Scripted Comedy FAQ:
Do scripted comedies have to be about a noob?
What is considered funny nowadays?
How could I make comedy?
What's slapstick humor and why is it bad?
If I receive a bad review from a reviewer, does it mean I'm a bad author?
Is it okay to use improper grammar when someone is not speaking?
How do I separate my comedic scripts from those of a Noob Story?
Do my stories have to be realistic?
What is the most important aspect (plot, description, characters, etc.) for writing in this genre?
Originality FAQ:
What's clichéd mean?
How do I start?
How do I prevent my story from becoming clichéd?
What does it take to make a somewhat clichéd story original?
Do my stories have to be realistic?
The World FAQ:
No questions yet.
Tragedy FAQ:
If I receive a bad review from a reviewer, does it mean I'm a bad author?
Is it okay to have comedy in a horror, mystery, or Action story?
Do my stories have to be realistic?
What is the most important aspect (plot, description, characters, etc.) for writing in this genre?
Romance ***:
If I receive a bad review from a reviewer, does it mean I'm a bad author?
Is it okay to have comedy in a horror, mystery, or Action story?
Do my stories have to be realistic?
How do I write a romance within the constraints of the Forum Rules?
What is the most important aspect (plot, description, characters, etc.) for writing in this genre?
Horror FAQ:
If I receive a bad review from a reviewer, does it mean I'm a bad author?
Is it okay to have comedy in a horror, mystery, or Action story?
Do my stories have to be realistic?
What is the most important aspect (plot, description, characters, etc.) for writing in this genre?
14-Jul-2008 05:19:53