11 June, 2016
Today I heard that Edmond's daughter Elena was missing! She was supposed to help the people with plague in West Ardougne for a few days, but she had not returned!
In West Ardougne I found out that Elena had been kidnapped, which doesn't really make much sense since she was trying to help with the plague (maybe there is something weird with this plague - to be continued 8) ).
Anyway, I managed to save her after making a cure for the drunken city boss. Plague City completed.
Then I decided to Councillor Halgrive. 4 sheep had supposedly caught plague, and there was a risk that they would spread the plague all over Ardougne. I expected this Sheep Herder quest to be much more annoying, but everything went smoothly and I managed to lure and kill the sheep and burn their corpses.
Also trained 2 thieving levels as a preparation for Digsite quest. Planning to train agility next.
11-Jun-2016 17:28:17