The OSRS mobile game itself is pretty clean, however there were a few prominent issues that I felt kind of ruined the experience.
First off, the login screen to the game is not very mobile friendly. I (I use an IPhone 7) feel like the spaces to tap to enter your username and ******** are too small, and are a hassle to tap. Maybe make the login interface more mobile friendly?
Also, the phone keyboard covers the world switch button, so if I want to switch worlds AFTER beginning to enter my account details, I have to cancel the login to switch worlds. Maybe move the switch worlds button to the top of the screen instead?
Along with these things, the buttons and interfaces feel too small for the game itself. Would it be possible to make the buttons larger, or to add adjustable button sizes?
The interface buttons located on the left and right hand sides of the screen, as well as the chat buttons, all have space in between them and the sides of the phone. This makes it irritating to try and tap a button only to tap the ground and have to correct yourself. Could this unnecessary space be removed?
Lastly, in order to scroll up or down in an interface (such as the bank interface), one must tap and drag the scroll bar. This is irritating because the scroll bar is small and difficult to tap. Maybe enlarge the scroll bar, or give the ability to tap and drag anywhere on the interface to scroll?
(Also there was a minor graphical glitch with the fairy ring interface where some of it would be glitched out)
Overall, though, the OSRS beta is looking very good.
20-Apr-2018 02:35:12