To be fair, they did ask for suggestions, and take on board feedback they received.
It's more perhaps that it was difficult for people to find out what was happening, and thus know to give feedback, and where.
Each time this gets done, some communities are left hanging, at least this time, it wasn't despite the feedback, it was due to a lack of it.
I'm sure if you explain your concerns, they will be considered, and likely acted upon.
Thanks for creating a Patch Notes section! It's going to make a big difference, long-term. I did attempt to gather a lot of the threads together, back in January, but realised too many were missing, for it to be worth it. The Wiki does have most of them, in a different format, on their site, though, in case you're looking for more of them.
I gave my feedback on the rest, in Disc, so won't repeat, here.
10-Dec-2018 18:07:21