
^+^ Onslaught ^+^

Quick find code: 49-50-10-62349822

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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The assassins then turned their attention towards Rovin. They mumbled something unintelligible, but whatever they said was lost on him. He was feeling woozy as soon as he felt one of the blades scratch his shoulders through his chainmail, but it didn't seem to matter.

It was all for naught, he thought. He had made a promise to a girl he had met not more than ten minutes ago. He promised to keep her safe. And he had failed.

But even so, one last thought had echoed in his mind as he began to black out. He had lost. He had lost badly. Sure, he might come to accept it in time. And he’d even admit it was a part of life.

But how much worse could things get?
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

15-Aug-2011 19:55:44 - Last edited on 25-Sep-2013 06:13:46 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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“Comrade. The knight has arrived.”

The Baron opened his sleeping eyes rather lazily. “Already?” he mumbled. “How long ago did he arrive?”

“Just a few moments ago,” Rock answered. “And he claims that he has brought not only answers to the strange power, but the promised… ‘business assets' that he had managed to procure as well.”

“Very well,” the Ogre said. The Baron shifted his massive body off of the wooden throne that had been made for him shortly after his arrival in the Goblin Village, and landed with a somewhat audible thud that caused a few decorations on the wall to shake. He stalked out of the audience hall, and a cool night breeze greeted him as he walked into the main village itself.

A small goblin armed with a spear stood before him. The warty creature was flanked by the dreadlocked Raven Knight, who was tapping his foot impatiently. “Ah,” he said as he saw the Baron. “So it seems you’re awake after all. Did I come at a bad time?”

“Not at all,” the Baron replied. “It’s just that unlike your kind, the mortal races have a tendency to sleep at night.”

“I find that strange, considering the goblin’s knack for seeing in the dark,” the knight said. “But, stranger things have happened before. Now, come with me. And leave your bodyguard behind.”

The Baron nodded to Rock, who only shrugged. “Go,” he said. “I’ll take a look around and inspect the troops who are still awake.”

The Baron nodded in understanding. “I want them all armed properly,” he instructed. “Make sure of that. We’ve been waiting too long to get ourselves killed because of poorly armed minions.*

Rock grinned maliciously. “I’ll make sure of it.” He replied. “Trust me, you’re not the only one with a vested interest in this whole affair.” With that, the foreign battlemage walked deeper into the village. Once the knight was sure Rock was gone, he began walking in a different direction leading towards the western walls. The Baron followed.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

15-Aug-2011 19:56:31 - Last edited on 25-Sep-2013 06:13:52 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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“First things first,” the knight said. “I hear that the strange power has afflicted your village as well?”

“In a way,” the Baron replied. “I didn't feel it personally. But a few goblins claimed to have floated in the air, and Rock did as well. Have you and your kind experienced it as well?”

“Our stories aren’t too dissimilar,” the knight remarked. “I personally didn't experience it as well…but our seers did. And their investigations found something that was most interesting.”


“Oh indeed. Their divinations have revealed that a…castle, for lack of better terms…has risen from the depths of the ocean on the eastern coast of the wilderness to our north,” the knight said. “They claim that a dark power has awakened…and that it might have caused the strange power to activate across the land.”

“Does it pose a threat? The dark power, that is.”

“Not at the moment,” the knight said. “But that’s not all. Around the same time the power had awakened, the seers had also noticed that a group of odd pillars had emerged from the earth. Pillars that evidently belonged to an organization known as ‘The Grave Watchers’. And they’re predicting a massive calamity that will result from the recent events.”

“The name means nothing to me.”

“And it shouldn’t,” the knight remarked. “Because, quite frankly, the Watchers don’t give two flying damns about what happens in the mortal planes. They’re more concerned about threats that the mortal world has forgotten, and that’s what concerns me the most.”

“How so?” the Baron asked. “Will they not deal with it?”

The Raven Knight shrugged. “I know not,” he declared. “But I do know that the Grave Watchers and their heralds only appear during times of great duress. The kind of situation that can literally alter the fabric of reality as we know it.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

15-Aug-2011 19:57:23 - Last edited on 25-Sep-2013 06:13:59 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
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A Mad Hatter

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“So what’s your angle?”

