Also nice to see some dungeoneering levels lately, hope the sinks are going well
However as I said ingame I'm slightly annoyed by your streak of good luck lately, help a guy out and throw some my way will ya?
It was good fun and also made be decide that i will want to continue slayer after I get my Ascensions, so hopefully you may have another slayer partner in the future!
I'm also getting excited for your 99 HP mini party, shouldn't be too long now. Woop let's celebrate!!!
Yes, doing sinkholes with your clan-mates has been going well. Been getting lamps mostly. Thanks to you, I now have an alternative way to train Dungeoneering that is both fast and great exp gain!
I look forward to having you as a future slayer partner, aha. As well as looking forward to that GWD trip; or trips if we do more than one
As for my 99 HP party... I'll get to that part in a second. Stay tuned. XD
Congratulations on 91 Ranged and 47 - 52 Dungeoneering! , I'll be awaiting the day!
The 99 Hitpoint mini-party should be fun, looking forward to it!
Thank you Chrono, 99 HP should just be around the corner. Stay tuned for party details.
Okay, so like I said in my previous post... I am closing in on
99 Hitpoints
and I plan to have a mini party to celebrate.
BUT, I need you guys' input,
what would you like to see at the party? (e.g. Games room, some kind of mini-game, Runescape hide and seek, drop party)
I'm open to suggestions and I will make a plan based on the suggestions I get. I'm looking for all of your input so please,
post your input!
Let's make this a blast, mkay?
....Continued on next post...