Semp ~
Thanks ya noob, was sad I missed the insults too, and last weekend, hopefully can make up for them over this weekend!
Livid ~
Hopefully I can get Ralph soon but not that bothered really, I'm enjoying thieving and just doing it whilst I can! Have had a lot of fun PvMing with you too, glad we've managed to nail down Nex Duo, and I'm so so
happy I can out-dps you now
Hawaii ~
GRATS ON BRAINS!@!@!@!@!@!@
... Oh, Wait...
N'aww look at you being a little cutie... I'm actually enjoying Thieving, 35m experience since returning three months ago and still going strong! Hopefully we can go and own the whole of GWD2 and more Nex! See you in-game dear
My Update
110 Thieving
40m Thieving Experience
• 2750 Virtual Total level
• Virtus Robe Legs, Book and Pernix Chaps from Nex (Duo/Trio)
Ok so probably will be like this for the foreseeable future now, I haven't been playing much but I have managed to get on every now and again, mainly doing Thieving during the week and then using my time over the weekend to go around and do some PvM with my dears Livid and Hawaii (Semp should be on that list but she's not coming...).
I've updated my PvM gear just to make myself better suited for DPS and actually worthwhile having around instead of literally just leeching every kill from Livid at Nex

So I've bought full sirenic, and then used augmentors to add perks to the armour. I have:
• Sirenic Hauberk:
Enhanced Devoted 3
Crackling 3
• Sirenic Chaps:
Absorbative 2 / Venomblood
Impatient 3
I've also invested in the Corruption Shot and Onslaught Abilities from the Mazcab Ability Codex that I bought off the Grand Exchange. And I'll have you know, I've only died once using Onslaught.