
^+^ Onslaught ^+^

Quick find code: 49-50-10-62349822

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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“I can’t believe we’re actually doing this,” Caden muttered under his breath.

“Quiet,” Aiden said in a hushed tone. “We’re getting closer to the goblin horde, and we can’t make them suspicious.”

“Ok, but seriously…I know goblins aren’t the brightest of the bunch, but do you really expect any of those knights to fall for this? Or the other Manticores they might have wandering around?”

“That’s why we’ll avoid them,” Aiden replied. “Now seriously, shut up. I can hear their chattering from inside this thing.”

Caden fell silent at his brothers admonishment, wondering how the hell anyone could ever think their current ruse was a good idea. Sure, taking a dead creature’s corpse and emptying it of…oh, everything…and using it as a makeshift costume*seemed* like a good idea on paper. But in reality? He felt that nobody would take a four legged creature that was walking a little bit *too* lopsided seriously, let alone as the real thing. And he did*’t even need that annoying imp to tell him that!

But yet, here they were…walking right into the middle of a goblin horde with the very same creatures the duo was masquerading as among their numbers. And some knights who might have been far more intelligent than any mere goblin too. Caden wasn’t liking their chances in the slightest.

“Big group ahead,” Aiden whispered back. “Just act natural. And swing that tail around a bit if they get too close.”

“How will I know if they’re close?” Caden asked.

“I’ll elbow you or something.”

Caden sighed. “Great. This is gonna end so well, ya know that?”

“Hey, we’ve been through worse,” Aiden said as the sound of goblin chatter grew closer by the second. “Just remember: after the Elder, these things should be a piece of cake to fool!”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:19:55

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Hey, dere it be!” Caden heard a goblin squeak. “See? Grimnot knew fluff would come back!”

“Nusrikth,” another goblin swore. “You lie, fool! Dat not fluff. Dat stingtail.”

“Nah, stingtail has a purple tail,” the first goblin replied. Or at least, Caden thought it was the first goblin. It was sort of hard to tell in the back without anything to look through at all.

“Den what color is da tail?” a goblin asked. “It look purple to me.”

“It dark blue, sithshra!” the speaker retorted. Caden felt the weight of a small goblin walk over his hunched back, and a short tug on the bone which they had left in to control their disguise’s tail told him that the goblin was drawing the other goblin’s attention to the appendage. Caden felt a sharp pain in his head as Aiden elbowed him, so he grabbed the bone and shook it hard. He felt the weight of the goblin leave his back, and he allowed himself a sigh of relief.

“Cron!” he heard the goblins collectively scream…which really wasn’t that too unified, considering it was goblins uttering the oath. “It mad! Go get Blackwing Man! Blackwing!!” Caden heard the crunch of grass as the goblins supposedly left, which Aiden assured him of a few minutes later.

“Good, those damn things are gone,” his brother said. “Now listen carefully. The wall’s a few minutes away. If we can get to a bush or something, we can ditch this thing and start going through the sewers.”

“Oh thank the gods,” Caden replied. “As long as it gets us away from these damn things, go for it. Just tell me wh…”

“Oh crap!” Aiden said in a worried voice. “Quick, follow my lead!”

“Wh…” Caden began, but he did*’t get a chance to finish as he felt himself being dragged along by Aiden’s pace.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:20:29

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
At first, the surprise was enough to draw a few suspicious (albeit muffled, to Caden’s ears) remarks from what he assumed were the knights. But when he began walking in tune with Aiden’s pace, he heard the rapid crunching of dead leaves as the clink of metallic boots drew closer by the second.

“Listen,” Aiden said. “I’m gonna cut us out of this thing. Just get ready, and hit anything that’s not me!”
“What happened to the sewer idea?” Caden asked.

“Change of plans. Now*go!” He heard the sharp hiss of steal, followed by sweet sunlight as Aiden sliced through the Manticore’s hide cleanly. He saw Aiden quickly worm his way out of his half of the ‘suit’, and rush a figure he could barely make out in his peripheral vision. The figure drew its blade to parry, but the sheer force of Aiden’s strike was enough to knock it to the ground.

But that was their only stroke of luck, as Caden came to find out when he managed to work his way out of his half of the disguise. The remaining tail bone was enough to slow him down, but he was almost wishing that he had a Manticore’s tail himself as he saw the massive knight that had come to aid its comrade in arms. The knight was clad in simple black armor that was bulky enough to remind him of the legendary behemoths which were rumored to live in the East, but yet it moved swiftly enough to the point where Caden barely managed to instinctively roll out of the way in an impromptu dodge.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:20:54

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A massive black gauntlet narrowly missed his head as it buried itself in the ground, which was broken into little pieces by the sheer impact of the blow. Caden looked in the knight’s eyes, which were two orange orbs that peeked out from a visor which reminded him of a bat, or maybe some kind of wolf.

