Title: Game Center Issues
Hello Saradominists, Zamorakists, and Guthi-exists (hehe I'm good),
I just restarted playing Runescape, since I stopped on 2012 because I needed more time for my studies. I heard about RS mobile coming soon and I thought I had to test it out.
I'm on iOS and I created my account on GameCenter. Here are the issues found. I'm using an iPad pro 9.7' running latest updated for everything.
Players with a GameCenter account have no access to account related things on the official website. In other words, I can't log-in the website because I have no email/password, no Google account, no facebook account.
Solution 1: Add a GameCenter log-in feature on the official website.
Solution 2: GameCenter account players should not get their Security Stronghold reward (level 3 and 4) blocked because they didn't set-up a two factor security authentication.
Keep reading! This information is also important!
What I did was sending a support ticket to inform Jagex about this "GameCenter log-in" feature thats not working quite perfectly. Support tickets are even harder to send because they ask for my Username, my email, and other information. I had to say that my email was "none@hotmail****" in order to send the support ticket.
Other in-game related issues:
Lets say the OSRS app have been running and playing for not so long, lets say I've been online for less then 15min. If I open the world map, everything goes well, I can see the map and use it and close and keep playing. BUT lets say I've been playing for an hour now. When opening the world map, my screen freezes, the music still plays. Another player will see me reading a map. There is no way to unfreeze, I need to restart the app by force-shutting-down, and waiting 2minutes to properly shut down.
05-Nov-2018 15:42:20