First off, I would like to say congratulations to all current and past members of the jagex team. This game has come a long way and remained a great game with consistent bug fixes and game updates. So gratz guys.
I would also like to say congratulations to the mobile team. You guys did a fantastic job on osrs mobile. You guys did a great job at converting a PC game with 0 touch screen support into a fully touch controlled mobile version. Great job on the performance to. The game runs smoother than it did on PC in its day.
Keep in mind I fully understand there is somewhat huge gap in the osrs mobile programming vs rs3 but I have faith that you guys will have it it running smoothly. I know you guys are under enormous pressure but just sit back and relax, you're doing great.
P.s. Please review my most recent in game report I believe I found a bot
I'm playing OSRS mobile on the Galaxy S8+. There is currently a bug that is replicated consistently where when YouTube is playing a video picture-in-picture over the game, all of the touches are offset from where you actually touch on the screen. It tends to be about half an inventory space tall of a disparity.
There is a fflickering bug that messes with the spellbook (one cannot see what runes are needed to cast spells properly on mobile) but besides that mobile is a God sent
as of June 26th, 2018, Jagex needs a 1-800 number!
Hello! I just wanted to leave some positive feedback. I've been playing the mobile beta for around a week now with no hiccups or crashes whatsoever! I'm running it on my galaxy s9+. You all do an amazing job!
Love the mobile version so far, in fact, it's the reason I came back to runescape (old school at least) after years since I haven't had a computer in a long time. Looking through the forums I see most of my issues with it have already been reported but there's one I haven't seen. The grand exchange is a bit awkward when searching for items to buy. If you search a general term like rune or teleport you can only scroll down the list of results using the bar on the side of the box. However it scrolls extremely fast and essentially goes straight to the bottom. This can be avoided by searching for a specific item, like rune scimitar or camelot teleport, but if the player wants to search a general term and scroll through the list it could be more user friendly.
Hello - I find it somewhat annoying when banking that after I close the bank, it ALWAYS goes to the inventory screen (while on desktop, it goes back to whatever previous menu I had open).
I also think it would be cool (but somewhat OP) to be able to resize the menus/bank icons (so that you could zoom into the magic menu, so each of the spell icons are 'normal finger size') or in the bank to scroll in to 'left half of 3 rows' instead of always having 6x10 or whatever it is number of items shown).
I think my phone adjusts for parallax a some specific angle, and if I have it flat or beyond that angle, if I click directly on the icon, I actually miss it high or low.
I am having Authentication problems. I reset my device and reinstalled the Authenticator, and reinstalled Old School RuneScape. When I tried to log in to RuneScape, the PIN in the Authenticator did not work! Please help because it was correctly synced!