I won't push it for 96, aha. I'd be really happy if I reach my monthly goal of 95 Agility. It means I'll be "on track" to get 99 Agility by the end of August (or earlier!)
Your posts are always so thoughtful and individualistic towards each player - and I love that. You're awesome!

Thank you again for all that you do for me... good ol' friend!
Psst, it was awesome the other day when you got the abbysal wand and I got the abbysal orb drop while we were both slaying in the Slayer Tower. It's a lucky place to slay.
Good to see you stop by! *waves*
Yes, I know I just posted/updated yesterday but I can't help to do it again today! Gotten more levels since, this time, more combat related. I also have a lil surprise to share with you all at the end of this post... stay tuned.
These are the levels I accomplished today (June 6th):
¤ 86 Ranged!
¤ 92 Slayer!
¤ 95 Defence & 196 Combat Level!
¤ 95 Attack & Strength achieved!
I am loving slayer, lol. Did an abbysal demon task yesterday or the day before and managed to get an abbysal orb as a drop from them. That means, I now have both the Abbysal wand and the Abbysal Orb as drops from Abbysal Demons!! Awesome right?!
Okay, with that said and done, I will be switching back to Agility for the weekend through till at least Tuesday - I think. Hopefully, I'll have 94 Agility by then. We'll see, as my weekend seems to be pretty busy, as always.
Now... for the lil surprise. Most of you probably did not know this but I have created a separate thread in the Monsters section of these forums to track my slayer progress/slayer tasks. I am sharing this Slayer Log thread with my friend, Motley807.