Current phone: iPhone 6
Feedback: So far the game is smooth on mobile, the game drains my battery fast but it might be related to it being older than my current iPhone 8+ being in repair.
So basically what I'd like to be improved is first, the home screen. I'd like the game to remember my favourite (main) home-world. Every time we launch the game it selects a random world but it'd be appreciated if it'd remember the world I always play on.
Secondly, it'd be great for the single-tap right-click to remember that preference. On every login it'll reset to single-click, thus not locking on that option when chosen. While doing fishing with a harpoon, I have to manually set it to "right-click" on every connection.
Keep up the great work so far, having a mobile version of the game is an amazing update!
"It is my belief that everything that occurs in life - both good and bad - should be used to forge oneself, to better oneself. Where Guthix sought balance in the world, I seek balance in oneself."
I have been trying out the OSRS mobile when i noticed that my bluetooth keyboard for my tablet will not work properly with the game. The keyboard works fine on the tablet but not when the game is open. I would like to know if bluetooth mouse and keyboard support will be added for the mobile game? Other then that i like the mobile game!
31-Aug-2018 23:27:56
- Last edited on
31-Aug-2018 23:29:20
Gold Mage 55
Current phone iphone7 ( Settings > Account & Password ) Using this system to save usernames and passwords for multiple websites/accounts.
When I go to change Runescape accounts using the above auto fills they put both the username and password into the username section.
The current Play Now feature to remember your last logged in account is a wonderful feature, a little bit of feedback on that would be to remember more than one as most people play on multiple accounts.
Feedback: Overall the gameplay is very smooth and gives a totally new enjoyable experience in regards to playing the game. I find my phone gets very hot at times but I suppose that*s what you expect playing any phone game really.
Suggestions: Please make either resizeable buttons/interface or make them bigger. I have small fingers but even then I struggle to click the buttons accurately. It is especially a big pain when it comes to the chat box tab buttons such as switching from public to private etc. Considering it’s mobile it wouldn’t be a nuance for any interface to be bigger than normal on the screen to give you better control. An example would be perhaps skilling, if you decide to fletch it wouldn’t be bothersome to have the box giving you the options to take up more of the screen allowing you to click more accurately and not feel like you must deal with the small box constraints. Can the world switcher also get a right click box or highlight feature when you long press down onto it? The text is very small and it’s easy to make a mistake when switching worlds and it’d help with accuracy. The final logout button is also in very inconvenient and too small and I’m sure future new players will struggle to see it. The ability of text containing the name and price to appear over the item on the ground and high lighted like runelite has should be a feature as well. It’s hard to see items on the ground as it is and zooming in and out all the time would be annoying when mass fighting monsters.
Phone -IPhone 8
Would it be possible to be able to minimise the house favours when you are at Great Kourend, this would help free up space on the screen
Fantastic gameplay. Lag and crash free. Two Big thumbs up to the mobile team!
Three things I feel are absent from iOS mobile.
1. Scalable Interfaces
Buttons are quick and accurate, but on a high pixel density device I can barely read the chat (and I have good eyesight). Buttons need to be larger as well for this same reason.
2. Compact Mode
I often use my phone with only one hand. I would like a toggle for the left side icons to be moved to the left edge of the inventory. I enjoy playing with two thumbs for more interactive tasks, but for something more afk I want to be able to reach all non-chat buttons with my right hand. Similar to the Desktop layout but on a phone.
This also would help the headache of switching prayers and special attacks while trying to switch weapons. Moving eyes between two “inventories”.
3. Hidden Chat Bar
I like the click through chat option but it is seriously annoying to accidentally enter the chat mode. Mod Ash refered a similar question to closing the entire chat box in the weekly Q and A. However, I want to still be able read the chat or game messages that are going on without having to continually open/close. Perhaps a “long tap to type” would work here.
Sorry I sent this to the email address in the TestFlight app at first. So it’s a duplicate
Hey! So far loving the iOS beta. Couple of notes/update possibilities I noticed.
1) all icons should be bigger. At least on my device (se) lots of buttons are hard to press. I need a stylus almost lol these include dialogue options, spells, icons in inventory (potions food etc). Idk much about programming lol so if it’s not possible for device specific updates, then maybe make a slider in options to make things bigger/smaller? It would also help with accessibility for people with worse eyesight etc.
2) after choosing a spell that interacts with the world (alchemy, telegrab, plank make etc) it should say on screen somewhere that you have activated that spell and are about to use it. Similar to how on a computer when you hover over an item that the spell can interact with it shows the option (cast high alchemy —> rune sword). Since hovering is not a thing on mobile just have it in a corner somewhere would be useful. Especially for people with fat fingers like me
the same goes for when you use an item (like keys on doors etc)
Finally thanks for choosing me! I*m super excited and I hope my feedback will be useful! Will send more as I do more in game
Not so sure if this is a big problem or not but its just something i noticed. When your in the spell book and how you usually hover your mouse over a spell (when your on the desktop) it will tell you the runes needed for that spell but when your on mobile there isn't any possible way to see what runes are needed unless i keep tapping the spell over and over again.
Really loving the IOS Beta
Mod Sween
This thread is to try and condense all Mobile feedback into one thread.
Post away with any constructive feedback!
Hey I have it too Iphone X but I'm fine all over it without the black stripes. It bothers me home button because it is still white and becomes more transparent or disappearing in most applications. I can not listen to music when I turn it on, but it does not support the application.