
Roleplay a Raid - Day 5

Quick find code: 49-50-189-65656391



Posts: 6,876 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"The good news though is that your party is down here with you, and alive. The cavern is filled with clamour as they painfully recover from the fall, cursing, blinding and laughing as
back on their feet. As your eyes adjust to the dim light of the cavern, you think you see a shape move in the darkness. Reaching for the dagger in your boot, you signal to your party to quiet down. " Shouldn't this be they ?
Road to 5.4!

27-Jul-2015 11:54:13



Posts: 1,822 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Eccentrixx lies dazed on the floor, barely moving, when I see the beast preparing to lunge at him again. I need to do something, quickly!
Grabbing my darts, I start to throw them at the beast. One after the other they bounce off, barely making a scratch. What is this thing?

Oblivious to my attempt to distract it, the beast continues. In one swift move, it lunges forwards, opens it's mouth and then clamps its jaw around Eccentrixx, picking him up and shaking him vigorously from side to side. I watch aghast as I see Eccentrixx's body go limp and his head loll backwards towards me.
He's dead and he's staring at me, his cold, dead eyes staring right into my soul.

I've never seen a man die before. I don't know what to do so I just stare back, frozen, when all of a sudden I feel a force push me to the side. I look up to see Hollowtoof atop of me and the black blur of the beast rush past to the spot I was just at.
I push Hollowtoof off and quickly get to my feet. The beast is looking at me, snarling, blood dripping from it's fangs where just a minute ago Eccentrixx had been.

Realising I need to buy us time, I grab my wand and orb and send a binding spell at the beast. That should buy us enough time to get back to the party.

27-Jul-2015 13:22:35 - Last edited on 27-Jul-2015 13:23:08 by Paz

Janos Morgan
Jul Member 2009

Janos Morgan

Posts: 4,081 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The creature loomed over Eccentrixx, as a giant would over a child.

By Zaros, I had never seen such a creature before. Its ugly wolf-like head housed three rows of iron-grey teeth, scaled bronze armour ran down his arms with three brutal claws at the end of each. Its chestplate was engraved with letters of a language I did not recognise, perhaps long dead. I saw nothing but rage and murder in it's purple eyes. It just stood there, judging what would be his prey, and what the most barbaric way to torture it would be.

"Morgan!" shouted Eccentrixx, as he stumbled back against the wall, the creature closing in on him. I signalled to The Ga'al to throw its Toktz-xil-ul. For its size, it was unnaturally agile. It caught the xil-ut in its bronze claw. It turned towards me, its purple eyes now glowing with rage, almost blinding me. Then, a blood-curdling growl sent a chill down my spine.

Why? I had fought creatures more menacing than this. I had fought and defeated Tuska's Airut and killed a Dragonkin abomination. Why was I feeling doubt now? Was this thing messing with my mind?

Eccentrixx was on his feet now, readying for the inevitable.

"Brace yourselves!", I shouted. I looked down at my dagger. This had helped me out many times before. Would it help me again?

"My Lord", Ella the Void Knight said. She threw me her strange-looking sword. It felt feather-light in my hand. "Don't worry about me."

I looked to my right. Hollowtooth and his goblins were preparing a shield wall to fend off the beast, ZuZu was conjuring up Zaros knows what and The Ga'al stood back, hoping to recover its last xil-ul that had been thrown across the room. It was time, what happened here now was our fate.

"For Lord Zaros!"

Janos Morgan of Asgarnia
World Guardian of Guthix
Guide for the Lost
Lore Master and Quester

A look of fury, a look of pain, a look of hatred you can trust. A smile can hide anything.

27-Jul-2015 22:07:49 - Last edited on 28-Jul-2015 09:13:37 by Janos Morgan

Janos Morgan
Jul Member 2009

Janos Morgan

Posts: 4,081 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Sword raised, I lunged at the creature. It managed to dodge, however was slow in turning and I struck it in the back. A loud clang echoes throughout the cave as I hit the creature's plate armour. The goblins charged at the creature, making it stumble back. It lashed at them, wood splintering and sending them flying. I saw Hollowtooth staggering to his feet, grabbing his cleaver.

The creature bellowed, slashing his bronze claws. The sounds of metal against metal echoed throughout the chamber as both the Void Knight and I exchanged blades, with the Goblins trying to stab the creature in the back to to avail.

"My Lord, take this!" Eccentrixx cast a spell at the party, I felt energy erupt through my body, something that I swear I had felt before. I felt stronger, as if the fall had never happened, and my age was not wearing me down.

"ZuZu, what are you doing?" Ella shouted, narrowly missing the creature's jaws.
"Leave her!", I replied, "If we cannot defeat this thing, her magic will. I've seen it!"

I turned to strike the monster again. Too high. The blow reflected off of the creature's armoured scales, sending some flying. Then, I was knocked off of my feet. A loud constant ringing in my head as my helmet was broken by the creatures claws, metal flying.
I hit the ground with a sickening thud. I felt warm blood start to trickle down my forehead.

My blood.

Though my vision was blurry, I could make out Ella still fighting the creature. She was starting to feel the fatigue. What had we gotten ourselves into?

ZuZu, please hurry.

I was being dragged back, Eccentrixx and the Ga'al helped me up, handed me Ella's sword and my knife.

Before I knew it happened, Eccentrixx chanted an un-recognisable phrase, and a huge titan appeared. "This should help", he grinned.

Janos Morgan of Asgarnia
World Guardian of Guthix
Guide for the Lost
Lore Master and Quester

A look of fury, a look of pain, a look of hatred you can trust. A smile can hide anything.

