
Emba's True Trim List

Quick find code: 48-49-434-64865291

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 1,399 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
DXP gainz:

90M Summoning
40M Herblore
40M Crafting

Did about 5m Fletching as well. One skilling pet for the weekend, Gemi, at 34.0m Crafting xp. :)

Also have picked up my first two pieces of achto armor, B2B from BM before dxp then Yaka tonight. Exciting times, particularly with the new pets coming out. Insane final boss, seems a little more realistic now, rago and aod being the two remaining problems.

The plan moving ahead: 11 skills left till 40m base, want to work on that, as well as keeping daily rax and reaper (also raids when I can) going. After that we'll get started on the grind for 120 Slayer. :)
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape

21-Feb-2017 07:24:10

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 1,399 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bubbles the Fishing pet obtained at 37.1M xp. :) Basically 40M Fishing too.

New quest finished, appreciated the many Dr. Who references, having just watched the first 5 seasons in the last month. Managed to complete a spider leg in a mere 9 kills, enabling me to finally fulfill a goal of buying dual seismics. About 350 reaper points left till I can get trim back too, started with needing like 1.3k points, so making good progress there, hoping to pick up another boss pet soon *glares at rax*. Can we get rax base pet before 1k kc?
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape

28-Feb-2017 19:23:01 - Last edited on 28-Feb-2017 19:32:56 by Emba

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 1,399 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks YYinh and Shiro. :)

40M Slayer, Mining and Thieving, six skills left for that 40M base.
I finally finished buying the new death store rewards, so got trim back yesterday.
I have made a goal to get invested into clues, so have done about 40 each of elite and hard clues in the last couple weeks, had only one clue over 1m, the grind for a dye continues.
Fair bit of PVM, think I'm nearing 100 dry at rax on anything, ah well. Picked up a shield from rots, and my first ever drygore drop, a mh longsword, in a duo.
Picked up my first ever cresbot on task.
And to finish, hit 1.6B total xp. :)

Edit: Thread is also updated as far as true trim.
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape

23-Mar-2017 09:24:18 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2017 09:48:34 by Emba

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 1,399 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
40M Fletching, Divination, and Smithing, three skills left for 40M base.

Obtained Crabbe at 40.5M Slayer, and Ralph and 40.1M Thieving for 6/19 pets.
Picked up two more pieces of achto, to bring the total up to 4/15. Also now know all roles at bm/yaka aside of bu/bt/nt. :)
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape

07-Apr-2017 21:35:31

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 1,399 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
40M Hunter, Magic, and Strength. 40M base achieved. :)

Working on 120 Slayer now, pretty hard I think, at 44M xp currently, sooner I can hit 120 the better.
Achto primeval gloves obtained from BM, so 5/15 achto pieces now.
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape

14-Apr-2017 00:58:28

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 1,399 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Started a general loot tab for 120 Slayer, which will include slayer, all bossing, raids, clues, just about everything. It just hit 100M, current saucy drops include a zaryte bow, ragefire boots, a ripper claw, and a pheremone.
It's a long way down the road, but I'm hoping to get the tab to be a max cash tab before 120 Slayer. Nothing else to add aside of that I've hit 100 solo Nex kills (only two drops in those kills), my best kill time has been 4:27, not super, but I was pretty happy with it.
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape

23-Apr-2017 21:43:36

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 1,399 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Willow obtained at 47.6M Divination xp for 7/19 pets.
Codex and sixth piece of achto obtained from raids.

Thread updated with Shattered Worlds, I played it to get all music tracks back, didn't really impress me a lot but meh, fair bit of true trim action from it.
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape

03-May-2017 05:40:07

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 1,399 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
120 Constitution!
50M Divination.
Obtained 'the Voyager' title, making hunting taij a lot easier.

Plan for this weekend is to finish out 120 Summ and then do as much arc hunting as possible.
#829 Trimmed Completionist Cape

15-May-2017 20:28:21

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