“Sorry,” he managed between short breaths. “I don’t date big guys. But my brother’s avail…”

The massive knight made a screeching sound as it violently ripped its arm out of the ground, bringing a good chunk of the earth up with it. The dirt crumbled easily under the figure’s iron grip, and Caden grew pale as he realized just how badly this was going to hurt.

“Keep that thing busy!” Aiden called out over the ringing of steel on steel coming from the ramparts above. They had somehow ended up near one of Falador’s walls after all, Caden thought, though he wished it was under better circumstances.

Aiden was defending himself against his own attacker, who happened to be a much smaller, and seemingly more manageable, knight whose armor was cut to fit a more feminine figure. The figure’s curves were embroidered with gold and some sort of crimson color that resembled blood, and a raven’s crest sat squarely in the middle of the stomach.

“Just stab that idiot in the face or something and start helping out then!” Caden cried. “Because I think we’re only getting one shot at this!”

Aiden nodded and let out a cry of victory as his sword slid cleanly underneath the armored woman’s mail. Caden heard a feminine wail as the massive black knight’s orange eyes glowed brighter, and it did*’t waste time leaping right at the brothers.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:21:29

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For his part, Caden managed to throw himself to the side while slashing at the armored foot of the huge fighter, but Aiden wasn’t so lucky. The knight landed right in front of him, and in one swift move it had managed to grab him and hurl him into the walls above with enough force to break the upper portion of them.

“Aiden!” he screamed. He looked at the massive knight with rage in his heart, and the giant only stared back at him with those eerie orange eyes. It said nothing, but it did*’t need to. It was then that Caden rushed the behemoth of a man, swinging his weapon wildly. If the knight felt any pain, it did*’t let on to the fact.

On the other hand, it did seem hell bent on throwing Caden into the general area his brother was thrown. Which it did, with a rather painful grip and an even more painful jerk, which was enough to make Caden’s shoulder pop out of its own socket somehow. He did*’t have much time to think, because the next he knew his weapon was sailing right past him, and he only had enough time to realize that it was because he had let go of it- he must’ve let go when he stopped feeling his weapon arm, he realized.

Caden crashed through the pristine stone wall, and skidded to a halt on the edge of the ramparts which overlooked the City of White. His vision faded in and out from the pain, and he managed to make out the vague form of a White Knight make it way towards him. The knight was clad in the traditional armor of the White Knights, but the gleaming silver trimmings on the designs gave Caden the impression that the knight was no mere peon sent to defend the walls in his master’s stead.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:22:06

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Who…ow…head fees funny…” Caden managed between painful gasps. He felt broken in more than one place, and he wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if he started coughing up blood within the next few minutes. Nobody he knew could get thrown through a thick wall of stone and *not* have that happen, least of all someone as unlucky as he was.

The White Knight kneeled over Caden, and held up a vial containing a red liquid. “Drink this,” the knight said in an echoing voice that reminded him of…hell, he couldn’t even place it, given his condition. But he knew it was at least a good guy this time around.

Caden tried moving his arms, but to no avail. The knight, seeing the feeble act, popped the cork lid, and forced the vial past Caden’s bloodied lips. The liquid itself was rancid and tasted like sour wine, but he couldn’t deny that it helped him feel less hurt than he was before.

“T-thanks,” he coughed, his body twitching uncontrollably. Pain wracked his body, but it subsided bit by bit as the involuntary spasms lessened. Caden felt his arms-both of them-worm their way back into their sockets relatively painlessly (then again, anything was less painful after being thrown through a wall!), and his ribs mended themselves quickly. Even the lesser cuts and scratches were closing seamlessly, and in a matter of moments, Caden looked almost as good as new…though he might have been missing a few teeth for all he knew.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:22:29

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The knight helped Caden to his feet. “You are a lucky man,” the knight said with a salute. “We don’t see many people get thrown through our walls and live. Especially not by one of the Raven Knights own Bloodbound Guardians!”

“Bloodbound Guardian?” Caden asked out of curiosity. “Is that what that massive bear in black armor is called?”

“Aye,” the knight replied. “Normally I’d ask what you’re doing here, but we’re in the middle of a…rather difficult situation.”

“No kidding,” Caden said as he looked over the edge where he had come from. The Guardian was gone, lost among the throng of goblins and Raven Knights who had flooded to the arena he was just fighting in. Looking further out, he saw that many more goblins and their allies were clustered around various knights on exotic mounts he had never seen before which seemed to dwarf even a fully grown Hill Giant. And they seemed to stretch on for miles, making him wonder just how he and Aiden had managed to worm their way right up to the wall without being noticed. And speaking of Aiden…

“Say,” Caden addressed the White Knight. “Would you guys have happened to find another guy like me on your wall? We sorta look the same, and he was with me.”

“I haven’t,” the knight said with sorrow in his voice. “But maybe the others…”

“Manticores at the gate!” came a trumpeting cry from somewhere down the ramparts. “The dirty little bugs are actually attempting a push!”

