
^+^ Onslaught ^+^

Quick find code: 49-50-10-62349822

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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“No dying yet,” he heard the demonic voice say. “My Other cannot die yet. Not while I’m scattered.”

Then do something about it, he thought. He envisioned himself standing in the courtyard by now, but it all seemed hopeless as soon as he felt the magic he used for short distance teleporting fail him. But yet, at that very moment he heard something else, which caused the creature to slacken its grip on his throat. He wasn’t sure what the noise was, but he figured he might as well take any opening he could get.

The mercenary’s vision grew blurry for a moment as he desperately dug his fingers into the creature’s eyes. It shrieked in agony at the sudden violation of its being, and so the tongue released its grip on the Spider’s neck. He quickly got to his feet, and willed the shadows to surround him. He felt energy flow through him as his strength returned from the shadows, and his wounds healed.

What he saw was even more confusing than the floating zombie-banshee head. Before the two stood a shadowed figure hunched over the ground. A feral growl emitted from the figure’s direction, which made the flying head swing its tongue around the air in challenge. Both of the beings seemed to stare at each other for what seemed like an eternity before the head began screaming once more and charged the newcomer.

For his part, the Spider decided not to get caught in the middle of the mysterious assailants. He quickly sprinted up the pile of debris around the collapsed wall, and almost shouted for joy as soon as he felt the air rush to surround his body.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

17-Sep-2011 01:45:16

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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But there was no joy to be had in the courtyard. The once vibrant gardens were all dead and rotted, and the stench of necromantic energies lingered in the air. Nearby stood a desecrated gazebo that seemed like it had seen better days, and the moat around it was all dried up. All of it was set against an orange sky, which seemed appropriate to his senses.

But what caught his attention was the figure standing in the middle of the whole mess. Draped in blood red robes and a matching hood that covered the better part of his face, the figure seemed an imposing yet fitting fixture in the scenery. It was only when it spoke did the Spider realize who was talking to him the entire time while he was in Gorvanki Manor.

“Tis about time,” the figure croaked. In person, its voice seemed hollow and dead, much like the trees and shrubs around him. “I was starting to think the Norgoth had killed you.”

“So that’s what that…thing…was,” the Spider managed. He was wishing he could’ve thought of a snappier answer at that moment, but words escaped him.

“Come,” the red robed figure beckoned with a bony hand. “One of my Hands has called me because of you. There is much we must discuss.*

The Spider strode towards the robed being. “Hands? So that must mean the Warlock wasn’t lying back at that rooftop.”

“No,* the figure replied. “The Shroud’s servants are honorable in that respect. Now, let’s cut to the chase. It has come to my attention that you wish to know what’s responsible for the Brotherhood attacks, yes?”

“How’d you know?” the Spider asked. In truth, he had a feeling that he already knew the answer. But some things were better off said instead of implied.

The figure smiled a crooked smile which was visible from the shadows cast by his hood. “I’m the Shroud,” he said. “I have many ways of knowing what’s going on where my matters are concerned.”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

17-Sep-2011 01:45:51

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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“So I take it you won’t tell me your secrets,” the Spider replied. “Alright, I’ll buy that. Now why do you want to discuss the Brotherhood murders then?”

“I have many reasons,” the Shroud answered. “Chief among them being that the fool running their congregation has absolutely no clue what lies in store for him once the Ninth King’s promises are delivered upon!*

*And I take it you do?”

“In a way,” the Shroud replied. “I know that the last time the Ninth King attempted to rise, he paved the way for my homeland’s destruction. I didn't realize it at the time, but now I know what to look for. I’ll be damned if history would repeat itself here!*

*The Ninth King?” the Spider asked suspiciously. *What’s that, a god or something?”

The Shroud laughed. “Fool!” he spat. *The Ninth King predates the beings you call ‘Gods’! Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if the pitiful power they hold has failed to detect him yet, strong as he is. Nooo, he is much, much worse than any mere god you have a name for. But, this time we have a chance to derail his plans for good!”

“Let’s say I buy this nonsense,” the Spider said, crossing his arms. “Just what the hell do you have in mind, and why do I need you?”

“Because you won’t find their stronghold otherwise!” the Shroud cried. “I know exactly how to get there, and it’s there you must go if you have any hope of disabling their sleeper agents!”

The Spider shook his head. “Sleeper agents? What, is the guy leading these lunatics spying now?"
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

17-Sep-2011 01:46:36 - Last edited on 31-Dec-2014 05:19:43 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“He’s always been watching!” The Shroud replied with vigor. “How else was he to find the keys to the Seventh Seal? How else did he know when your authorities would come to the scene of his sacrifices? How else did he manage to escape detection until he *wanted* to become known? Let me tell you human, the entire time the Brotherhood has been one step ahead of you. But now? You have the chance to strike back! With my aid, you can deliver a blow to them that will at least set them back long enough for our allies to make their move!”

“You speak as if I already agreed to this,” the Spider noted.

The Shroud waved his hands in mystic patterns. The air next to him shimmered as a black portal appeared. “If you’re not convinced, then know this: she’s at their headquarters,” he said.


