Device name: LeEco Le S3
Model Number: x522
Location: Canada
Wifi: Yes
Cellular: 4G
Data Provider: Bell
OS: Android
OS version: 6.0
Edit didn't try it today when I posted this but apparently it runs at 25 FPS now. Maybe it was because it was overheating before, as I was outside and charging my phone a lot. Maybe the app updated since the day before?
My FPS fluctuates between 10-20 FPS, at Edgeville and the Abyss. Definitely feels choppy for a Snapdragon 652 processor. OS being years out of date might be the problem and if I can get confirmation that Android 8/9 will at least net me 10FPS min/max I'll update to a custom ROM but otherwise wait until my warranty runs out to do so.
18-Aug-2018 04:35:48
- Last edited on
18-Aug-2018 05:06:00
Wild Sylveon