Could've sworn I'd posted here recently, apparently not. I suck at keeping up to date with stuff

, well, here I am nowww
I know what you mean by things taking longer than expected, especially money-making

It takes an eternity to earn it and then it can get spent in a tenth of the time

But you're not far off now, hoping you get a few Abyssal Wands during your Slayer tasks, with an orb just to top it off! (Knowing your luck with Abyssal Demons then this'll probably happen!

Yes, summer does fly by, mine has too, work is usually the reason, cause July Flew by (and so did June, and May, and April...) EOC took me a while to figure out, too, and I still probably haven't unlocked half of the usefulness of it - one day, one day.

I'm glad you've come back and that you're powering through your skills as always! Hundreds of levels and 6 99's since coming back, including the best one - Slayer!

Was awesome to see you go for it and to train it along the way with you.
I, like you, miss the old G&A community, it was a bustling community with the chat reaching 20/30 plus in size nearly all the time, I met the majority of my friends through the chat and I'm sad to see it disappear, but as with everything, they can dwindle out. But hopefully we can kick the ember back into life and re-create the chat and community to nearly the same levels where they used to be. I go back and read through the thread every now and again, does bring back good memories (the last few pages are a bit negative, however). Also, I get my 10-year vet cape in a few weeks

Although you've done alot more during your 10 years than what I have
Reading through your plan to knock off the remaining skills. It's good to see how quickly you're getting through Firemaking, albeit it's a useless skill

More importantly,
congratulations on 94
! Only 5 more to go until you get that cape

(It seems that Captain Obvious is back!
