
`RP Heroes of Greenhaven

Quick find code: 49-50-14-65640891

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Balmor frowned and moved his hand down his bare chin then said, "So he wants it that way huh? Fine I'll play this game of his." He walked out the door then yelled on the top of his lungs, "Here Piggy! Piggy piggy!"

Running out of nowhere coming down the road was his four foot tall boar he then said, "We will just sit on the lawn until we are needed. Isnt that right Porkchop." The boar has two large ugly looking tusks. It is a big grey looking pig, that has a saddle on its back. Balmor patting it on the head then said, "Who is a good Porkchop. You're a good Porkchop." He was talking the boar now, while sitting in front of the mansion now.
and nothing was spoiled :P

10-Jul-2015 21:10:05 - Last edited on 10-Jul-2015 21:10:31 by Guthix SS4

Mar Member 2023


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Raea Terisa had grown up a pickpocket, so watching the marketplace had become something of a comfort for her. She rarely nabbed a passing stranger's coin pouch anymore, but the hustle of these strangers was an interesting way to pass the time for the hybrid. After being "taken in" by The Organization, she had to abide by the rules - those with protection couldn't be bothered. Of course, she often thought to herself, they wouldn't be the one to rat me out if I had a few moments of time to make them forget. But she knew The Organization had their ways and she'd sooner have a bounty on her head placed by Mr. Veliath himself before she ever truly got away with it.

Besides, she owed them her loyalty. Despite their morally questionable methods, she wouldn't be where she was in the world without them. Not that morally questionable was an issue for her - her desire to improve her mental manipulation was evidence enough for that. Anyway, she was scanning the marketplace when she saw a familiar sight - a messenger coming, probably to bring a letter from Edward. She silently glided toward him, retrieved the letter inconspicuously, and continued walking.

Once she'd found the refuge of her modest house, she broke the seal on the envelope with her name elegantly scrawled onto it. The letter was worded simply - meet him at his mansion an hour from sundown. Probably to receive mission instructions, she figured, knowing fully well by now how Edward Veliath preferred to run his business.

By the way the light seemed to fall all around her at the marketplace, Raea could safely assume she'd have a few hours to people-watch some more before she was expected to meet at Veliath's mansion. So this she did, finding a nice shaded spot to continue observing everyone's rush. After purchasing an apple from a nearby stall, she decided to just wait out the time until near sundown, when she'd make her way to The Organization's HQ.
I just play FFXIV at this point. DC: Crystal

10-Jul-2015 22:09:40

Jul Member 2011


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Annie listened quietly as Edward was talking about loyalty towards her father and that he said that she has shown that same quality for The Organization and every thing else that he told her. She was also was reliefed that she wasn't going to be punished for her mistake. She was getting more training to be a better spy and between those sessions she will be doing less skilled work. Then he told her to go. She nodded and started to leave but then Edward told her to go back to her father and tell him what happen. She nodded again and left. She was so scared to tell her father what happen. She knows he might be punish by him because of it. She walk towards where her father is. -Dances-

10-Jul-2015 22:16:54 - Last edited on 11-Jul-2015 00:19:51 by Annie1227

Mark Argon

Mark Argon

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Marc saddled up and got on his his horse alongside Cain and chuckled at his conversation with Darius. "We all carried equipment on foot when we were squires, didn't do us any harm. If not for endurance training, it at least toughens then up; also, then when you do get a horse, it feels like more of an achievement" he said as Cain's squire dismounted from her horse.

After a brief moment of thought, Marc spoke again: "If I were you two, I'd prepare yourself for something more than a few bandits. If they've sent out three knights, lances and all, then I'd expect there to be a big presence or at least a really well dug in position in some cliffs or a forest."

After his final spiel, Marc rested his lance on his shoulder and relaxed back into his saddle, content to observe his surroundings and not worry about the coming fight just for this moment,

10-Jul-2015 22:45:34 - Last edited on 10-Jul-2015 22:48:13 by Mark Argon



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The Stables

"Four knights..." muttered Sir Richard, none too happy about his inherent curse where he was quickly disregarded or even forgotten. For some strange reason he couldn't fathom, he was always in a situation where he was less interesting than everyone else around him. Sir Richard the Uninteresting, his title was - among the few who regularly remembered his name, that is.

"Shouldn't be that much more than a dozen." Darius explained to Marcus. Truth be told, had Lyna not stopped Cain from finishing his sentence and had Marcus not gotten involved in the conversation, the argument could have gotten a lot worse. "There's nothing to suggest they're anything more than common brigands. So long as we keep our wits about us and remember our training, we shouldn't have any major trouble. Sir Riley doesn't want to risk the lives of the militia - at the end of the day, they are just farmers, after all."

"Anyways, we best be off. We've waited here long enough. Diamond formation - I'm at the front, Sir Cain and Sir Richard at the sides, Sir Marcus at the back." He waited for the knights to form up into said formation, and then set off on his horse at a light trot, the hooves clomping on the cobbled street. "We should reach Daralt by noon!"
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

10-Jul-2015 23:03:06 - Last edited on 11-Jul-2015 00:43:59 by NotFishing

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Cain followed as ordered, something he didn't mind doing he yelled back,
"Just keep up the best you can Lyna."