27-Jul-2015 22:07:53 - Last edited on 27-Jul-2015 22:37:45 by Janos Morgan

Janos Morgan
Jul Member 2009

Janos Morgan

Posts: 4,081 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The creature stared at the titan, a cold, calculating stare. Judging whether to attack it or not. It did not matter. The titan punched the creature, startling it. It's helmet flew off from the impact and clattered to the ground. I really wish it hadn't, for underneath a hairless wolf-head looked completely enraged.It tackled the titan with a force that would surely kill any man.

"Let this abomination suffer your Wrath!"

The titan vanished. The creature rose to its feet, confused. Then, it turned to see why. ZuZu, with her hands glowing with occult energy.

"Everyone, get behind me!" she ordered, and everyone obeyed. The creature did not seemed scared. It crouched low, ready to attack, it's eyes now a blinding white. It roared, and the cave began to shake again. The chilling sound of metal against rock erupted as the creature sprung for her.

The energy struck the creature and it yelped, not knowing what hit it. It flew across the room and hit the wall with a loud crack. It sank to the floor. With a grunt, it tried to stand. It froze, and looked up. The sound got louder and louder as a huge crack appeared above it. A huge rock fell. It stood there, motionless. The noise was deafening.

There was silence.

As the dust settled, I saw the true devastation that ZuZu had created. One of the creature's scaled arms was outstretched under the boulder. A few of its grey teeth, bloodied from its attacks, scattered around it.The boulder had created an exit, light from the surface was streaming down into the cave. The fight was over, but we were not finished yet.

The cracking sound began again. The room was caving in!

"We need to leave now!" I shouted to my comrades-in-arms.

Janos Morgan of Asgarnia
World Guardian of Guthix
Guide for the Lost
Lore Master and Quester

A look of fury, a look of pain, a look of hatred you can trust. A smile can hide anything.

27-Jul-2015 22:34:55 - Last edited on 27-Jul-2015 23:02:58 by Janos Morgan

Janos Morgan
Jul Member 2009

Janos Morgan

Posts: 4,081 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

With Eccentrixx taking the lead, I made sure everyone escaped. Following Eccentrixx was Ella, I handed back her sword as she passed with a grunt of gratitude. ZuZu and The Ga'al, trailed after, and finally, Hollowtooth and one of his goblins. I looked back to see the other three with their backs towards me, motionless.
"I'm sorry", I muttered, as I ran up the boulder, leaving the pain and death behind.

I tripped and bashed my head on a rock. I heard Ella shout my name. I found my footing, still clutching my knife. I reached out my hand. Towards the light, towards my friends...

Ella hauled me up, just as the cave below caved in, with a deafening crash. Then, silence reigned once more.

Not a word was said. My legs collapsed and I sank to the ground.

Where were we? I looked around to see nothing but desert, with what looked like a forest far off into the distance. The sun was beginning to set behind the large rocky mountains behind me. It was quiet, far too quiet.

Eccentrixx bandaged my head with a small rag. "You definitely took quite a beating, from whatever that was!"

I sheathed my knife back into my boot. "We'd better get moving", I suggested, pointing towards the forest, "perhaps we can find civilisation, or at least shelter for the night". It was a good plan. And so, with what little we had, we began our trek towards the forest, with the red sun lighting our way.

Only Zaros knows what will happen next.

The End... for now
Author's Note: I hope it's okay that I gave the Void Knight a name, Ella. I just found it easier to write about her if she had one. I also hope that we didn't have to limit the fight to one post!

Best of luck to everyone!
Janos Morgan of Asgarnia
World Guardian of Guthix
Guide for the Lost
Lore Master and Quester

A look of fury, a look of pain, a look of hatred you can trust. A smile can hide anything.

27-Jul-2015 23:05:23 - Last edited on 28-Jul-2015 11:19:21 by Janos Morgan

Mod Jon

Mod Jon

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
JDogg said :
"The good news though is that your party is down here with you, and alive. The cavern is filled with clamour as they painfully recover from the fall, cursing, blinding and laughing as
back on their feet. As your eyes adjust to the dim light of the cavern, you think you see a shape move in the darkness. Reaching for the dagger in your boot, you signal to your party to quiet down. " Shouldn't this be they ?

It should be, thanks for the typo :)
Mod Jon - Livestream & Video Producer - @JagexJon
| Tea | Scape | Sleep | Repeat |

28-Jul-2015 11:25:45

Mod Jon

Mod Jon

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Congratulations to
, you have won the last installment of this Roleplay a Raid competition! You'll soon receive a message in your game message center.

Thank you to everyone for your awesome entries to this roleplay, if you enjoyed this, please let me know by replying to this thread and also give some feedback so I may improve this for next time we choose to do something like this on the forums.
Mod Jon - Livestream & Video Producer - @JagexJon
| Tea | Scape | Sleep | Repeat |

28-Jul-2015 11:57:37

Janos Morgan
Jul Member 2009

Janos Morgan

Posts: 4,081 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Congratulations to Jdogg, I thought your entry would win. Although I did not win, I really did enjoy writing my story. It's just a shame I joined too late to really know what I was going to write and I was a bit pushed for time. I hope this kind of competition continues!

Mod Jon, did our stories have to be kept to one post? I don't know if that was made clear or not.
Janos Morgan of Asgarnia
World Guardian of Guthix
Guide for the Lost
Lore Master and Quester

A look of fury, a look of pain, a look of hatred you can trust. A smile can hide anything.

28-Jul-2015 12:09:01



Posts: 6,876 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Jon said :
Congratulations to
, you have won the last installment of this Roleplay a Raid competition! You'll soon receive a message in your game message center.

Thank you to everyone for your awesome entries to this roleplay, if you enjoyed this, please let me know by replying to this thread and also give some feedback so I may improve this for next time we choose to do something like this on the forums.
Thanks guys! This was a blast! Hope you do this again next year! :D
Road to 5.4!

28-Jul-2015 12:32:38

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