My Wiz In Me
Congrats on the slayer level! I enjoyed training agility with you again today.
I enjoyed training Agility with you as well, Wizzy!
Woot, congratulations on 93 Slayer - Ice Strykes ftw!
Thank you Collin, although I still can't fight Ice Strykes without a fire cape or without paying 2k slayer points to unlock them that way. :\
Again congratulations on 93 slayer, it was nice finally meeting you and Wiz in game and train some agility, hope it went well after i left. I will definitely come by again to help keep your mind off the grind.
It did went well, I just started talking to other friends, so it was all good. Can't wait till you join me in training agility again!
Thank you, and it seems like you beat me to posting, aha! I will definitely enjoy slayer - I always do, hehe.
And you shouldn't think of it as grinding... it makes whatever you're training sound horrible... and not fun. Plus, runescape is a game, its supposed to be fun!

Just saying!
As my friend Chrono said above, I achieved
95 Agility
tonight! Wooohoooo!!! Got it two days ahead of schedule! I think I set myself a new record for the fastest time getting Agility, haha

I had over 800k till 95 just yesterday (Saturday!)
Anyhow, I'm back to Slayer again! Yay!
~Miss Haha