I made a seperate post before seeing this one, copy pasta here we go:
This will be the first of my feedback posts,
I am testing on phone: Samsung Galaxy S4
There was some initial confusion for me when it came to installing the app, I had eventually figured out the issue was that my google play account is not linked to the same account that was granted access to the mobile beta by jagex (once I had linked the proper email, I was good to go and the download was available)
Upon completing the download, I was initially quite excited to find that the app itself does infact run on such an old phone. I heard some players with samsung galaxy s3 are not able to get it going, perhaps im at the bottom of the pyramid when it comes to phones which can run the app.
This became more evident when I started to play the game. The biggest issue when running the app currently on an old phone is FPS. I will be restricting myself to "safe/afkable" content (no bossing, questing for example) as I feel these would not be worth doing in the conditions the app is running. EDIT: (I turned on ::displayfps out of curiosity, while not doing much ingame it seems to sit around 15-20fps)
My only feedback in regards to the UI is a slight suggestion: remove the ability of us to click in the tiny area inbetween the chat box option (public/prive/trade/etc). No one wants to click inbetween those tiny buttons to walk there but i always miss click and move my character when trying to open/close the chat box.
Thank you Jagex for this opportunity, if the mods would like more specific info regarding how the app runs on this phone I am happy to provide any info, just ask away, I will add more feedback as I spend more time on the app.
25-May-2018 18:28:16