Well I finally got the Completionist's Cape guyz, got it yesterday in front of a million adoring fans (lol jks, was about 20 ppl) after another long streak of dg.
Anyways, that awkward moment when you check trim reqs and you haven't finished Barbarian training with Otto...So I finished that off, and now am definitely down to my last 4 trim reqs.
I will now be aiming to finish chompies off. 2.1k/4k leggo
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape
Congrats on Comping! Didn't know you were having a party at that moment, I saw the global announcement though
Great work!!
@AndyGrammerRS | I used to be rank 1 Slayer on OSRS and the #1 9HPer on RS3
Well yesterday finally got back to banshees, and after 8,180 kills, finally got the champ scroll.
I went straight to ghouls after that, and I actually used a cannon for the first time (went through 6k cannonballs) but after only a couple hours, and 2,186 kills, got my 2nd champ scroll for the night.
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape
Been working on something big to implement into this thread, hopefully it will be done soon.
In trimming news, I haven't done anything except like an hour of Kalgerion demons aha, I've been mostly afk woodcutting, hit 16m xp or so. Decided that aside of Construction, I'll get all my skills to base 20m, base 30m etc
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape
After a 900 kills day, a 750 kills day, and then finished off the last 250 today, got my 4k chompy kills, and (as you can see) took an adv log pic with it, pretty hawttt