
Weekly Forumer Events - WFE

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My Wiz In Me
fmod Member

My Wiz In Me

Forum Moderator Posts: 23,832 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Team B is now Team Mates!

I'm going to be very busy in real life for the next week, so I've only planned one event for this weekend. Of course, we still have the penguin and Tears of Guthix events every week, and anyone is welcome to plan an event. If you're interested in organizing something, just post the details here and I'll add it to the schedule. :)

I hope everyone's enjoying the competition! Keep it up. ;)

08-Aug-2013 02:27:21



Posts: 1,372 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey Wiz, speaking of events *this goes for everyone* :)

Mod Sushi Pi mentioned that each week they will try to host an event aimed at helping newer/f2p players and welcome them into the community. I was thinking that we could host an event aimed at that as well.

Seeing that most of us here have done all of the f2p quests, I was thinking that we could each be in charge of a particular quest *mostly just the easy ones such as Sheap Shearer, etc* and host a time with a group of f2pers who need to get their quests knocked down.

Perhaps we could do one quest at a time that way each player can get through them all over the day or two. Someone or a group, more then welcome to lead each quest.

What do you all think?

08-Aug-2013 06:06:34

My Wiz In Me
fmod Member

My Wiz In Me

Forum Moderator Posts: 23,832 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I definitely like the idea, Klick. :) The only challenge with quest help events is that it can be hard to get the event details to new players, especially since many new players aren't aware of this section of the forums. Of course, we shouldn't let that stop us from planning some of these events, but it's something to consider. We just need to find a way to promote these events.

Just a few questions for everyone:

- Obviously, it would be good to be able to share the event information with new players in advance, but do you think it's necessary to do so?

- If we just planned an event and tried to get players walking by to join a group, would it be successful?

- If you think it's important to spread the word, how would we do so?

I know Jagex has organized successful quest help weekends before, so I know this is possible. Just a few points to consider before we organize something. Thanks, Klick! :)

08-Aug-2013 06:33:23



Posts: 1,372 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I was thinking the exact thing. Scheduling events for free worlds will always be difficult. I feel the same way even if it is highlighted in any community roundups, but again this shouldn't be too much of a drawback. This brings up the first note.

Scheduling in advance and giving time for players to get wind of the event will be very important. This also goes to show, that if we do have a good turnout in terms of helpers, simply having a crowd does draw attention :)

2nd note, I think this would be a something to work with as well. Alongside anyone who finds out about the event from the forum, simply giving a bit of time and letting players know around the world before the event would be great.

Lastly, Forums is always a start. The twitter community is an easy way to get the event out there, and some simple "hey this is what we are planning" around the f2p community would help.

As GREAT as it would be to see a large turnout, I feel even if one player arrives that it would be worth it. I think it was the same way with the new players event awhile ago. Not many showed up, but that should discourage us :) I can work!

08-Aug-2013 06:52:47 - Last edited on 08-Aug-2013 06:55:18 by Klickity

Jul Member 2011


Posts: 5,660 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Firstly: Your idea sounds great, Klicity, its always nice to help new people and since f2p seems bit left out from events i love the idea.

Secondly: I feel honoured my names suggestions for teams gets picked again ^_^

I hope everyone enjoys the competition :)
Cyprusgirl the Queen of Nubs

| Leader Of Wbs United | Deputy Owner - Kirstunael | #638 Cyprusgirl - 20/7/14 Completionist (T)

08-Aug-2013 09:46:07

May Member 2005


Posts: 12,307 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like the team names. I don't mind what Team A's name is, lol. I am fine with Weremole's suggestion if we want to go with that.

Regarding the quest help events. I think to get the event out there we can use Twitter. It also may be hard to do the quest along side the players if we have already done all the quests. But I do guess we could still help regardless if they need it.

Hope you all are doing well.

See you soon. :)

08-Aug-2013 11:23:08

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