
_.>~*~>Elite Noob<~*~<._

Quick find code: 49-50-118-32846597



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Chapter 36
*Back at the Evil School*
Headmaster Evil Jagex Mod: Well, well, well. Look what we have here. Some noobs who dont know what three plus five is?
Lance Tiger: They can't even divide by zero!
Headmaster Evil Jagex Mod: This is a predicament I will have to put our toughest torturer-I mean-teacher on the job.
Lance Tiger: Thank you. Oh nice black party hat with horns you got there.
Headmaster Evil Jagex Mod: Err this isnt a Party hat.
Lance Tiger: Then what is it?
Headmaster Evil Jagex Mod: Um, a candlestick holder.
Lance Tiger: A candlestick holder?
Headmaster Evil Jagex Mod: Yes every headmaster of Evil School gets one.
Lance Tiger: Okay. See ya later Mr. Headmaster Evil Jagex Mod!
*Lance Tiger teleports to his broom closet*
Lance Tiger: Help! I can't see!
Headmaster Evil Jagex Mod: Now then, Elite Noob, John, which death penal-I mean-teacher do you want?
Elite Noob: Hmm which one comes with a nickel?
John: I like the one with the flowers!
Headmaster Evil Jagex Mod: None of these creatures come with flowers!
Evil Teacher: Don't worry boss! I'll make sure these hooligans will never be heard from again!
Elite Noob: We've been heard of before?
*Headmaster Evil Jagex Mod casts [Evil Classroom Teleother]*
Evil Teacher: Okay class. First we take an entrance exam. If I have two dimes, and my henchman gives me another dime, what do I have?
John: Nice henchmen?
Evil Teacher: No! Lets try a different approach, if you were about to die, and all you had was one head, and you lost the head, how many heads would you have?
Elite Noob: (Whispering to John) What's a head?
Evil Teacher: Grr! I will destroy you vermin!
Elite Noob: Ooh! Looky John, a spinning cookie!
*Actually, it was a spinning saw blade, which happened to be hurling right at John*
John: No thanks Elite Noob. I'm allergic to metallic pastries.

23-Jan-2007 00:44:11 - Last edited on 25-May-2008 17:20:01 by [#C3FW206YM]



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*John ducks just in time. Amazingly, no one in the room was injured*

Evil “Teacher”: Not quite. Aaak!

Elite Noob: School is fun John. We should come here again.

John: Oh my goodness Elite Noob! There’s a humongous conveniently located distraction right behind you!

Elite Noob: Where? Where?

*John clobbers Elite Noob with his Barrelchest anchor*

Evil John: Muhahahahaha! Nothing stands in my way now!

End Chapter 36

[Another hidden update with love from Andrew Gower]

23-Jan-2007 04:20:31 - Last edited on 12-Jul-2007 05:53:11 by [#C3FW206YM]



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Chapter 37
*Elite Noob is hanging from chains in a dungeon*
Elite Noob: Uhhh My head (whatever that is) hurts.
Evil John: Silence, you scum!
Elite Noob: *Gasp* John! Get me out of here!
Evil John: I don't want to let you out, after all that work putting you up there.
Elite Noob: Yeah about that; Why am I in this dank dark dungeon!
Evil John: Hey the redecorators were on holiday! Anyway, Ive brought you here in order to take over Runescape!
John: Ouch! Stupid hand! Stop slapping me!
*John was also hanging from chains*
Evil John: Why are you slapping yourself?
Elite Noob: What? There are two Johns!
John: There are? Where are they?
Evil John: I am not John! I just used his identity to commit evil deeds and to take over the world!
Elite Noob: Then who are you?
Evil John: My name is Zaros!
John: Who am I again?
*Zaros slaps John*
Zaros: Shut up when Im talking!
Elite Noob: Why did you choose John to impersonate?
Zaros: Well, it all started when this buffoon arrived in Lumbridge
*Flash Back*
Duke of Lumbridge: Hey Hans, why is our cable bill so high?
Hans: Im not sure sire, it must be a misprint.
*Meanwhile, in the Lumbride Castle cellar*
Zaros: *Sob* Watching Everybody Loves Raymond reruns just makes me teary eyed!
*Zaro's watch beeps*
Zaros: Time to jog around the castle courtyard!
*Zaros puts on a Zanik suit*
Zaros: Ive got to stop eating those Doritos!
*Zaros heads to the castle courtyard*
John: So, have you been here often?
John: Aw, dont worry! I'm sure they didn't mean it.
Zaros: (Hmmm this loser is stupid enough to talk to statues. If I exploit him, I might be able to get a deduction from my taxes!) Hello there idiotic moron!
John: Hey stop insulting the pretty lady!
Zaros: Would you like to see my frying pan up close?
John: I love bacon grease!