Cain was following he said,
"So a couple dozen bandits decided to pick on some poor farmers? Lets see if we cant help out those farmers!"

Lyna then said to the other squire,
"Alright ladies, lets get running!"
She then bolted running right after the horses. With her elf agility she would be naturally faster then the others.
and nothing was spoiled :P

10-Jul-2015 23:54:18 - Last edited on 10-Jul-2015 23:54:49 by Guthix SS4

Jul Member 2011


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Annie walked out of the mansion and headed to her house in the The Slums ignoring what was around her. She was terrified what her father would think after she tells him that she failed her mission.

She walked into her house and saw her father named Jim. She felt so tired and ashamed what happened. She was so scared to tell him what happened. He saw Annie walk in. He gave her a smile and asked in a calm voice,"how did it go?" He loved her no matter what happens. He had to be tough on her when he has to be.

Annie repiled to her father in a nervous voice,"not good."

Jim asked,"What happen? You know you can tell me anything. Maybe I can help."

Annie said looking down with shame,"I failed the mission because Balmor was a step ahead of me and caught me as I hid behind the garbage cans to find the right time to put the letter in his pocket. Also a stupid sneezed that I made gave my position away. So I gave him the letter that by handing it to him. I didn't mean to fail you and The Organization. I am sorry.

Jim came over to Annie and hugged her and said," don't be sorry. I am not mad at you. I am happy you are safe and that guy didn't harm you. We all make mistakes. "

Annie felt relief that he wasn't mad at her. She wasn't sure if she should tell her father about her telling Edward what she failed and what happened there.

She decided to tell her father what happen with Edward when she failed and told him everything about that conversation.

Jim looked at her with shock,"I am so proud of you because, you just proved shown that you are loyal, honest and admitted that you made a mistake. You are doing very well. It's a good thing that you are going to get more training. But too bad it's not going to be me. Whoever it is going be, will to train you very well. At lest you are still working even though it is less skilled work."


11-Jul-2015 05:47:31 - Last edited on 11-Jul-2015 22:48:45 by Annie1227

Jul Member 2011


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Annie said,"That's true. Are mad?"

Jim said," I am not mad. I am proud of you." He hugged her again. She hug him back.

Annie asked in a calm voice," what happens now?"

Jim replies,"I don't know. We have to wait for orders from Edward. Hopefully they'll come soon and you get more training."

Annie said,"ok. I hope it comes soon."

Jim repiles with a smile,"me too."

11-Jul-2015 19:28:13 - Last edited on 11-Jul-2015 22:49:53 by Annie1227



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Azrael heard the footsteps long before the knocks, but felt little need to greet the courier. Unless the hands had changed, which was by all accounts an all too frequent occurrence in this line of work, this was the mutual accord that had been struck – a pointless endeavour, given Azrael’s knowledge of the slum rats’ ‘secret’ identity, but it was a sense of security he felt no need to breech.

Making his way to the door, he skilfully unfastened the two deadbolts, peeking around the sturdy door. Confident that the street lay bare of prying eyes, his gaze methodically turned to two overturned barrels sitting beside his porch – and, like always, between them lay a small envelope.

With a frown, he sighed softly. Retrieving a pair of leather gloves and a small knife from his richly adorned robes, he removed the letter carefully from the envelope, carefully examining the lining for hints of treachery. Confident the letter seemed safe, he carefully unfolded the parchment, quickly scanning the contents.

Retreating back inside, he relocked the door and methodically held the parchment under a lit candle. Watching the flame engulf the ink letters, he slowly walked the embers to the fireplace. Carefully placing the smouldered parchment onto of the kindling, he watched in silence as the embers finally engulfed the last verse of the letter.


Not one to sit idle, Azrael was more than a little curious about Edward’s 'job'. Scoping out the area himself could have caused problems if wind made it up the chain – so, instead, Azrael decided to put faith in the only man whom he could, if not trust, be safe in the knowledge that he would not stab Azrael in the back without damn good reasoning.

Clad in his usual working vestments, Azrael’s path took him through the heart of decadence to the middle of nowhere, eventually leading him towards Jim’s house. Rounding upon the door, he pounded on the door several times in tune, before sombrely awaiting a response.

12-Jul-2015 05:29:04

Jul Member 2011


Posts: 51,224 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jim hears a knock at their door. He said to Annie in a calm voice,"maybe it's one of Edward's messager.

Annie said in a nervous voice,"yea, hopefully it is the messager that we are waiting for."

Jim repiles,"relax this is a good thing if it is the messenger for Edward so we could find out who's training you and what job you are going to be. I'll get the door."

Annie repiles,"your right. I will relax.Good idea that you get the door."

Jim nods to reply to Annie. He goes to the door to see who it was. He recognize who is. He open the door and said," hello Azrael. Please come in. It's good to see you. How are you? What can I help you with?"

12-Jul-2015 20:21:51 - Last edited on 12-Jul-2015 22:28:24 by Annie1227

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