@ My Wiz In Me
Hey Wizzy! Long time and thanks for checking back in

no matter how little or much you post, your effort is always greatly appreciated! <3
@ Collin892
Hiya Collin, thanks so much! Hope you are doing well yourself too!
@ Star San
Hiya Star, thank you for checking in again! Great to see you. Hopefully we'll find some time to chat again ingame
First off,
thank you
all for your amazing support here and in-game! You guys are all amazing!!!
Next up, Double XP weekend... I have to say firstly, I most definitely
achieved all that I wanted to
this Double XP weekend. I have been so productive and achieved so much! I am soo very happy with it all!!!
To cap it off, I achieved the following starting on October 31st (Friday) till today (Sunday):
99 Summoning!
99 Herblore!
99 Woodcutting!
99 Dungeoneering!
and... last but not least
2500+ Total Level
I will also get
80+ all skills
before today is over (my last skill is 80 Divination which I should achieve shortly).
To see a full list of my achievements this past week, check it out
P.S. I apologize in advance for the awkwardness in the coming posts... I didn't expect anyone else to be posting here while I was posting... lol. But
Star San
, I have included you in my replies above.

No worries!
Next up will be my
Just For Fun
follow up post from last week. On the post after that will be my up-coming week's
Weekly Mini Goals
and more babbling from me probably

...continued on next post...