or sees one of her potential lovers injured. She raised her hands and a brilliant light shone from them as a barrage of missiles made from golden energy pounded against the creature's body. The energy that made up it's nervous system began to dim, though it's body seemed unharmed. --

25-Jul-2015 02:35:41 - Last edited on 25-Jul-2015 03:48:11 by LazarusSmith

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