Device name:Huawei Tab M3 Lite 8
Model Number: CPN-W09
Location: United Kingdom
Wifi: Yes
Cellular: WiFi only device, I do hot-spot when I am out and about.
Data Provider: Three when hot-spoting
O*: Android
OS version: 7.0
How is the app performing for you?:
Perfect, no issues at all on this inexpensive tablet. Price of the tablet was £150. I purely bought this tablet to play runescape on my commute into central London everyday while I go to work. I have not experienced any lag at all while doing skills. Slayer or bosses, only time I have experienced stutter is at peak time on the most populated worlds but that happens even with the most powerful computers, majority of Lagg experienced is network lag. Of course I am not used to mobile yet but I have noticed doing specific bosses you will not be as effective as you would be if you were on the computer.
Zulrah: difficult to maintain switches on mobile alongside prayer switches. I have only managed to kill zulrah 5 times with several deaths on mobile purely due to being unable to be used to how the interfaces work on mobile. It's not impossible for sure but if you were to sit there and get used to the interface. Zulrah could be easily farmed on mobile.
Wilderness bosses: simple and easy to do. If you run a cross any pokers, it is very difficult to escape while on mobile and is pretty much a death if you run across pkers.
Godwars: no problems doing any bosses. only issue you will have on mobile is being the tank.
Barrows: perfect for mobile and I highly recommend anyone to do barrow to get themselves used to the interfaces for future bossing, helps you get used to switching items and interfaces effectively.
Pking: P2p pking, don't even bother. F2p was easy and maintainable and I even went on a kill streak. Only reason f2p was found to be easier is due to less switches and constant eating required in P2p player killing sometimes due to rng. More click intensity of P2p pking makes it harder to play compared to f2p
02-Aug-2018 11:45:35
- Last edited on
02-Aug-2018 11:52:33
Dam Newbys