At the moment, I'm trying my hand at prose comedy. It's effectively a glorified noob story, but I'm doing my best to emphasize that the characters are stupid, while attempting not to use completely random unorientated humour. It's about an ancient legion of grand elemental wizards, of fire, water, air, and earth, dating back to many centuries ago. They are named The Four-fold Mages, and each element in their group is represented by a Legion, headed by a grand Elder. At the end of ten years, four new Elders are elected, nominated out of their current members, and then voted in.
The four candidates have to pass a simple test, to use each of their own magic to banish an extremely powerful elemental orb (like the one you can have in your house.) But the candidate for the Elder of the Water Legion fails, and is sent home, dejected, a failed wizard.
THEN, Paran, a failed mage, sees an advertisement for the open spot of the Elder of the Water Legion. Excited, he tries to join, and due to some mistake and misplacement of official papers, he is accepted as the Elder of the Water Legion. Only, he completely messes it up, and gets into lots of sticky situations.
That's only a synopsis, I haven't given anything big away, so if anybody has any ideas to help further develop the story ...
13-Jan-2009 20:01:55