23-Jan-2007 21:07:31 - Last edited on 03-Jan-2008 23:12:37 by [#C3FW206YM]



Posts: 14,572 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
*Zaros smacks John across the face*

Duke of Lumbridge: The closet monster’s back! Run for your lives!!!

Zaros: Now I should teleport to the Pony Fair and bide my time.

*End Flash Back*

Elite Noob: … So the whole reason you did this was to reduce your taxes?

John: I should call one now…

Zaros: He said taxes not taxis! Anyway, I shall leave you here to rot while I take over the Castle! Muhahhahahha!

End Chapter 37

24-Jan-2007 04:10:08 - Last edited on 12-Jul-2007 05:54:30 by [#C3FW206YM]



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Chapter 38 Put a ~*~ in your post if you have read this far

*Zaros escapes through the trapdoor*

Chef: Hello! Would you like a quest?

Zaros: No you fool! I want to take over the universe!

Chef: Alright, you can start by bringing me some eggs, a bucket of milk, and a pot of flour.

Zaros: Let me go you infidel!

Chef: But I need those ingredients!

Zaros: No you don’t.

Chef: Huh?

Zaros: Didn’t you hear the news?

Chef: What news?

*Zaros casts Fire Wave*

Zaros: Your hat is on fire!

Chef: Arrrgh!!

*While the Chef is blinded by his Chef's Hat Flambé, Zaros sneaks up to the Duke’s Bedroom*

Duke: One little sugar fairy…Two little sugar fairies…Zzzz…

Zaros: Delivery for the Duke of Lumbridge!

Duke: Zzz… Huh? Oh right! It must be my “Facial Massages for Idiot’s Monthly!”

*Zaros smashes the Duke’s face with a shovel*

Duke: Not as bad as last month

*The Duke faints*

Zaros: Muhahaha! Nothing can save Lumbridge now!

Hans: You won’t get away with this!

Zaros: Really?! How much do you know!?

Hans: Actually, nothing.

Zaros: Ooh! I’m scared now! I think I will torture you in random ways for my enjoyment!

Hans: WHAT?!

*Zaros takes out a crossword puzzle*

Zaros: Do this in permanent marker right now!

Hans: But the pen is too big, it smudges, the boxes are too small, and that color doesn’t go with my eyes!

Zaros: Do it or I will force feed you baby food!

Hans: *Sob* No! Anything but that!

Zaros: You got twenty bucks?

Hans: No…

Zaros: Then eat!

*Meanwhile in the dungeon*

John: One-trillion-nine-hundred-thousand and seventy-eight bottles of milk on the wall! One-trillion-nine-hundred-thousand and seventy-eight bottles of milk! You take one down, pass it around! One-trillion-nine-hundred-thousand and seventy-seven bottles of milk on the wall!

25-Jan-2007 01:35:47 - Last edited on 12-Jul-2007 05:55:16 by [#C3FW206YM]



Posts: 14,572 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Elite Noob: John, you've been singing that song all the way from 99 bottles of Pop on the Wall and howd you get from pop to milk anyway?
John: Because the keys to our chains are in those milk bottles
John: I forgot how to say the word "key".
Elite Noob: ...
John: ...
Elite Noob: ...
John: Hey! If I twist my neck in this highly dangerous and perilous position, I can break my neck!
Elite Noob: What good is that?
John: Elite, don't you remember that "always-reappear-back-in-Lumbridge-after-you-die glitch"?
Elite Noob: Oh yeah! Well John, our fate lies in you ability to cause peril to yourself.
Will John get the keys? Will Elite Noob save the day? Will I ever stop asking these questions? Find out in chapter 39!

