
= WWE - Wrestling - T29 =

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Before I get started I just want to point out one thing that really bugged me as a poet and a wordsmith. It’s not possible for me to be a plagiarism, because no human being can be described as a plagiarism. You’d call me either a plagiarist or a plagiaristic person. You really are a ******* moron.

Nevertheless, we’ll move on.

Everything I’ve said about this sycophant has come true. His mood swings are constant and his lack of authority is evidenced by his own indecisiveness. Brama Bull doesn’t know if he’s coming or going with this company. One minute he wants to run it full on, the next he wants to cancel it, the next he wants to pass it over to someone else, the next he wants to sell it. And on a side note, I just want to ask the question; who in their right mind would buy it?

I am the most credible and legitimate person on these Forums because if we all gathered in one place as real people, I can guaren-*******-tee you that I would be the one leader and the one attractive person amongst a sorry band of socially inept, acne ridden computer geeks. Tiger wouldn’t even show up because his mum doesn’t let him out the house. You’d pull a hissy fit and storm off like the over-dramatic little girl you are. Jon would just stand there pouting – and not through choice.

I’ve never imitated or plagiarised in my career. My insults are original. My style of writing is original. My gimmicks were and are original. My company was original. My name is original. The only thing I have taken from anybody else in this industry is people hearts when I tore them from their chests. That, and of course Armortrolly’s “Quote me, Heed me” mantra. But that’s not plagiarism – that’s a respectful nod to a man whom I shared many good times with and who would be delighted to find me paying tribute to him.

05-Jun-2014 02:22:35 - Last edited on 05-Jun-2014 02:22:53 by Dedle5



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I’ve had imitators all my life. I’m an icon to the people of this industry. But now I’m sick and tired of these pretenders – sick and tired of Jon, sick and tired of Tigereye, sick and tired of you. You’ve always wanted to be me, Brama. That’s why you unceremoniously pillaged the grave of RSW to bring back this company. You wanted to be the most important person in Wrestling – retribution for being rejected in your application for the NWF Presidency and for control of the RSW Support Guide. How it must have pained you to see me return to defend MY throne.

You call me blind, and yet all along you’ve been the blind one. Do you really think you installed Fuchsy as Vice-President? I had people promoting him and shoving him down your throat before the thought to implement him had even entered your mind. And then? Then, from inside your own federation, I secured myself a short-term contract and a lectern from which to speak at. I’ve been manipulating you from day one, just as I always have done with everybody foolish enough to think they could match me.

But now* Now it’s time to move on the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever posted. And when you consider you were the man who posted a Thread giving others the authority to change you as a person, that’s a bold statement.

Spr123god was a friend and an equal to me. I held him as… not a brother… but perhaps as a weird second cousin. That he in any way *created’ me, however, is absurd. SPR was a genius in his own right, perhaps even on my level, but I’ve already stated my legacy is one of being a puppet master. You don’t create a puppet master; a puppet master controls you.

05-Jun-2014 02:23:09



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My legacy is the greatest and highest-profile RSW federation of all-time, as well as seven long years of manipulating every single one of you. SPR had nothing to do with either of those things, except being a member of the community I controlled. If anything, in fact, it was I who aided SPR’s career. Not only was I integral to LDF*s success, before his run as a top dog in NWF SPR’s in-ring career was non-existent. I recognised that his talent for controversy could be transferred from management into the ring; and low and behold, SPR is now remembered as a fighter and not just a company owner.

Brama, I’m not trying to distinguish you as nothing. I’d never be that cruel. It’s just coincidental that you are nothing. Except from digging up RSW’s grave, you’ve done jack **** in this business whereas I run the show. As you graciously pointed out, I and my LDF comrades built this industry, whilst you pleaded with us to accept you. You*** not the most powerful man in RuneScape Wrestling today. Don’t you dare say anything like that again because everyone knows I still pull the strings.

Call me a Adolf type character if you so please, but the status I have in this industry and the things I’m capable of doing transcend a man who disgusts me to the very core. I’m not Adolf because I’m not an aggressor. I’m a saviour.

For two months now, what’* actually happened is I’ve won every argument, every mini-battle and every intelligent roster member’s unyielding support. I’m never arrogant, only realistic.

I’ve said it time and time again that I’ve never lost a battle. Tell me Brama, do you really think I’d put all my eggs into the basket of a RuneScape Wrestling match if I wasn’t certain I was going to win?

I’m far too smart for that. People have always feared me in this industry, Bull, and they’re always feared me for a reason.

Dedle5 doesn’t lose.

Quote me.
Heed me.

05-Jun-2014 02:24:06 - Last edited on 05-Jun-2014 02:27:18 by Dedle5



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That's why you can't coherently write anything in under 15 minutes. That's why you're some new 'born-again' christian. That's why you lie and trick your way to anything you've ever gained. You're nothing more than a pathetic little underling and yet you have the gall to come to me and act as if I'm the pathetic one.

I'm set, my friend. You're not.

To Brama:

You've never been anything more than an attention seeking diva who has been out for recognition. You're simply a dog trying to get a pat for catching a ball. I appreciate that you seemed to put in an effort to bring RSW back; however that effort was a poor half-hearted one at best. This company is a shell of its former self, a shadow dispelled across our hearts that serves only as a nostalgic memory of what was. This isn't RSW an it never will be considered RSW.

You're a sellout who wants to be thanked for something that you deserve no thanks for. You bastardized this brand and you brought shame upon all of us. The only hope here is me. People come to these shows to see the fights I put on. You're nothing more than a means to an end Brama, and if you EVER want this show to be back to the way it was you need people like me. Nobody wants to see some born-again ****** tirade about beating Money once in his 5 year career. Nobody wants to hear about your power. They want to hear about me.

