
Roleplay a Raid - Day 5

Quick find code: 49-50-189-65656391

Sam Spade
Jan Member 2017

Sam Spade

Posts: 89 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The fur on the creature was blood red. It moved on all four legs. A set of horn poked out from the top of it's head. And those eyes, fiery red. I could not believe what I was seeing. A huge creature of myth and legends, The Hell Cow.

A Toktz-xil-ul flew past me, hitting The Hell Cow. The Hell Cow turned towards the direction of the thrown weapon. With my dagger in my hand, I stared at The Hell Cow. Zu Zu quickly dragged Eccentrixx away from The Hell Cow. Smoke bellowed out of it's nose as it snorted. The Ga'al was ready to make another attack, Hollowtoof directed the goblins to either side of The Hell Cow.

I stood next to the Void Knight, her sword drawn. Behind us was the Ga'al with its weapon ready and Hollowtoof giving orders to the goblins.

The Beast charged at us. Green vines rose up, trapping The Hell Cow. The goblins, Void Knight, and I made our attacks, knowing the spell would not hold for long. "Get back now!" Hollowtoof shouted. As soon as we did, the spell ended. A bit of damage shown on The Hell Cow from our attack.

Eccentrixx was back on his feet with Zu Zu beside him. He pulled out a pouch that had a Rune color bull's head. Saying some enchantment, he summoned a Minotaur. The Minotaur charged at the Hell Cow. The Hell Cow tried to charge again only to have vines coming up to stop it. The Minotaur hit the Hell Cow with a mighty blow. The Hell Cow stumbles back from the blow. The Hell Cow charged again, this time leaping over the vines, hitting the Minotaur. Hollowtoof cursed under his breath.

The Hell Cow knocked the Minotaur down. The Hell Cow raised its front hooves and smashed down on the chest of the Minotaur, causing the Minotaur to vanish. The creature focused back to us. Eccentrixx whispered something to Zu Zu. Zu Zu gave a nod. The creature charged at us once more. A bright blue flash hit The Hell Cow, freezing it in place. "Now Ga'al!" Eccentrixx cried. The Ga'al threw her weapon...

25-Jul-2015 02:42:22



Posts: 825 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I drew out my dragon daggers, ready to engaged the creature that had just pounced on top of Eccentrix. From what dim light remained I could make out a slim, muscluar, almost feline body shape with icy blue eyes. Three jaw-like structures parted open to reveal a brilliant blue glow in the monster's maw. Then the unthinkable happened. I watched in horror as Eccentrix's soul was drawn from his body and into the monster's glowing maw. Eccentrix lye limp, a souless husk. Just like that our party had lost a valubale member and friend, the thought was unbearable. I readied my daggers and was preparing to charge the beast when I heard a slow hand clap behind me. "Very good my precious, daddy is very impressed." I turned around and saw one of Hollowtoof's minions clasping his hands in upmost delight.

"You know this abomination? Speak while I still allow you to draw air you worm!" I yelled at the goblin. The goblin did not seem to be impressed by my threat, "Such petty little creatures you humans are, always believing that you can get what you want by just by making threats. Yes I know this creature, she is my pet and I am her master." Hollowtoof drew his axe, "You not Grubnose! Tell Hollowtoof what you did with Grubnose or Hollowtoof smash!" The goblin shook his head, "Only goblins could trump humans in the incompetence factor. The goblin you call Grubnose has been, disposed..."

"What are you and what have you done with Eccentrix?" The Void Knight demanded. The stranger smiled at the knight with glee, "There is no word in your langauage that could describe what I am, though some call me 'The Deciever'. However, I do believe those Goebies have named my pet 'the Soul Stalker'. As for what has become of your friend, I'm afraid his soul has been, devoured." Zuzu looked at The Deciever in horror, "How could you do such a thing?" The deciever giggled, "How could I? My baby needs to eat, so I lure fools like you down here so she can feast on your souls. Which reminds me..."
There's ALWAYS a bigger fish.

25-Jul-2015 02:45:28 - Last edited on 26-Jul-2015 07:09:08 by Bigfish502

Jul Member 2012


Posts: 171 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(Continuation from my post on page 1)

-- Upon closer inspection, it's body was healing itself, though eventually the energy that animated it would dissipate. The creature screamed again and charged at her. Zu Zu gasped and the goblins raised their wooden shields in front of her. The creature easily swatted the goblins away, their wooden shields no match for it, however this gave Zu Zu and the Void Knight the opporunity they needed. Zu Zu raised her hands and continued the barrage, with the creatures defenses down it began stumbling back. The Void Knight ran towards it and as Zu Zu stopped her barrage of magic for fear of friendly fire, the Void Knight jumped up and swung her blade in an arc, slicing through the creature's spine and removing it's skull. The energy vanished from it's eyes, though the body kept moving. It slammed it's fist into the Void Knight and sent her flying, while Zu Zu lifted her hands into the air and summoned a pitch black spear, emitting violet smoke. She kept only one hand in the air and lowered the other to point at the creature's "heart", before flicking her wrist and sending the spear flying into the beast's core. It let out a final screech of pain, clutching it's chest before shattering into a million pieces, leaving the squad alone, beaten and bruised, though with luckily no casualties... yet. Unfortunately Eccentrixx didn't seem up to the task of healing. He was leaning against the rocky cave wall and clutching his stomach. Although they couldn't tell simply by looking at him there wasn't any internal bleeding, though he had bruised a couple of organs and hairline fractured his fourth and fifth ribs. His right arm was hanging in an odd location, as if his shoulder had been dislocated.

