For the better part of two months now, I've watched you parade around this forum and RAW (because you.. failed to show up to Extreme Rules) claiming to be superior to nearly everyone that came before and after you. While you claim that you're an innovator - completely original - what Jon says has validity. You do indeed remind the WWE Universe of someone who acted in the same manner - as an Adolf, if you will.
Wow, funny. The man that could be credited for creating you - Spr. When it is stated that you couldn't have survived without riding the coattails of Spr, there's nothing you can deny. The LDF loyal carried and built this industry, shaping it, even now. The difference between you and Spr? He knew when enough was enough. He didn't ask for a big hurrah as he left. He didn't return to attempt to prove his prestige, his respect, or his power. Thus, Dedle, while near-exact, you're far more blind than the man who hosted an Alphabet Match... YOU, Dedle, are a plagiarism.
You speak of your power, you speak of your legion of people that supported you, and you speak of your ability to outperform.
Let's make something clear to you, Dedle. In the matter of near two months, you've managed to destroy just about every ounce of credibility you held. What's left, I bottle up and send packing, along with you, at Over the Limit.
Again, another point for Jon in the fact that it really is ironic, Dedle. The fact that you attempted to outcast me, attempted to distinguish me as a nothing - even attempting to tear my company apart from within, a few times.
AND... Now look. The writing is on the walls, my friend. You've got nothing left. Your last hurrah will send you out as the man that tried, and failed, to once again paint a picture of incapability using WWE and myself as the canvas.
Now, Dedle, we know you wouldn't want that, would you? To... Be shown up..?
Get ready, bud. It's about to happen.
05-Jun-2014 00:43:40