25-Jan-2007 03:06:22 - Last edited on 03-Jan-2008 23:13:26 by [#C3FW206YM]



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Chapter 39
John: Well here goes something!
*John twists his neck at a 180 degree angle*
John: Yeooouuccch!
*John disappears in a puff of smoke*
John: Am I in the courtyard yet?
Prison Pete: That evil cat got another one! When will the madness end?
John: Oh my goodness! Balloons! Better yet: Balloon Animals!
*John starts popping all the Balloon Animals*
Prison Pete: No you fool! Now we dont know which key is which!
John: So?
Prison Pete: Now were trapped here forever!
John: So?
Prison Pete: And I left my coupon book at the Varrok bank!
John: *Gasp* Now its personal!
Lance Tiger: Sheesh! Finally out of that spooky closet! Hey! Why are there all these keys? Which one gets me out of here?
Prison Pete: Lets carefully examine every key and try to find the precise teeth for the lock.
Elite Noob: Well, if Im trapped in a dungeon, I might as well play my harmonica.
Armadyl: Nooo! I hate the harmonica!
Elite Noob: Who are you?
Armadyl: I am a god, Armadyl.
Elite Noob: And I thought my name was bad
Armadyl: Silence! Now how are we going to get out of this place?
Elite Noob: My friend John will save us!
*Ten hours later*
Lance Tiger: Gasp! Pant! It*s no use! These keys all look alike!
John: What about these keys that say *The keys to open up the barrier and escape into Runescape?
Prison Pete: Where did you get those?!
John: Uh London?
Lance Tiger: Lets get out of here now! I have a tea and crumpets in five minutes!
Are the keys real? Find out in chapter 40!
End Chapter 39

26-Jan-2007 00:42:59 - Last edited on 03-Jan-2008 23:00:30 by [#C3FW206YM]



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Chapter 40

*John reappears in Lumbridge*

Prison Pete: I hope I never see you ever again! That was the worst ten hours of my life!

John: Now, what was it I had to do again?

Story Reader: Hurry up and save Elite Noob!

John: Oh yeah!

*John dashes for the dungeon*

Elite Noob: John! You’re back! We’re saved Armadyl!

Armadyl: Shucks! I guess I have to fork over the money I bet then…

John: Where are the keys?

Elite Noob: In the milk bottles! Hurry, Zaros must be doing something horrible to the inhabitants of the castle!


Zaros: …And that’s how my pet bunny Mr. Twinkletoes got hit by a flying Laundromat and I decided to dedicate my life towards evil.

Hans: Gee, that’s a sad story.

Zaros: Yeah…Anyway, where was I again?

Duke of Lumbridge: You were about to make me sign away Lumbridge to you.

Zaros: Ah yes… Sorry about this whole thing, but life has its ups and downs, you know what I mean?

*Hans is slowly heading towards the exit*

Hans: Yes I most certainly do.

Armadyl: Hold it right there!

Zaros: Gasp!

Hans: Gasp!

Duke of Lumbridge: Gasp!

Zaros: How did you escape? No matter! I will seal you away, just like I did before!

Armadyl: No you won’t! Because I found Mr. Twinkletoes!

Zaros: Really?! This is the best day of my life!

*Armadyl sets Mr. Twinkletoes down on the floor*

Soon-to-be-Ex Cook of Lumbridge: Oh goody! I shall-a make some delicious rabbit-a stew!

*Soon-to-be-Ex Cook of Lumbridge cooks Mr. Twinkletoes*

Zaros: :O

Armadyl: :O

John: Mmm-mmm! Rabbit stew!

*John eats Mr. Twinkletoes*

Zaros: :O

Armadyl: :O

Elite Noob: What’s wrong with you people? Haven’t you ever tried rabbit stew before?

*Thirty seconds later, the Ex Cook of Lumbridge is reduced to a pile of ashes and smoke*

Zaros: Well, since I got my revenge, and made some new friends, I have decided to take over a different kingdom. See you all later!

Continued on next page

26-Jan-2007 04:15:47 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2007 17:32:12 by [#C3FW206YM]

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