“Uh oh,” Caden muttered as the knight rushed to answer his comrade’s call. He heard the growing chants from the goblins below. ‘Smash!* they cried. ‘Bash hard!’ they wailed. ‘Death to White Shells!’ they screamed. A distant rumble also sounded, followed by many fierce roars which almost drove everyone on the wall to deafness.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:23:00 - Last edited on 25-Nov-2011 01:23:48 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He knew the creature was an Ogre on sight, but it was stranger than the savages he had slain close to Yanille in the past. Where normal Ogres were unkempt and filthy, wearing only the basest of clothing for armor, this one was clean and well groomed, and clad in battle regalia that seemed to have been dedicated to Bandos himself. Of course, it had somewhat of a gut hanging out from under the armor, but the massive blade hung at its back left little doubt that the figure was fearsome in battle.

“That…looks familiar,” Caden said.

“Tell me about it,” Aiden replied. “But look a little to the left.”

Caden did so, and at first he saw nothing. Or rather, he thought he saw nothing. He saw a group of Raven Knights and goblins clustered together, but it was only when he looked closer that he saw a strange hooded figure dressed in black. The only distinguishing marks on its clothes was a Crow’s claw stitched in the color of blood on its shoulder, and at once Caden knew the real extent of what was going on.

“An Iraxian Crow…Raven Knights…and an Ogre,” Caden said. “I knew that there were rumors about this thing going around, but I never thought them to be real.”

A pair of deafening roars made both of them clap their ears shut, and the sound of a resounding crack split through the air. Caden could only look on in horror as he saw the goblin army charge the gate…

…and go right through it. The gate fell easily to the combined masses, and within minutes they were flooding the entire city. For their part, the guards remaining on the ground tried to hold their ground, but against so many goblins…
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:24:34

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“This keeps getting better and better,” Aiden said, looking into the city.

“It’s about to get worse,” Caden replied as he looked back into the field. “Quick, just jump!”

Aiden did*’t have time to argue as his brother pushed him over the ramparts. Caden followed his fall, and just in time, for a glob of magical lava had landed where they were standing only seconds ago. They heard the cheers of goblins as the magical heat began wearing down the pristine walls, and the brothers landed in a haystack that seemed too conveniently placed for their comfort.

Aiden and Caden poked their heads out of the hay. They watched as the goblins and their knightly allies rushed through the streets of Falador, weapons drawn and swinging at any nearby resistance that was still standing…which wasn’t much, considering the recent rush. Only a few pockets of city guards remained to defend the streets as the White Knights sounded trumpets through the air in retreat.
After the initial rush had passed, Caden rolled out of the haystack and went into a nearby alleyway. Aiden followed without provocation, which he was glad for. He did*’t want to draw too much attention to themselves, and silence was necessary for that to happen.

“This is bad,” Aiden said. “Ok, we can probably take the goblins, but the Raven Knights? An Iraxian Crow? Man, even I know when I’m out of my league!”

“So do I,” Caden replied. “But listen…we know that goblins won’t work together if there’s nothing keeping them in line. Maybe we can disrupt their chain of command long enough for the White Knights to organize a counter attack.”

“Sounds good, but why should we risk our lives to do what these guys should be doing at this very moment?” Aiden asked. “Nothing against them, but I don’t think it’s worth dying over.”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:25:09

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“We’ll most likely be dead if we run into anything that’s not a goblin,” Caden answered.
“Good point.”

The pair fell silent as a shadow crossed over the light pouring into the alley. They looked over, and saw the Ogre standing there, looking towards the town center. It seemed even bulkier the closer they got to it, and they also saw that its hair was grown out and tied into twin strands of warrior dreadlocks which rested on its shoulders. Where most Ogres would have savage tusks, this one only had well groomed nubs, which gave it an aura of royalty…at least for an Ogre.

The creature stood by the alley for only moments, and it was gone just as quickly as it appeared. Caden scratched his head, trying to think of a plan of action.

“Wait…if that thing’s leading them,” Aiden said. “It might be heading to the castle.”

“We don’t know that for sure,” Caden replied.

“Alright smart guy; where else could it be going?” Aiden asked. “Because let’s face the facts, there’s nothing else really worth mentioning in this city besides the Miner’s Guild, and that’s a laughingstock as it is!”

“Ok, that’s a good point. Now, if you’re suggesting on us killing that thing, we have one problem,” Caden answered. “Namely, a great number of stinking goblins, gods only know how many undead knights, and the all sorts of magical beasties they can come up with. Oh, and that Crow, who’s most likely searching for powerful defenders to pick off as it is.”

“Well, we’re not exactly powerful enough to register as a threat to the Crow,” Aiden said. “But…”

“Oh crap,” Caden interrupted. “We’re not, but Azura might be.”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

25-Nov-2011 01:25:39 - Last edited on 25-Nov-2011 01:25:51 by A Mad Hatter

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