Hello, I play OSRS Mobile on tablet, 8". When I logged in to the client a few moments ago, my HUD has been resized. It is now very small, and difficult to accurately select the right items in my inventory, prayers, etc. The inv used to be in the bottom right corner, its is now about halfway up almost centered on the right edge of the screen. I see there has been an update, one part of which was to fix overlapping interfaces on tablets. I suspect this change is what has caused the problem. I appreciate the effort to fix the overlapping interfaces, as not being able to see my melee strength, ranged strength bonuses etc is unfortunate, but this much smaller HUD is much more detrimental to my actual gameplay. I have asked around and other mobile users dont seem to be experiencing the same problems, hopefully it is an isolated anomaly only affecting myself and other players using similar devices. I have also submitted an in game bug report. Thank you for your time, and your continued player interest focus on the development of Old School. Have a nice night.
06-Dec-2018 02:12:42