Oh damn, thought this forum had been deleted, good to know it survived.
The Elite Dungeoneering Quest was a nice surprise and was probably the best quest of this year, though it's a shame there's no quests this month.
In other news I finally got every journal page from Daemonheim, my main requirement I'd been working on for MQC since May last year. I'm pretty sure it was the toughest of the requirement but I have about 20 requirements still to go, mostly relating to RNG related lore drops (Barb notes, God Wars Journals, Last Rider, Wedding ring). My current goal is to get 99 RC (Currently 96) and my overall goal is to get the MQC before the comp cape rework is added into the game, replacing it with the 'lore cape'.
W42 - Asgarnian Admin, 6 year Loyal Kinshra and Pie Connoisseur.
Nothing interesting happened.
14-Apr-2019 00:29:47