Character: Balder Knight
Name: Sir Mortimer Stone
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown; possibly several hundred years old
Race: Human, Hollow
Appearance: About two metres tall, mummified appearance.
Psychology: Simple-minded, aggressive.
Movesets: Balder Knight, HEMA
Power: N/A
Special: Parry and Riposte: Upon parrying an enemy weapon, Mortimer delivers a powerful thrust clean through his foe, dealing two Damage. Like other Balder Knights, he has an uncanny ability to parry even shield-bashes.
1 Estus Flask
2 Soapstone
3 Hardy
4 Tenacious
5 Gate-Keeper
Misc.: Hollowed: receive +1 Damage from attacks
History: A forgotten knight, from a forgotten realm, he is destined to end up a forgotten Hero. Since he has no Power and is Hollow, fighting him should prove simple, but his parry should not be underestimated.
Character: Mage
Name: Safara Rel'Ralvah
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Race: Khajiit
Psychology: Curious, adventurous, snarky, conniving
Equipment: Fur clothes
Movesets: Claws, Destruction magic
Power: Capable of casting Destruction spells from Skyrim.
Frenzy: Safara claws her hands into someone's belly, then unleashes a torrent of magic into their insides to inflict further harm, then bites the head, dealing four Damage.
Eye of Fear: Khajiit can intimidate a foe once with a fearful gaze, interrupting whatever they are doing.
1 Light Step
2 Dodger
3 Silent Death
4 Catlike
5 Alcohol Abuse
Misc.: Can see in the dark. Covered with fur, can probably stay warm, but susceptible to ignition.
History: A stereotypical Khajiit, Safara is open to lying and stealing, but she is not a thief by trade. She is an adventurous mage, capable of decent unarmed and magical attacks. She tends to be self-centered, and loves being spoiled. Like most Khajiit, she is sensitive to cravings.
Name: Sir Mortimer Stone
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown; possibly several hundred years old
Race: Human, Hollow
Appearance: About two metres tall, mummified appearance.
Psychology: Simple-minded, aggressive.

Movesets: Balder Knight, HEMA
Power: N/A
Special: Parry and Riposte: Upon parrying an enemy weapon, Mortimer delivers a powerful thrust clean through his foe, dealing two Damage. Like other Balder Knights, he has an uncanny ability to parry even shield-bashes.
1 Estus Flask
2 Soapstone
3 Hardy
4 Tenacious
5 Gate-Keeper
Misc.: Hollowed: receive +1 Damage from attacks
History: A forgotten knight, from a forgotten realm, he is destined to end up a forgotten Hero. Since he has no Power and is Hollow, fighting him should prove simple, but his parry should not be underestimated.
Character: Mage
Name: Safara Rel'Ralvah
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Race: Khajiit

Psychology: Curious, adventurous, snarky, conniving
Equipment: Fur clothes
Movesets: Claws, Destruction magic
Power: Capable of casting Destruction spells from Skyrim.
Frenzy: Safara claws her hands into someone's belly, then unleashes a torrent of magic into their insides to inflict further harm, then bites the head, dealing four Damage.
Eye of Fear: Khajiit can intimidate a foe once with a fearful gaze, interrupting whatever they are doing.
1 Light Step
2 Dodger
3 Silent Death
4 Catlike
5 Alcohol Abuse
Misc.: Can see in the dark. Covered with fur, can probably stay warm, but susceptible to ignition.
History: A stereotypical Khajiit, Safara is open to lying and stealing, but she is not a thief by trade. She is an adventurous mage, capable of decent unarmed and magical attacks. She tends to be self-centered, and loves being spoiled. Like most Khajiit, she is sensitive to cravings.
18-Mar-2018 20:54:59 - Last edited on 19-Mar-2018 21:59:03 by Azi Demonica