The knight turned to regard the Baron with a soft sigh. “I have reason to believe that your attack on Falador may draw their attention,” he said. “Even though you don’t wield otherworldly power, our seers have seen you in the Demon Halls…and they claim that you would come to possess cursed blades that are currently owned by the Heikka.”

“The Heikka?”

“An ancient race dedicated to serving an even more ancient lord,” the knight replied. “I know nothing of their history, save for the fact that they’re bound to their lord’s service by seven seals. Six of which were broken in ages past.”

“And what happens when the seventh seal is broken?” the Baron asked.

“Well…nobody is sure. But many believe that should the seventh seal break, their master will return to the world. What his aims are, not even our seers could divine,” the knight said. “But they have seen a shadow approaching us. And they claim that the dark power within the new castle is somehow tied to the Heikka and their master.”

“And I take it their master is some kind of forgotten god?” the Baron asked.

“Actually,” the knight replied. “History remembers his name, if only in title. Scripts speak of a ‘Ninth King’ that will come back to the world and lead the Heikka to battle a being known as the Oceanborn and its army. They also speak of a planar gate of sorts, but the details contradict each other.”

“And all of this is tied to my attack on Falador? That seems unlikely,” the Baron remarked.

“It may seem that way. But, our seers have only predicted it will happen. It may very well be that nothing comes to pass. Though warnings could never do any harm if you were wise to exercise caution.”
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

15-Aug-2011 19:58:34 - Last edited on 25-Sep-2013 06:14:04 by A Mad Hatter

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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“I shall keep that in mind,” the Baron replied.

“Good,” the knight said. “Ah, and here we are. Please, mind the cages. Their occupants are rather volatile.”

The Baron looked to his right, and saw a group of massive iron wrought cages. Many creatures were kept in the pens: scaly basilisks which bore blindfolds over their eyes, creatures with a lion’s head and body but a scorpion’s tail, and even a lizard-like bird creature which squawked loudly at the Baron’s presence.

“Manticores,” the Baron hissed. "Basilisks…Cockatrices…all here, as promised.”

“Beautiful creatures, all of them,” the knight said. “And they’re all trained to serve the Raven Knights and their allies faithfully. To the death.”

“How is it that the knighthoods of Falador don’t know about these creatures in their territory?” the Baron asked.

“The same way we managed to cart them here,” the knight said. “Magic. Powerful, undead magic. No mortal race can trace our powers easily, and the mystics of Falador’s powers that be are no exception.”

“Interesting,” the Baron muttered. He turned away from the cages, and began heading back towards his hall. “Tell your knights to make the necessary preparations,” he said. “We march at sunrise!”

^+^ The End of Chapter 8 ^+^
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

15-Aug-2011 20:00:31 - Last edited on 25-Sep-2013 06:14:45 by A Mad Hatter



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“Oh, you bet it’s me again!” Zirax shouted as he closed in on the Spider. “I might not have made my presence known since Chapter 5 of The Age of Nhur, but who doesn’t love a good comeback, eh?”
:P :P :P :P :P
I use similar statements in my own stories. also, the Spider goes, 'Christ, you scared me to death', so does that mean the Spider knows the story of the Nazarene? 0.o
I liked this chapter, but I am still more interested in other things that have yet to unfold (unsurprisingly).
of course a good fan is not true without a little critisism, eh? I'd like to point out that you are kinda overusing ... and I have seen the word haphazardly several times. o=
another thing is how characters are, say, randomly teleporting to the scene suddenly here and there. I know some of them are following targets and all, but even that's a tad bit too frequent :/
During the last fight, ppl are disposed of within seconds even though they wear armour, so how strng are these lightsaber-like swords? doesnt make much sense to wear red armour if they can be cut through easily.
I like to have characters wear armour, but armoured characters certainly can take lots of punishment in my stories, so the opposing force often has to break apart the armour first at least, that sort of thing.
not that those things are an issue, but hey, I need to find a reason to get angry.
specimen six, is that a reference to AvP? :P Six is a number I see rather often. In fallout new vegas you are courier six.
well, that's all for now. cheers.

