Thank you for the beta invitation and letting me test this out! So stoked!
That being said, I've been playing for about two hours on a Huawei P10 (Android 7.0), and so far my impressions are as follows:
I've been trying to run everywhere doing random stuff, to gauge the performance accurately and if there's a "Blighttown" (low FPS) area for some reason. Overall, the game is running really well on my phone. Between around 25~ and 60 FPS, everywhere. I am mostly getting between 38-57ish FPS everywhere, and thus the inputs are really smooth and everything feels responsive. The mid-20s are from crowded world GEs, as well as checking out minigames in their designated worlds - so the performance is extremely smooth and well playable everywhere.
Finally, related to performance, the data usage and battery consumption have been really well optimized. Data usage is better than expected, and battery consumption (for me) is roughly YouTube levels (10-15%~ an hour), and totally acceptable.
I've tried to do various activities, and so far these include doing farming runs, a little agility, some bank-standing skills to get a feel for banking/depositing faster, and so far I have next to no gripes. I think everything feels as intuitive as I could expect, and I have no real ideas/feedback for this. The banking options and the tap-drop features etc., are well-thought in my opinion.
I guess the only thing I can think of (and this might just be me being bad) is related to handling some of the UI elements. For example, when I am doing a herb run and casting spells from my book - the spells can be pretty rough to pinpoint accurately (especially in a crowded book like the standard spellbook; for Lunars, using the right spell is much more lenient).
I'll edit this message or post another one later - fantastic job overall so far!
25-May-2018 22:17:17