“The one you came for,” the Shroud replied. *Don’t try hiding it from me. I can read your emotions under that demon-possessed armor of yours like a book!”

“Demon…possessed?* the Spider asked. Thoughts floated around his head at that moment, and he wasn’t sure what to make of them. Of course, his armor being possessed by a demon would explain a few things. But what was Myra doing at the Brotherhood’s headquarters? Surely she would’ve notified him so they could go in together…wouldn’t she? The only other conclusion was one that he didn't like, and it was that same conclusion that compelled him to act at that moment.

“Your mind is at work, I see,* the Shroud said. “I take it we have a deal? Just step into my portal, and do what needs to be done. We’ll meet again to discuss war stratagems once you get back to Varrock with allies.”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

17-Sep-2011 01:47:06 - Last edited on 31-Dec-2014 05:20:41 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I’ll trust you…for now,* the Spider said as he walked towards the portal. “But know this: one wrong move, one moment that gives me any inkling that you’ll betray me…and I’ll deal with you as well.”

“I swear upon the honor of Father Dagon that I will not deceive you,” the Shroud replied, holding a single withered hand in the air. “Trust me…this is one of the rare times when we have common goals. If the Brotherhood wins, I die as well. You’d do well to remember that.”

The Spider nodded. “Then I’m sure I’ll see you once I get back,” he said. The mercenary was swallowed by the void-like portal, which vanished as soon as he disappeared from sight. The Shroud only sighed before turning to leave the courtyard of Gorvanki Manor.

“Maybe he’ll achieve what I couldn’t,” he said wistfully. “Who knows? Maybe I can help avenge Ukrosha after all.”


“Don’t you dare touch that,” Pikkupstix warned.

Caden threw his hands in the air and backed up from the worktable. “Ok, ok,” he said. “I just wanted to know what that stuff was. Not like I could actually do anything with it, ya know!”

Azura shook her head in disbelief at the events surrounding her. The elderly summoner had led her through a rather plain room before they had entered his private work labs. They were rather spacious, if a bit dark. Many shelves stocked with random alchemical equipment lined the walls, but the center of the room was set below ground level, with the only two access ways being gentle slopes that had been formed from the natural earth beneath Pikkupstix’s house with druidic magik.

In that little area in the center stood a few curved workbenches, which were amply stocked with pouches made from silk and cotton, random summoning charms, and one desk in particular had a big piece of parchment spread out with various herbs piled on top of it.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

17-Sep-2011 01:47:58

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And it was that very table where Caden stood, eyeing the contents with the curiosity of a child who had just witnessed his first Wintumber festival. Pikkupstix stood next to him, staring daggers at Caden, and most likely hoping that the boy was smart enough to heed his warnings.

Azura strode down the slopes, keeping her gaze on the table as she descended. “So…what’s the deal about the herbs I was told about?” she asked nervously.

Pikkupstix tore his gaze from Caden, who only smiled innocently. “I’ve managed to gather a small collection of herbs associated with dreams and nightmares,” the old druid said. He picked up a small green herb with spike-shaped leaves. “This one here is Tarromin,” he continued. “Mix it with the Guam-that’s this one with the rounded leaves here- and you’ll have yourself a sleeping potion if you can’t fall asleep.”

“But does that stop nightmares?” She asked.

“Well, that’s what this is for,” Pikkupstix said as he picked up a dark green herb. The leaves were cone-shaped, and there were only three of them on a slender stem that seemed way too small for such big leaves. “You just add the Rannarr Weed to the mix, and maybe some chocolate for flavor if you want to. That will literally keep any dreams-good *and* bad- away.”

“So what’s this stuff?” Caden asked. He held a small vial of powder in his hand, which made Pikkupstix go pale and tremble with rage.

“That’s…Dwarf Weed,” he said. “If you were smart, you’d put that down NOW!*

Caden shrugged. “Alright. So why’s it all powdery and not….herby?*

*That’s because it’s for a dwarf customer,” the druid replied. “They commonly grind it up in Keldagrim and use it as a muscle relaxer. But if a human were to get a sniff of it, they’d just start hallucinating.”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

17-Sep-2011 01:49:25 - Last edited on 17-Sep-2011 01:49:48 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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“No way,* Caden remarked. “I hear about people drinking potions with that stuff in it all the time. How come I never heard of that before?”

“Because whatever causes the hallucinations is diluted when mixed with other ingredients,” Pikkupstix said. Turning to Azura, he added, “And no, they don’t cause nightmares, lass. So you can rule out any ideas of someone adding some Dwarf Weed to your food or drink without you knowing about it.”

“That’s…reassuring,” Azura replied. She watched as Pikkupstix began gathering the herbs into a small pouch, and he was interrupted by a loud crash. The pair’s attention was drawn to a nearby desk that had overturned, and Caden’s head poked out from under the pile of broken vials and floating dust.

“I swear to the gods I tripped over a chair,” he said.

“Wha…How? I don’t even have a chair over there!” Pikkupstix cried. The druid put the herb pouch back on the table, and rushed to help Caden up. The youth’s brown hair had seemingly changed to a dirty blonde, but the effect was short lived, for it came off of his head in a cloud of dust as he shook his head.