21-Aug-2011 06:36:01

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

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Heh. I'll try my best to respond to the criticism, but seriously...thanks. Some of the stuff I just haven't noticed o.O
"I use similar statements in my own stories. also, the Spider goes, 'Christ, you scared me to death', so does that mean the Spider knows the story of the Nazarene? 0.o"
Weelll....there's one of two possible reasons for it. Either it's a common expression in the world, or there's something wrong with his "armor" that's starting to come out and influence him in subtle ways.
I'll let the readers decide :P
"of course a good fan is not true without a little critisism, eh? I'd like to point out that you are kinda overusing ... and I have seen the word haphazardly several times. o="
Noted. That's one of the things I haven't realized, truthfully x.x
"another thing is how characters are, say, randomly teleporting to the scene suddenly here and there. I know some of them are following targets and all, but even that's a tad bit too frequent :/"
To be fair, the only characters pulling that kind of thing are the ones with magical abilities or some kind of magical item to compensate for their lack of physical ability.
I'll admit that it's a valid point, but at the same time I'd rather let the magic-based guys stick to their strengths and use their powers instead of walking around everywhere or using fancy fighting moves to get close to a target.
Though the recent chapter gives me an excuse to try out different ways of transportation too. So we'll see what happens in the meantime x.x
(con next post)
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

21-Aug-2011 20:57:36

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(the last post lied. No characters left x.x)
"During the last fight, ppl are disposed of within seconds even though they wear armour, so how strng are these lightsaber-like swords? doesnt make much sense to wear red armour if they can be cut through easily.
I like to have characters wear armour, but armoured characters certainly can take lots of punishment in my stories, so the opposing force often has to break apart the armour first at least, that sort of thing."
At the risk of spoilers: We're talking about humans being pitted against enemies that might not even be (fully) human...nor are the baddies using conventional magic. Even then the mercenaries were armed to deal with an escaped lab experiment at that particular point in time, not assassins whose range of abilities isn't even clear at this point.
And to be fair, my stories aren't exactly along the "heroic" lines of things. They're more along the lines of dark fantasy instead, where the fights are fast and deadly to all but the most powerful of characters (who, consequently, might end up paying a price for their power).
So while the guys who break apart armor to get at each other *do* exist from time to time, they'll be a rarity in this series.
"not that those things are an issue, but hey, I need to find a reason to get angry."
Anger is good. I can't improve any other way :D
"specimen six, is that a reference to AvP? :P Six is a number I see rather often. In fallout new vegas you are courier six."
Idk about fallout, but yes to the AvP thing. The Alien campaign was my favorite in the history of the series, so a little nod to it was appropriate in my eyes :P <><><><><>
Think that should cover it. Again, thanks for that. I really do appreciate feedback like that even though I tend to get a little defensive over it sometimes :)
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

21-Aug-2011 21:27:13



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Ah, that certainly clears up some things. When I imagine humanoid-shaped creatures I get this assumption that they are somewhat within what a human can do.
but yeah, I have problems noticing things myself in my own stories. ig, in SAS, a fan mentions how I use 'hard enough' a lot in my description, which I did notice in its use, but when I reread the story I noticed that I sometimes used 'hard enough' up to several times in just one paragraph, and I counted three uses of it in just one sentence once.
so no worries, I do the same little errors every now and then myself.
AvP, heehee. ALIEN Ressurection was one of the earliest movies I remember watching. Funny to think that I watched the Alien series backwards over the years (from 4 to 1), and when I watched the movies again after so many years I was surprised that they werent as scary as I remembered. Ah, childhood.
funny thing about the Aliens is that their creator, a Swiss artist, drew the first concepts of their image in relation to the, well, male reproductive organ, which explains the phallic appearance of the Alien's head, tail and tongue. 0.o

btw, I see you avatar wears a blue hat, does this relate to the recent events that JAGEX made?
when money gets over your head :|

21-Aug-2011 23:41:50 - Last edited on 21-Aug-2011 23:43:59 by Azigarath

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