We've got a set of champions that didn't earn their title. We've got a match set-up that will prove nothing and that has been voted against. The fact that I'm here writing this shows just how effective that outlook has became, though. As time goes on and I progress down my championship path, all I can do is sit back and laugh at how sad you all are. You can try to discredit me and play it off as much as you want; if I wasn't here right now this league would be featuring Pitbull vs Jon every week and nobody would even care about coming.

05-Jun-2014 02:28:55

Apollo Freed

Apollo Freed

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Brama said :
Apollo Freed said :
Drygores banned again? **** I shouldn't have destroyed my chaotics -_-

Err... Why would you do that, anyway?

I thought that they'd become redundant, so I decided that my tokens would be better spent on other Dungeoneering rewards. Evidently not.

05-Jun-2014 02:37:39 - Last edited on 05-Jun-2014 02:42:07 by Apollo Freed



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Dedle you simply did both, trying to use a technicality will not save you here, you simply did both, The fact that you try to downplay it when us originals who were in on the scene know that what I'm saying is the truth. Whats even more funny is you've lied to yourself, saying you HAVEN'T kissed anyones ass and you did not earn it. While we all know its a bunch of ********.

The reason why I don't mention my personal life is because its none of your damn business, I am fulfilled in life and I don't have to tell you anything because you are lower than I am, while you claim you can be yourself, and the fact that you're happy but you have avoided all of my shots when it comes to your neglected, pathetic early life that has made you so angry and bitter, which spread the lies that drinking and partying make you a accepted member into a good looking club. You can take home a cheap, easy butterface who doesn't even speak the same language as you and all of a sudden the arrogance gets to you. Just like the 5 you showed me on LDF HQ many years ago, gloating about how you're making her life a living hell, because your too ashamed of yourself to accept the fact that you may have it figured out on RS, but in the REAL WORLD where you boast about so clearly is nothing more than a mere fantasy land that you wish you had.

I know a lie when I see one, you're not fulfilled. You are blessed with good qualities and have experienced things and see countries that even I, won't see. I give you that, but unlike you I am not a liar, a cheater, a false prophet; I am simply the Greatest of All Time.

You can continue with your little jabs about my looks, my occupation (which you don't have one and never worked a day in your miserable life), my hairline and my interests, but one thing is for sure. I am not like anything you have dealt with before and eventually you'll learn that YOUR ARMS ARE JUST TOO SHORT TO BOX WITH GOD.

05-Jun-2014 02:42:48



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You can continue at try to flatter yourself into being a threat to me, but you're not. You're a simply mouse that im toying with before I go in for the finishing kill. On top of that, you even have the audacity to try and lie about how you played me into taking over your company, while in all reality you were begging me, kissing my ass for my ability and innovation to continue NWF on a level that you couldn't even do it because you knew I was superior, something you even said yourself.

While you're still a disrespectful, angry little brat that is in denial; im sweeping the floor away with you in our retorts. I did the exact same thing to Tiger Jericho a few years ago and DOMINATED HIM in our matches. I respect Tiger however, and I don't respect you. I see you for the crock you really are, and I'm glad that I've educated you of it.

The moment you lose at OTL and stop wasting our time with your false promises and fake, irrelevant speeches the better this place- my kingdom will be.

I rule RSW, you never have and you never will, Your acts of treason will make you suffer the ultimate price and your ego will deflate and I feel terrible for the clinical depression you will go through, ask Shavrae how he copes with his.

In the end of the day nothing has changed, I'm remain unscaved regardless of what is said about me from you, shav or anyone else.




05-Jun-2014 02:51:00



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The fact you try to compare my life to yours is more of an insult then anything you've tried to throw at me. The way you lie and fabricate things is phenomenal, and truly a god given gift in its own right. Moving forward with your irrelevant points and opinions; I did not kiss any ass for anything I've achieved, which is something both you and Dedle try to state but is completely false. I am not Dead Devil05, I am not Tigereye6904. Ever since I walked into the doors of RSW I've earned everything I achieved, from signing up to Matthehitman's company and being relegated to not even being told the show times, to growing a set and leaving and jumping ship to Brodude's ECW where Jonathan Jeffery was finally born, to riding Charles' coattails in the golden age, to coming back trying to defeat Ravenie and Mudkip852, to fighting the threesome of WWA for my spot on the roster, to out-doing Dead Devil and Tigereye6904 it was all me who EARNED IT. I didn't get spoon-fed relevance by a stable named after a autistic, egotist. I was not handed someone to train me constantly in RFL or NRC and thrown council spots that I ****** away time and time again.


The fact that you're doing this whole act of being "holier than tho" is flat out disgusting, you cyber bullied a 14 year old boy, you spent real life money and destroyed real life things over Runescape Sports and you're known for being a whiny *****- the same whiny ***** that debuted 5 years ago. Then it comes to me playing you and throwing you away to rot, due to your biased , blantant stupidity.

I have always been better than you Shav, and I will always be better than you pizza boy.

I'm built to suceed, you are not: someone who admittedly accepts mediocrity

05-Jun-2014 03:18:23



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as a happy life style does not deserve to breathe my oxygen.

You're a disgrace.

Brama- I saved the best for last with you, I remember ever since I reemerged on the scene and outsmarted, played and defeated you for 6 years now, and I know for a fact you do not want to go back to those times, I am above your champions, I am above your authority and I am above your COMPANY. You do not push your weight to the Greatest of all time, the martyr of knowledge and logic. I have embarrassed you on numerous occassions, numerous times. I am still capable of it so watch where you step, because the ice your walking on is about to crack and your going to drown with your own damn stupidity.

05-Jun-2014 03:24:54

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