Dedle you simply did both, trying to use a technicality will not save you here, you simply did both, The fact that you try to downplay it when us originals who were in on the scene know that what I'm saying is the truth. Whats even more funny is you've lied to yourself, saying you HAVEN'T kissed anyones ass and you did not earn it. While we all know its a bunch of ********.
The reason why I don't mention my personal life is because its none of your damn business, I am fulfilled in life and I don't have to tell you anything because you are lower than I am, while you claim you can be yourself, and the fact that you're happy but you have avoided all of my shots when it comes to your neglected, pathetic early life that has made you so angry and bitter, which spread the lies that drinking and partying make you a accepted member into a good looking club. You can take home a cheap, easy butterface who doesn't even speak the same language as you and all of a sudden the arrogance gets to you. Just like the 5 you showed me on LDF HQ many years ago, gloating about how you're making her life a living hell, because your too ashamed of yourself to accept the fact that you may have it figured out on RS, but in the REAL WORLD where you boast about so clearly is nothing more than a mere fantasy land that you wish you had.
I know a lie when I see one, you're not fulfilled. You are blessed with good qualities and have experienced things and see countries that even I, won't see. I give you that, but unlike you I am not a liar, a cheater, a false prophet; I am simply the Greatest of All Time.
You can continue with your little jabs about my looks, my occupation (which you don't have one and never worked a day in your miserable life), my hairline and my interests, but one thing is for sure. I am not like anything you have dealt with before and eventually you'll learn that YOUR ARMS ARE JUST TOO SHORT TO BOX WITH GOD.
05-Jun-2014 02:42:48