25-Jul-2015 03:56:44 - Last edited on 25-Jul-2015 04:27:07 by LazarusSmith



Posts: 123 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Jon confirmed via twitter that the date is wrong. So make sure to do it before 27 july! :-)

Need help? Feel free to message me in game "Jitro" :)
Have a great day!

25-Jul-2015 20:35:03 - Last edited on 25-Jul-2015 20:37:38 by Jitro



Posts: 825 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(continuation of first post)

The Deciever leaped onto a pile of rocks, "Its dinner-time, and that druid was only the appetizer. Time for the main course!" The Soul Stalker looked up from Eccentrix's body, drooling blue spittle. I clenched my fists and prepared for the creatures first attack. "All eyes on the Soul Stalker, don't let it take you by suprise." I barked. The Deciever giggled once more, "Oh yes do try to keep an eye on her...if you can." In an instant the creature vanished into the darkeness.

Before anyone could react, the Soul Stalker leaped on top of one of Hollowtoof's minions and siphoned his soul. Hollowtoof swung his might axe at the creature, only to have it leap back into the darkness. Zuzu illuminated the room with a magical orb, but the creature was still nowhere to be seen. I could hear claws scratching above us, "Its above us!" I yelled. The creature plopped down on Hollowtoof's other goblin minion and ate his soul. We ran after the beast which seemed to effortlessly stay out of reach. Hollowtoof threw his mighty axe, which hit its mark in the creature's hindquarters. The creature bellowed in pain. "Oh no precious, daddy's coming!" The Deciever leaped onto Zuzu and gave her a thud to the head, knocking her out. The room went dark.

Hollowtoof let out a gasps as the beast pounced on top of him, draining his soul away. The Ga'al expertly threw his obsidian rings in Hollowtoof's direction, moments later the creature let out another shriek of pain. Victory was short-lived as I heard the beast pin the Ga'al down and siphon his soul. I could hear the beast's paws thumping against the floor, all its injuries were making it less stealthy. "Let's force it into a corner!" I yelled to the Void Knight. We chased the beast into a corner, only to have it rebound off the wall and onto the void knight, who managed to stab the beast in the leg before it ate her soul. Now it was just me.
There's ALWAYS a bigger fish.

26-Jul-2015 07:48:40 - Last edited on 26-Jul-2015 07:50:43 by Bigfish502



Posts: 825 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(last part, promise :) )

The beast's foot steps grew louder as the creature charged. I dodged as the creature rushed past me, and drove my daggers into the creature's side. The creature shrieked and turned to face me, blue eyes burning with hatred. The creature charged again, and I prepared to dodge again. But instead of trying to hit me head on, the creature banked right and slammed me with its muscular tale. I fell on my back and the creature instantaneously pinned me to the floor. The Deciever whispered in my ear, "I'll give you marks for trying human, but nobody's soul escapes the Soul Stalker." The creature opened its mouth, and I began to fell it tugging at my very soul.

"Let's see how it likes my soul!" Zuzu threw herself inbetween me and the monster. The Deciever laughed, "You fool, when the Soul Stalker is done eating your soul, your friend is next. You've accomplished nothing!" Zuzu smirked, "Did I already mention that I'm immortal." The Deciever ceased his laughter when he saw the Soul Stalker strain to pull Zuzu's soul from her body. A moment later, the creature began to heave. Souls poured out of its gullet which returned to their bodies. I ran the deciever though with my dagger. He clutched his bleeding chest and died. The creaure let out a wail and dropped dead. All was silent. Eccentrix sat up.

"That's one experience I'd rather forget." He said. I looked up, "What happened?" The druid grimaced, "It appears that we've all been, regurgitated." Hollowtoof did not look amused, "Eeeewww, cat monster stomach gross. Hollowtoof never do that again." The Ga'al sat quiet, for once. "Why did that thing barf us up?" the Void Knight asked. "From what I can tell the strain of trying to suck Zuzu's soul and the...unpalatability of my own soul was too much for the creature's stomach. It appears that the Deciever and the beast had some sort of connection, so when he died, so did the beast." I smiled, "Good work everyone, let's go home."
There's ALWAYS a bigger fish.

26-Jul-2015 08:31:43

Mod Jon

Mod Jon

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Hey all :)

As I made a mistake in the date, I will extend this episode of Roleplay a raid until tomorrow

So you now have until the 28th of JULY 10:00 game time to take part :)
Mod Jon - Livestream & Video Producer - @JagexJon
| Tea | Scape | Sleep | Repeat |

27-Jul-2015 09:44:39

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