31. It's already added on the first post of the mqc reqs.
32. I originally had this there as it was a hidden activity. I'm moving it to the Items section under the latest item (Cut luminous ball as of this moment) and I'll update it with every change.
33. Updated.
34. None of these have any one time dialogue as far as I know, so there is nothing to fill in. If you have proof otherwise, please share.
35. There is a very small one time dialogue the first time you talk to either Rory or Amelia (I proved it in game).
36. Removed. No idea what I was going for there, it's taken care of in the minigame section.
37. All fairy ring codes unlocked. Updated to reflect this.
38. Not a completionist req, I don't even have all unlocked currently.
39. Not a mqc req?
40. I removed Soul Reaper from the minigame section as it isn't one.
41. Where in particular?
42. I removed the Completeable Resource Caps completely, saved it to a document, might bring it out again later.
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape
02-Aug-2016 17:16:03