“I dunno,* Caden said. “But I…ah…ah…” he sneezed violently, sending even more clouds of dust flying into the air. “Crap,” he sniffed. “What gives? There wasn’t anything even powdery over here!”

“I have drawers in the desk to keep stuff in, you idiot!” Pikkupstix screamed. “Seriously, how hard is it to follow something as simple as ‘don’t touch anything’?”

Caden sneezed once more. “Sorry Pik, but I sorta have this tendency to not listen when I’m surrounded by interesting things. I can’t help it.”

“I can see,” Pikkupstix replied dryly. He offered his hand to Caden, who grasped it and pulled himself to his feet. His armor had somehow escaped getting dirty, but that fact was lost on Pikkupstix, who was howling in rage as soon as he picked up a broken vial holding the remnants of a pale green powder.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

17-Sep-2011 01:50:52

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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“You fool!” the druid hissed. He shoved the broken vial in Caden’s face. “Did you inhale any of this? Did you?!”

“Ummm….I’m not sure,” he replied. “Why?”

Pikkupstix pocketed the former vial, trembling with rage and panic. “That was Dwarf Weed that was being prepped for another client,” he said. “If you inhaled that…do you have any clue what could happen?”

“Yeah, you just said it makes people see stuff,” Caden replied. “So what? If I see something, I’ll deal with it.”

“You know what?” Pikkupstix asked. “Do me a favor and go back to wherever the hell it is you’re staying at. Just drink lots of water in the meantime. That will dilute the Dwarf Weed if it’s in your system. But make sure it’s only water, and nothing else. Otherwise you’ll most likely end up with long term problems if you really did get any of it in you.”

Caden shrugged. “Well, the imp over there agrees with you. So I’m just going to nod and go with it.” With that, the brown haired youth strode out of Pikkupstix’s workroom. Azura looked around the room in confusion.

“I…don’t see any imps,* she remarked. “So is it true that Dwarf Weed can really make people see stuff like that?”

“You’ve heard him mention the imp,” the summoner replied. “And you said it yourself: there’s no imps here. So you can come to your own conclusions. Now, about those herbs I’ve put aside for you…”

^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

17-Sep-2011 01:51:38

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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Dionysius watched as the assorted Temple Knights began crowding into the darkened room. The room itself was rather drab, which was fitting since the knighthood wasn’t one to go overboard on decorating a room that was meant to be used for extreme emergencies. As such, only a large, rectangular table sat in the middle of the room, which was lit by torches mounted in the corners of the room.

The knights themselves weren’t decorated any more than the room was. Outside of a few trimmings of various colors on their pale white armor to signify their ranking within the knighthood, nothing about their dress stood out to the Wise Old Man, save for the fact that all of the knights wore full helms to cover their faces, save for Sir Augustus. The red haired Inquisitor sat at the head of the table, and he was wearing a stern expression on his face as the rest of his comrades began seating themselves in an orderly fashion.

“Time is of the essence,” he said. His voice was weary, but yet strong enough to command the attention of everyone in the room. “Dionysius has informed some of us that he knows what the pillars are. It is for that reason which we gather here to discuss today. Dion, you may start whenever you’re ready.”

The Wise Old Man cleared his throat, and began pacing back and forth in front of the assembled knights. His Saradomin clicked and clacked against the stone floor. A crystal mirror was mounted on the wall behind him, showing various scenes around the world where the pillars had appeared. Nothing much had changed since they had initially appeared, save for the fact that more and more people were beginning to take an interest in the strange creations.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

17-Sep-2011 01:52:13

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I fear that your organization is already aware of these things appearing worldwide,” he began. “But you don’t know *why* they’ve appeared. But I do.”

“We already know that someone was trying to warn us about the demon known as Delrith,” Augustus said. “But there’s something else going on. Dionysius, tell them what you’ve told me.”

The Wise Old Man sighed. “Some time ago…a real long time ago, really…I had stumbled across a strange adventurer being assaulted by an abomination in the jungles of Karamja. I can*t recall what it looked like, save for the unholy screeching the creature was fond of emitting whenever any of us hit it with steel or spell…but after the thing had fallen, the adventurer had asked me for my aid in sealing a rift in a series of nearby caves.

The caves themselves were nothing special. In fact, it wasn’t until we had penetrated about a mile into it had we seen more of the unholy monstrosities. But they were surprised at our presence there, so we had the upper hand in defeating them. To make a long, complicated tale short, after the battle the adventurer had revealed himself to be a member of an order known as the Grave Watchers.”

*Wait,” a knight said, his voice muffled by the full helm he wore. “We know of the order’* existence. But we thought they had died off years ago.*

*That*s what they want you to think,” Dionysius said. “In truth, they’ve been hiding since the God Wars. You see, I was intrigued by the fellow. Where I was about to soil myself at the sight of the unwholesome creatures, he strode to meet them head on. Where I struggled to find a weak spot in their body, he knew where to hit them for maximum pain. To see him dispatch an enemy that gave me a hard time so easily…it was a sight to behold!”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

17-Sep-2011 01:53:17 - Last edited on 31-Dec-2014 05:25:44 by A Mad Hatter

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